Более беспорядочное решение,
Я работал над этим все утро и только что добрался до своего решения (только чтобы увидеть, что опубликовано более элегантное решение. Но в любом случае я предлагаю это вам, чтобы поделиться своими мыслями как я пришел к решению.
TEAM <- c("A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B")
PLAYER <- c("Will","Will","Roy","Roy","Jaylon","Dean","Yosef","Devan","Quincy","Quincy","Luis","Xzavier","Seth","Layne","Layne","Antwan")
LP <- c(1,1,2,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,3,4,5,5,6)
POS <- c("3B","OF","1B","OF","SS","OF","C","OF","2B","OF","OF","C","3B","1B","OF","SS")
df <- data.frame(TEAM,PLAYER,LP,POS)
# Each team has 6 players and I want to find the groups of 5 that are possible.
posible_player_combinations <- combn(1:6, 5) %>% as_tibble()
team = "A"
make_2nd_column <- function(first_stage, mydata_byteam, pcomp){
mydf <- mydata_byteam %>% filter(LP == pcomp[2])
col2_filter <- tibble(
col1LP = rep(first_stage$LP, each = nrow(mydf)),
col1POS = rep(first_stage$POS, each = nrow(mydf)))
helper <- tibble(
col2LP = rep(mydf$LP, nrow(first_stage)),
col2POS = rep(mydf$POS, nrow(first_stage))
col2_filter <- cbind(col2_filter, helper)
second_stage <- col2_filter %>% filter(col1POS != col2POS)
make_3rd_column <- function(second_stage, mydata_byteam, pcomp){
mydf <- mydata_byteam %>% filter(LP == pcomp[3])
col3_filter <- tibble(
col1LP = rep(second_stage$col1LP, each = nrow(mydf)),
col1POS = rep(second_stage$col1POS, each = nrow(mydf)),
col2LP = rep(second_stage$col2LP, each = nrow(mydf)),
col2POS = rep(second_stage$col2POS, each = nrow(mydf)))
helper <- tibble(
col3LP = rep(mydf$LP, nrow(second_stage)),
col3POS = rep(mydf$POS, nrow(second_stage))
col3_filter <- cbind(col3_filter, helper)
third_stage <- col3_filter %>% filter(col1POS != col2POS,
col2POS != col3POS,
col3POS != col1POS)
make_4th_column <- function(third_stage, mydata_byteam, pcomp){
mydf <- mydata_byteam %>% filter(LP == pcomp[4])
col4_filter <- tibble(
col1LP = rep(third_stage$col1LP, each = nrow(mydf)),
col1POS = rep(third_stage$col1POS, each = nrow(mydf)),
col2LP = rep(third_stage$col2LP, each = nrow(mydf)),
col2POS = rep(third_stage$col2POS, each = nrow(mydf)),
col3LP = rep(third_stage$col3LP, each = nrow(mydf)),
col3POS = rep(third_stage$col3POS, each = nrow(mydf)))
helper <- tibble(
col4LP = rep(mydf$LP, nrow(third_stage)),
col4POS = rep(mydf$POS, nrow(third_stage))
col4_filter <- cbind(col4_filter, helper)
fourth_stage <- col4_filter %>% filter(col1POS != col2POS,
col1POS != col3POS,
col1POS != col4POS,
col2POS != col3POS,
col2POS != col4POS,
col3POS != col4POS)
make_5th_column <- function(fourth_stage, mydata_byteam, pcomp){
mydf <- mydata_byteam %>% filter(LP == pcomp[5])
col5_filter <- tibble(
col1LP = rep(fourth_stage$col1LP, each = nrow(mydf)),
col1POS = rep(fourth_stage$col1POS, each = nrow(mydf)),
col2LP = rep(fourth_stage$col2LP, each = nrow(mydf)),
col2POS = rep(fourth_stage$col2POS, each = nrow(mydf)),
col3LP = rep(fourth_stage$col3LP, each = nrow(mydf)),
col3POS = rep(fourth_stage$col3POS, each = nrow(mydf)),
col4LP = rep(fourth_stage$col4LP, each = nrow(mydf)),
col4POS = rep(fourth_stage$col4POS, each = nrow(mydf)))
helper <- tibble(
col5LP = rep(mydf$LP, nrow(fourth_stage)),
col5POS = rep(mydf$POS, nrow(fourth_stage))
col5_filter <- cbind(col5_filter, helper)
final_stage_prefilter <- col5_filter %>% filter(
col1POS != col2POS,
col1POS != col3POS,
col1POS != col4POS,
col1POS != col5POS,
col2POS != col3POS,
col2POS != col4POS,
col2POS != col5POS,
col3POS != col4POS,
col3POS != col5POS,
col4POS != col5POS)
make_final <- function(final_stage_prefilter){
final_stage_prefilter %>% mutate(
Player1 = paste(col1LP, str_remove_all(col1POS, "-.*")),
Player2 = paste(col2LP, str_remove_all(col2POS, "-.*")),
Player3 = paste(col3LP, str_remove_all(col3POS, "-.*")),
Player4 = paste(col4LP, str_remove_all(col4POS, "-.*")),
Player5 = paste(col5LP, str_remove_all(col5POS, "-.*"))
) %>% select(
) %>% distinct()
make_teams <- function(posible_player_combinations, mydata, k){
pcomp <- posible_player_combinations[k] %>% as_vector() %>% unname()
mydata_byteam <- mydata %>% filter(LP %in% pcomp)
first_stage <- mydata_byteam %>% filter(LP == pcomp[1])
second_stage <- make_2nd_column(first_stage, mydata_byteam, pcomp)
third_stage <- make_3rd_column(second_stage, mydata_byteam, pcomp)
fourth_stage <- make_4th_column(third_stage, mydata_byteam, pcomp)
final_stage_prefilter <- make_5th_column(fourth_stage, mydata_byteam, pcomp)
final_stage <- make_final(final_stage_prefilter)
make_all_combinations <- function(df, team, posible_player_combinations) {
mydata <- df %>% filter(TEAM == team) %>% select(LP, POS)
of_p <- mydata %>% filter(POS == "OF") %>% select(LP) %>% as_vector()
# I want to treat 3 possible "OF"s as separate positions
# so that that a later restirction on POS can occur.
# Later I will need to filter out non-unique results
# by separating the strings with "-" and dropping the letter.
of_df <- bind_rows(lapply(
function(x, k){
of_df <- tibble(
LP = rep(of_p[k], 3),
POS = c("OF-a", "OF-b", "OF-c")
x = of_p
mydata <- rbind(mydata %>% filter(POS != "OF"), of_df)
all_combinations <- bind_rows(lapply(
X = seq_along(posible_player_combinations),
FUN = make_teams,
posible_player_combinations = posible_player_combinations,
mydata = mydata
mydata_a <- make_all_combinations(df, "A", posible_player_combinations)
mydata_b <- make_all_combinations(df, "B", posible_player_combinations)
# > tail(mydata_a)
# Player1 Player2 Player3 Player4 Player5
# 13 1 3B 2 OF 4 OF 5 C 6 OF
# 14 1 OF 2 1B 4 OF 5 C 6 OF
# 15 1 3B 3 SS 4 OF 5 C 6 OF
# 16 1 OF 3 SS 4 OF 5 C 6 OF
# 17 2 1B 3 SS 4 OF 5 C 6 OF
# 18 2 OF 3 SS 4 OF 5 C 6 OF
# > tail(mydata_b)
# Player1 Player2 Player3 Player4 Player5
# 15 1 2B 3 C 4 3B 5 1B 6 SS
# 16 1 2B 3 C 4 3B 5 OF 6 SS
# 17 1 OF 3 C 4 3B 5 1B 6 SS
# 18 1 OF 3 C 4 3B 5 OF 6 SS
# 19 2 OF 3 C 4 3B 5 1B 6 SS
# 20 2 OF 3 C 4 3B 5 OF 6 SS