Я реализую настраиваемый слайдер, где я завершил определение жестов на слайдере, теперь я хочу добавить значок SVG на ручку для перетаскивания, не могу найти никаких ресурсов. Я просто хочу добавить SVG к любой идее того, как его реализовать. Я поместил свой код и дайте мне знать любое предложение, если у вас есть люди.
Основной файл пользовательского интерфейса
import 'package:animations_sample/custom_slider.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() => runApp(MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
MyApp({Key key}) : super(key: key);
_MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: Container(
width: 200,
height: 200,
child: LeftSlider(),
Файл пользовательского слайдера
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:animations_sample/base_painter.dart';
import 'package:animations_sample/customleftPainter.dart';
import 'package:animations_sample/utils.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_svg/flutter_svg.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:ui' as UI;
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show rootBundle;
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
class LeftSlider extends StatefulWidget {
LeftSlider({Key key}) : super(key: key);
_LeftSliderState createState() => _LeftSliderState();
class _LeftSliderState extends State<LeftSlider> {
//intial Values coming
int leftEnd = 12;
String rawLeftSvg =
'''<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="512px" viewBox="0 0 32 32" width="512px"><g><path d="m8 0c-4.41113 0-8 3.58887-8 8s3.58887 8 8 8 8-3.58887 8-8-3.58887-8-8-8zm0 15c-3.85986 0-7-3.14014-7-7s3.14014-7 7-7 7 3.14014 7 7-3.14014 7-7 7z" data-original="#000000" class="active-path" data-old_color="#000000" fill="#2184C4"/><path d="m9 3c-1.04364 0-1.9624.536926-2.5 1.34772v-3.84772c0-.276367-.223633-.5-.5-.5-1.6543 0-3 1.3457-3 3 0 1.04364.536926 1.9624 1.34772 2.5h-3.84772c-.276367 0-.5.223633-.5.5 0 1.6543 1.3457 3 3 3 1.04364 0 1.9624-.536926 2.5-1.34772v3.84772c0 .276367.223633.5.5.5 1.6543 0 3-1.3457 3-3 0-1.04364-.536926-1.9624-1.34772-2.5h3.84772c.276367 0 .5-.223633.5-.5 0-1.6543-1.3457-3-3-3zm-6 5c-.930176 0-1.71436-.638184-1.93652-1.5h3.87305c-.222168.861816-1.00635 1.5-1.93652 1.5zm1-5c0-.930176.638184-1.71436 1.5-1.93652v3.87305c-.861816-.222168-1.5-1.00635-1.5-1.93652zm2 3.5c-.276123 0-.5-.223877-.5-.5 0-.276184.223877-.5.5-.5s.5.223816.5.5c0 .276123-.223877.5-.5.5zm2 2.5c0 .930176-.638184 1.71436-1.5 1.93652v-3.87305c.861816.222168 1.5 1.00635 1.5 1.93652zm-.936523-3.5c.222168-.861816 1.00635-1.5 1.93652-1.5.930176 0 1.71436.638184 1.93652 1.5h-3.87305z" transform="translate(2 2)" data-original="#000000" class="active-path" data-old_color="#000000" fill="#2184C4"/></g> </svg>''';
DrawableRoot svgRoot;
UI.Image image;
void initState() {
// this is for the Ui.Image
Future<UI.Image> loadUiImage(String imageAssetPath) async {
final ByteData data = await rootBundle.load(imageAssetPath);
final Completer<UI.Image> completer = Completer();
UI.decodeImageFromList(Uint8List.view(data.buffer), (UI.Image img) {
return completer.complete(img);
return completer.future;
//Please Ignore
/* Future<File> getImageFileFromAssets(String path) async {
final byteData = await rootBundle.load('assets/$path');
final file = File('${(await getTemporaryDirectory()).path}/$path');
await file.writeAsBytes(byteData.buffer
.asUint8List(byteData.offsetInBytes, byteData.lengthInBytes));
return file;
} */
getLeftIcon() async {
/* svgRoot= await svg.fromSvgString(rawLeftSvg, rawLeftSvg); */
//File file = await getImageFileFromAssets('icon.png');
image = await loadUiImage('assets/snowflake.png');
svgRoot = await svg.fromSvgString(rawLeftSvg, rawLeftSvg);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
body: SliderLeftPaint(
leftsvgIcon: svgRoot,
leftIcon: image,
leftInitial: 0,
leftEnd: leftEnd,
onSelectionChange: (int left) {
setState(() {
leftEnd = left;
child: Center(
child: Row(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 10),
child: Text(
class SliderLeftPaint extends StatefulWidget {
final DrawableRoot leftsvgIcon;
final UI.Image leftIcon;
final int leftInitial;
final int leftEnd;
final Function onSelectionChange;
final Widget child;
const SliderLeftPaint(
{Key key,
@required this.leftIcon,
@required this.leftInitial,
@required this.leftEnd,
@required this.onSelectionChange,
: super(key: key);
_SliderLeftPaintState createState() => _SliderLeftPaintState();
class _SliderLeftPaintState extends State<SliderLeftPaint> {
bool _isInitLeftHandlerSelected = false;
CustomLeftPainter customLeftPainter;
/// start angle in radians where we need to locate the initial left handler
double _leftStartAngle;
/// end angle in radians where we need to locate the end left handler
double _leftEndAngle;
/// the absolute angle in radians representing the selection
double _leftSweepAngle;
// we need to update this widget both with gesture detector but
// also when the parent widget rebuilds itself
void didUpdateWidget(SliderLeftPaint oldWidget) {
if (oldWidget.leftInitial != widget.leftInitial ||
oldWidget.leftEnd != widget.leftEnd) {
void _calculatePercentage() {
if (_isInitLeftHandlerSelected) {
// This is for left inti and end percentage and the sweep Angle
// TODO That it should be in a limit of half circle
double initLeftPercentage = valueToPercentage(widget.leftInitial, 100);
print('This is initial Left Percentge $initLeftPercentage');
double endLeftPercentage = valueToPercentage(widget.leftEnd, 100);
print('This is End Left Percentage $endLeftPercentage');
double sweepLeftAngle =
getSweepAngle(initLeftPercentage, endLeftPercentage);
print('This is the sweep angle for the left hand side $sweepLeftAngle');
_leftStartAngle = percentageToRadians(initLeftPercentage);
print('This is the Left Start Angle $_leftStartAngle');
_leftEndAngle = percentageToRadians(endLeftPercentage);
print('This is the Left End Angle $_leftEndAngle');
_leftSweepAngle = percentageToRadians(sweepLeftAngle.abs());
print('This is the Left Sweep Angle $_leftSweepAngle');
customLeftPainter = CustomLeftPainter(
leftdrawablesvgIcon: widget.leftsvgIcon,
leftSvgIcon: widget.leftIcon,
startLeftAngle: _leftStartAngle,
endLeftAngle: _leftEndAngle,
leftSweepAngle: _leftSweepAngle,
selectionLeftColor: Colors.blueAccent,
void initState() {
// TODO: implement initState
void _calculatePaintData() {
// This is for the right init and end percentage and the sweepangle
// This is for left inti and end percentage and the sweep Angle
double initLeftPercentage = valueToPercentage(widget.leftInitial, 100);
print('This is initial Left Percentge $initLeftPercentage');
double endLeftPercentage = valueToPercentage(widget.leftEnd, 100);
print('This is End Left Percentage $endLeftPercentage');
double sweepLeftAngle =
getSweepAngle(initLeftPercentage, endLeftPercentage);
print('This is the sweep angle for the left hand side $sweepLeftAngle');
_leftStartAngle = percentageToRadians(initLeftPercentage);
print('This is the Left Start Angle $_leftStartAngle');
_leftEndAngle = percentageToRadians(endLeftPercentage);
print('This is the Left End Angle $_leftEndAngle');
_leftSweepAngle = percentageToRadians(sweepLeftAngle.abs());
print('This is the Left Sweep Angle $_leftSweepAngle');
customLeftPainter = CustomLeftPainter(
leftdrawablesvgIcon: widget.leftsvgIcon,
leftSvgIcon: widget.leftIcon,
startLeftAngle: _leftStartAngle,
endLeftAngle: _leftEndAngle,
leftSweepAngle: _leftSweepAngle,
selectionLeftColor: Colors.blue,
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return GestureDetector(
onPanUpdate: _onPanUpdate,
onPanEnd: _onPanEnd,
onPanDown: _onPanDown,
child: CustomPaint(
painter: BasePainter(
baseColor: Color(0XFF5E5C5D),
foregroundPainter: customLeftPainter,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12.0),
child: widget.child,
_onPanUpdate(DragUpdateDetails details) {
if (!_isInitLeftHandlerSelected) {
if (customLeftPainter.leftcenter == null) {
RenderBox renderBox = context.findRenderObject();
var position = renderBox.globalToLocal(details.globalPosition);
var leftAngle;
var leftPercent;
var newLeftValue;
if (_leftSweepAngle >= 0) {
leftAngle = coordinatesToRadians(customLeftPainter.leftcenter, position);
leftPercent = radianstoPercentageLeft(leftAngle);
newLeftValue = percentageToValue(leftPercent, 100);
if (_isInitLeftHandlerSelected) {
_onPanDown(DragDownDetails details) {
if (customLeftPainter == null) {
RenderBox renderBox = context.findRenderObject();
var position = renderBox.globalToLocal(details.globalPosition);
if (position != null) {
_isInitLeftHandlerSelected = isPointInsideCircle(
position, customLeftPainter.leftInitHandler, 12.0);
_onPanEnd(_) {
_isInitLeftHandlerSelected = false;
Левый художник
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:ui' as UI;
import 'package:animations_sample/utils.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_svg/flutter_svg.dart';
class CustomLeftPainter extends CustomPainter {
DrawableRoot leftdrawablesvgIcon;
UI.Image leftSvgIcon;
double startLeftAngle;
double endLeftAngle;
double leftSweepAngle;
Color selectionLeftColor;
Size actuallsize = Size(30, 30);
Offset leftcenter;
double leftradius;
Offset leftInitHandler;
@required this.leftdrawablesvgIcon,
@required this.leftSvgIcon,
@required this.startLeftAngle,
@required this.endLeftAngle,
@required this.leftSweepAngle,
@required this.selectionLeftColor,
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
//This was the problem when all the both left and right angles are 0 then it will return with no points
/* if (startLeftAngle == 0.0 &&
endLeftAngle == 0.0 &&
startRightAngle == 0.0 &&
endRightAngle == 0.0) return;
Paint leftprogress = _getPaint(color: selectionLeftColor, width: 20);
leftcenter = Offset(size.width / 2, size.height / 2);
leftradius = min(size.width / 2, size.height / 2);
canvas.drawArc(Rect.fromCircle(center: leftcenter, radius: leftradius),
pi / 2 + startLeftAngle, leftSweepAngle, false, leftprogress);
Paint lefthandler =
_getPaint(color: Colors.white, style: PaintingStyle.fill);
Paint lefthandlerOutter = _getPaint(color: selectionLeftColor);
leftInitHandler =
radiansToCoordinates(leftcenter, pi / 2 + endLeftAngle, leftradius);
canvas.drawCircle(leftInitHandler, 8.0, lefthandler);
canvas.drawCircle(leftInitHandler, 12.0, lefthandlerOutter);
// To draw image but problem is it has scalling problem
/* canvas.drawImage(
Offset(leftInitHandler.dx - 12, leftInitHandler.dy - 12),
lefthandlerOutter); */
leftdrawablesvgIcon.scaleCanvasToViewBox(canvas, size);
//This is the add part for the edit
Rect myRect = Offset(leftInitHandler.dx,leftInitHandler.dy) & const Size(50.0, 50.0);
Paint _getPaint({@required Color color, double width, PaintingStyle style}) =>
..color = color
..strokeCap = StrokeCap.square
..style = style ?? PaintingStyle.stroke
..strokeWidth = width ?? 8.0;
bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate) {
return true;
файл utils для преобразований.
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:ui';
double percentageToRadians(double percentage) => ((pi * percentage) / 100);
double radiansToPercentage(double radians) {
var normalized = radians < 0 ? -radians : pi - radians;
var percentage = ((100 * normalized) / (pi));
// TODO we have an inconsistency of pi/2 in terms of percentage and radians
return (percentage + 50) % 100;
double radianstoPercentageLeft(double radians) {
var normalized = radians < 0 ? -radians : pi - radians;
print('************This is left normalized $normalized');
var percentage = ((100 * normalized) / (pi));
return (percentage - 50) % 100;
double coordinatesToRadians(Offset center, Offset coords) {
var a = coords.dx - center.dx;
var b = center.dy - coords.dy;
return atan2(b, a);
Offset radiansToCoordinates(Offset center, double radians, double radius) {
var dx = center.dx + radius * cos(radians);
var dy = center.dy + radius * sin(radians);
return Offset(dx, dy);
double valueToPercentage(int time, int intervals) => (time / intervals) * 100;
int percentageToValue(double percentage, int intervals) =>
((percentage * intervals) / 100).round();
bool isPointInsideCircle(Offset point, Offset center, double rradius) {
if(center ==Offset(0,0))
return false;
var radius = rradius * 1.2;
return point.dx < (center.dx + radius) &&
point.dx > (center.dx - radius) &&
point.dy < (center.dy + radius) &&
point.dy > (center.dy - radius);
bool isPointAlongCircle(Offset point, Offset center, double radius) {
// distance is root(sqr(x2 - x1) + sqr(y2 - y1))
// i.e., (7,8) and (3,2) -> 7.21
var d1 = pow(point.dx - center.dx, 2);
var d2 = pow(point.dy - center.dy, 2);
var distance = sqrt(d1 + d2);
return (distance - radius).abs() < 10;
double getSweepAngle(double init, double end) {
if (end > init) {
return end - init;
if(end == init)
return 0;
return (100 - init + end).abs();
List<Offset> getSectionsCoordinatesInCircle(
Offset center, double radius, int sections) {
var intervalAngle = (pi * 2) / sections;
return List<int>.generate(sections, (int index) => index).map((i) {
var radians = (pi / 2) + (intervalAngle * i);
return radiansToCoordinates(center, radians, radius);
bool isAngleInsideRadiansSelection(double angle, double start, double sweep) {
var normalized = angle > pi / 2 ? 5 * pi / 2 - angle : pi / 2 - angle;
var end = (start + sweep) % (2 * pi);
return end > start
? normalized > start && normalized < end
: normalized > start || normalized < end;
// this is not 100% accurate but it works
// we just want to see if a value changed drastically its value
bool radiansWasModuloed(double current, double previous) {
return (previous - current).abs() > (3 * pi / 2);
![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/O1SyA.jpg)
Хотел бы добавить этот маленький значок svg на ручку
List<String> rightPath = <String>[
"m256 512c-30.879 0-56-25.122-56-56v-16.298c-11.863-3.606-23.331-8.359-34.292-14.212l-11.534 11.534c-10.574 10.573-24.635 16.396-39.594 16.396-14.966 0-29.031-5.823-39.604-16.396-21.829-21.843-21.827-57.37.001-79.197l11.534-11.534c-5.853-10.961-10.605-22.43-14.212-34.292h-16.299c-14.953 0-29.014-5.827-39.594-16.407s-16.406-24.642-16.406-39.594c0-30.878 25.121-56 56-56h16.299c3.606-11.863 8.359-23.331 14.212-34.292l-11.534-11.534c-10.574-10.574-16.397-24.635-16.397-39.594 0-14.965 5.823-29.03 16.396-39.604 21.844-21.831 57.37-21.828 79.198 0l11.534 11.534c10.961-5.853 22.429-10.605 34.292-14.212v-16.298c0-14.952 5.826-29.013 16.405-39.593 10.581-10.58 24.642-16.407 39.595-16.407 3.721 0 7.472.375 11.149 1.113 26.004 5.283 44.851 28.364 44.851 54.887v16.298c11.863 3.606 23.331 8.359 34.292 14.212l11.534-11.534c10.574-10.573 24.635-16.396 39.594-16.396 14.966 0 29.031 5.823 39.604 16.396 21.829 21.843 21.827 57.37-.001 79.197l-11.534 11.534c5.853 10.961 10.605 22.43 14.212 34.292h16.299c14.953 0 29.014 5.827 39.594 16.407s16.406 24.642 16.406 39.594c0 30.878-25.121 56-56 56h-16.299c-3.606 11.863-8.359 23.331-14.212 34.292l11.534 11.534c10.573 10.574 16.396 24.635 16.396 39.594 0 14.965-5.823 29.03-16.396 39.604-10.921 10.914-25.266 16.371-39.604 16.372-14.343.001-28.679-5.456-39.594-16.371l-11.534-11.534c-10.961 5.853-22.429 10.605-34.292 14.212v16.297c0 14.952-5.826 29.013-16.405 39.593-7.813 7.813-17.637 13.099-28.41 15.287-.012.002-.023.005-.035.007-3.677.738-7.428 1.113-11.149 1.113zm8-16.8h.01zm-100.925-105.7c2.913 0 5.843.793 8.453 2.419 14.892 9.274 31.071 15.978 48.088 19.926 7.251 1.682 12.384 8.143 12.384 15.586v28.569c0 13.233 10.767 24 24 24 1.601 0 3.222-.162 4.821-.481 4.592-.934 8.792-3.2 12.146-6.553 4.535-4.536 7.033-10.561 7.033-16.966v-28.57c0-7.443 5.133-13.904 12.384-15.586 17.017-3.948 33.196-10.652 48.088-19.926 6.314-3.933 14.511-2.994 19.771 2.268l20.21 20.21c9.355 9.354 24.583 9.354 33.946-.004 4.526-4.526 7.021-10.555 7.021-16.973 0-6.411-2.494-12.437-7.024-16.966l-20.209-20.209c-5.262-5.262-6.201-13.456-2.269-19.771 9.274-14.893 15.979-31.072 19.926-48.088 1.682-7.251 8.143-12.384 15.586-12.384h28.57c13.233 0 24-10.767 24-24 0-6.405-2.498-12.43-7.034-16.966-4.535-4.537-10.561-7.035-16.966-7.035h-28.57c-7.443 0-13.904-5.133-15.586-12.384-3.947-17.016-10.651-33.195-19.926-48.088-3.933-6.316-2.993-14.51 2.269-19.771l20.21-20.209c9.355-9.355 9.354-24.583-.004-33.946-4.525-4.526-10.555-7.02-16.973-7.02-6.411 0-12.438 2.495-16.967 7.024l-20.21 20.209c-5.262 5.263-13.456 6.201-19.771 2.268-14.892-9.274-31.071-15.978-48.088-19.926-7.251-1.683-12.384-8.144-12.384-15.587v-28.57c0-11.37-8.068-21.262-19.186-23.521-1.572-.315-3.204-.479-4.814-.479-6.405 0-12.431 2.498-16.967 7.034-4.535 4.536-7.033 10.561-7.033 16.966v28.57c0 7.443-5.133 13.904-12.384 15.586-17.017 3.948-33.196 10.652-48.088 19.926-6.313 3.934-14.51 2.994-19.771-2.268l-20.21-20.21c-9.355-9.355-24.583-9.353-33.946.004-4.526 4.526-7.021 10.555-7.021 16.973 0 6.411 2.494 12.437 7.024 16.966l20.209 20.209c5.262 5.262 6.201 13.456 2.269 19.771-9.274 14.893-15.979 31.072-19.926 48.088-1.681 7.252-8.142 12.385-15.586 12.385h-28.57c-13.233 0-24 10.767-24 24 0 6.405 2.498 12.43 7.034 16.966 4.535 4.536 10.561 7.034 16.966 7.034h28.57c7.443 0 13.904 5.133 15.586 12.384 3.947 17.016 10.651 33.195 19.926 48.088 3.933 6.316 2.993 14.51-2.269 19.771l-20.21 20.209c-9.355 9.355-9.354 24.583.004 33.946 4.525 4.526 10.555 7.02 16.973 7.02 6.411 0 12.438-2.495 16.967-7.024l20.21-20.209c3.087-3.086 7.184-4.685 11.318-4.685z"
trying too add the above list<String> but it is not scaling
This the svg :
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