Я пытаюсь передать URL-ссылку "ссылку" на переменную в мой скрипт загрузки. У меня много проблем с отладкой проблемы, и мне не повезло передать ее по почте для загрузки. php. Любая помощь или совет будет очень признателен. Первый бит кода - это мой индекс. php, который всегда должен содержать такой URL-параметр, как '? Link = 9288'.
пример https://exampledomain.com/videos/?link=9288
<!DOCTYPE html>
$_SESSION['varname'] = $_GET['link'];
<form action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Select image to upload:
<input type="file" name="fileToUpload" id="fileToUpload">
<input type="submit" value="Upload Image" name="submit">
$target_dir = "../../uploads/";
$target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["name"]);
$uploadOk = 1;
$imageFileType = strtolower(pathinfo($target_file,PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
// Check if image file is a actual image or fake image
if(isset($_POST["submit"])) {
$check = getimagesize($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["tmp_name"]);
if($check !== false) {
echo "File is a Video- " . $check["mime"] . ".";
$uploadOk = 1;
} else {
$uploadOk = 1;
// Check if file already exists
if (file_exists($target_file)) {
echo "Sorry, file already exists.";
$uploadOk = 0;
// Check file size
if ($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["size"] > 400000000000000000) {
echo "Sorry, your file is too large.";
$uploadOk = 0;
// Allow certain file formats
if($imageFileType != "webm" && $imageFileType != "mpg" && $imageFileType != "mpeg" && $imageFileType != "mp4" && $imageFileType != "m4p" && $imageFileType != "m4v" && $imageFileType != "avi" && $imageFileType != "wmv" && $imageFileType != "mov" ) {
echo "Sorry, only WEBM, MPG, MPEG, MP4, M4P, M4V, AVI, WMV, MOV files are allowed.";
$uploadOk = 0;
// Check if $uploadOk is set to 0 by an error
if ($uploadOk == 0) {
echo "Sorry, your file was not uploaded.";
// if everything is ok, try to upload file
} else {
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)) {
echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES["fileToUpload"]["name"]). " has been uploaded.";
} else {
echo "Sorry, there was an error uploading your file.";
$var_value = $_SESSION['varname'];
echo $var_value;