У меня есть следующее, что возвращается из python запросов:
<p>To protect your privacy, this form will not display details such as a clinical or assisted collection. If you believe that the information detailed above is incomplete or incorrect, please tell us here
<a href=\\"http:\\/\\/www.southhams.gov.uk\\/wastequestion\\">www.southhams.gov.uk\\/wastequestion<\\/a><\\/p><\\/div>","CodeName":"Success","ErrorStatus":0},"calendar":{"calendar":"
<div class=\\"wsResponse\\">To protect your privacy, this form will not display details such as a clinical or assisted collection. If you believe that the information detailed above is incomplete or incorrect, please tell us here
<a href=\\"http:\\/\\/www.southhams.gov.uk\\/wastequestion\\">www.southhams.gov.uk\\/wastequestion<\\/a><\\/div>"},"binCollections":{"tile":[["
<div class=\'collectionDiv\'>
<div class=\'fullwidth\'>
<h3>Organic Collection Service (Brown Organic Bin)<\\/h3><\\/div>
<div class=\\"collectionImg\\">
<img src=\\"https:\\/\\/southhams.fccenvironment.co.uk\\/library\\/images\\/brown bin.png\\" \\/><\\/div>\\n
<div class=\'wdshDetWrap\'>Your brown organic bin collection is
<b>Fortnightly<\\/b> on a
<br\\/> \\n Your next scheduled collection is
<b>Friday, 29 May 2020<\\/b>.
<a href=\\"https:\\/\\/www.southhams.gov.uk\\/article\\/3427\\">Read more about the Organic Collection Service ><\\/a><\\/div><\\/div>"],["
<div class=\'collectionDiv\'>
<div class=\'fullwidth\'>
<h3>Recycling Collection Service (Recycling Sacks)<\\/h3><\\/div>
<div class=\\"collectionImg\\">
<img src=\\"https:\\/\\/southhams.fccenvironment.co.uk\\/library\\/images\\/SH_two_rec_sacks.png\\" \\/><\\/div>\\n
<div class=\'wdshDetWrap\'>Your recycling sacks collection is
<b>Fortnightly<\\/b> on a
<br\\/> \\n Your next scheduled collection is
<b>Friday, 29 May 2020<\\/b>.
<a href=\\"https:\\/\\/www.southhams.gov.uk\\/article\\/3383\\">Read more about the Recycling Collection Service ><\\/a><\\/div><\\/div>"],["
<div class=\'collectionDiv\'>
<div class=\'fullwidth\'>
<h3>Refuse Collection Service (Grey Refuse Bin)<\\/h3><\\/div>
<div class=\\"collectionImg\\">
<img src=\\"https:\\/\\/southhams.fccenvironment.co.uk\\/library\\/images\\/grey bin.png\\" \\/><\\/div>\\n
<div class=\'wdshDetWrap\'>Your grey refuse bin collection is
<b>Fortnightly<\\/b> on a
<br\\/> \\n Your next scheduled collection is
<b>Thursday, 04 June 2020<\\/b>.
<a href=\\"https:\\/\\/www.southhams.gov.uk\\/article\\/3384\\">Read more about the Refuse Collection Service ><\\/a><\\/div><\\/div>"]]}}
Я хотел бы извлечь следующее для каждого collectiondiv (3)
Organi c Collection Service (Brown Organi c Bin) Пятница, 29 мая 2020 г.
Служба сбора вторичного сырья (мешки для вторичной переработки) Пятница, 29 мая 2020 г.
в настоящее время я пытался загрузить response.content в обработчик python json, но все еще застрял при извлечении данных, поэтому я попробовал BeautifulSoup с soup.find_all ("div", class _ = "wdshDetWrap "), но все еще не могу получить точные данные, может ли l xml или что-то подобное быть более простым способом?"
Спасибо за внимание
код запроса:
url = "https://southhams.fccenvironment.co.uk/mycollections"
response = requests.request("GET", url)
cookiejar = response.cookies
for cookie in cookiejar:
url = "https://southhams.fccenvironment.co.uk/ajaxprocessor/getcollectiondetails"
payload = 'fcc_session_token={}&uprn=100040282539'.format(cookie.value)
headers = {
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Cookie': 'fcc_session_cookie={}'.format(cookie.value)
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data = payload)