Я пытаюсь создать файл OR C на локальном диске в Пентахо, используя выходной каскад OR C. Ниже приведена ошибка, которую я получаю при выполнении преобразования
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - ORC output.0 - ERROR (version, build from 2018-11-14 10.30.55 by buildguy) : Unexpected error
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - ORC output.0 - ERROR (version, build from 2018-11-14 10.30.55 by buildguy) : java.lang.LinkageError: org/apache/hadoop/conf/Configuration
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - ORC output.0 - at org.apache.orc.OrcConf.lookupValue(OrcConf.java:217)
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - ORC output.0 - at org.apache.orc.OrcConf.getDouble(OrcConf.java:287)
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - ORC output.0 - at org.apache.orc.OrcConf.getDouble(OrcConf.java:295)
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - ORC output.0 - at org.apache.orc.impl.MemoryManagerImpl.<init>(MemoryManagerImpl.java:62)
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - ORC output.0 - at org.apache.orc.OrcFile.getStaticMemoryManager(OrcFile.java:983)
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - ORC output.0 - at org.apache.orc.OrcFile.access$100(OrcFile.java:48)
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - ORC output.0 - at org.apache.orc.OrcFile$WriterOptions.<init>(OrcFile.java:458)
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - ORC output.0 - at org.apache.orc.OrcFile.writerOptions(OrcFile.java:963)
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - ORC output.0 - at org.pentaho.hadoop.shim.common.format.orc.PentahoOrcRecordWriter.<init>(PentahoOrcRecordWriter.java:103)
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - ORC output.0 - at org.pentaho.hadoop.shim.common.format.orc.PentahoOrcOutputFormat.createRecordWriter(PentahoOrcOutputFormat.java:76)
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - ORC output.0 - at org.pentaho.big.data.kettle.plugins.formats.impl.orc.output.OrcOutput.init(OrcOutput.java:141)
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - ORC output.0 - at org.pentaho.big.data.kettle.plugins.formats.impl.orc.output.OrcOutput.processRow(OrcOutput.java:69)
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - ORC output.0 - at org.pentaho.di.trans.step.RunThread.run(RunThread.java:62)
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - ORC output.0 - at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - ORC output.0 - Finished processing (I=0, O=0, R=0, W=0, U=0, E=1)
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - CSV file input.0 - Finished processing (I=469, O=0, R=0, W=467, U=0, E=0)
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - otes - Transformation detected one or more steps with errors.
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - otes - Transformation is killing the other steps!
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - otes - ERROR (version, build from 2018-11-14 10.30.55 by buildguy) : Errors detected!
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - Spoon - The transformation has finished!!
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - otes - ERROR (version, build from 2018-11-14 10.30.55 by buildguy) : Errors detected!
2020/05/04 20:05:45 - otes - ERROR (version, build from 2018-11-14 10.30.55 by buildguy) : Errors detected!
Пожалуйста, помогите мне, так как я не могу сгенерировать файл OR C.