Итак, я придумал хакерский подход, но он работает.
Во время setup()
моего WriteFn я получаю количество кластеров .serve_nodes (это, очевидно, изменится после того, как первый рабочий вызовет setup()
) и масштабируйте кластер, если это не желаемое количество. И в функции process()
я получаю это количество. Затем я делаю beam.CombineGlobally
и нахожу Smallest(1)
этих подсчетов. Затем я передаю это другому DoFn
, который масштабирует кластер до этого минимального количества.
Вот несколько фрагментов кода того, что я делаю.
class _BigTableWriteFn(beam.DoFn):
""" Creates the connector can call and add_row to the batcher using each
row in beam pipe line
def __init__(self, project_id, instance_id, table_id, cluster_id, node_count):
""" Constructor of the Write connector of Bigtable
project_id(str): GCP Project of to write the Rows
instance_id(str): GCP Instance to write the Rows
table_id(str): GCP Table to write the `DirectRows`
cluster_id(str): GCP Cluster to write the scale
node_count(int): Number of nodes to scale to before writing
self.beam_options = {
'project_id': project_id,
'instance_id': instance_id,
'table_id': table_id,
'cluster_id': cluster_id,
'node_count': node_count
self.table = None
self.current_node_count = None
self.batcher = None
self.written = Metrics.counter(self.__class__, 'Written Row')
def __getstate__(self):
return self.beam_options
def __setstate__(self, options):
self.beam_options = options
self.table = None
self.current_node_count = None
self.batcher = None
self.written = Metrics.counter(self.__class__, 'Written Row')
def setup(self):
client = Client(project=self.beam_options['project_id'].get(), admin=True)
instance = client.instance(self.beam_options['instance_id'].get())
cluster = instance.cluster(self.beam_options['cluster_id'].get())
desired_node_count = self.beam_options['node_count'].get()
self.current_node_count = cluster.serve_nodes
if desired_node_count != self.current_node_count:
cluster.serve_nodes = desired_node_count
def start_bundle(self):
if self.table is None:
client = Client(project=self.beam_options['project_id'].get())
instance = client.instance(self.beam_options['instance_id'].get())
self.table = instance.table(self.beam_options['table_id'].get())
self.batcher = self.table.mutations_batcher()
def process(self, row):
# You need to set the timestamp in the cells in this row object,
# when we do a retry we will mutating the same object, but, with this
# we are going to set our cell with new values.
# Example:
# direct_row.set_cell('cf1',
# 'field1',
# 'value1',
# timestamp=datetime.datetime.now())
# return the initial node count so we can find the minimum value and scale down BigTable latter
if self.current_node_count:
yield self.current_node_count
def finish_bundle(self):
self.batcher = None
class _BigTableScaleNodes(beam.DoFn):
def __init__(self, project_id, instance_id, cluster_id):
""" Constructor of the Scale connector of Bigtable
project_id(str): GCP Project of to write the Rows
instance_id(str): GCP Instance to write the Rows
cluster_id(str): GCP Cluster to write the scale
self.beam_options = {
'project_id': project_id,
'instance_id': instance_id,
'cluster_id': cluster_id,
self.cluster = None
def setup(self):
if self.cluster is None:
client = Client(project=self.beam_options['project_id'].get(), admin=True)
instance = client.instance(self.beam_options['instance_id'].get())
self.cluster = instance.cluster(self.beam_options['cluster_id'].get())
def process(self, min_node_counts):
if len(min_node_counts) > 0 and self.cluster.serve_nodes != min_node_counts[0]:
self.cluster.serve_nodes = min_node_counts[0]
def run():
custom_options = PipelineOptions().view_as(CustomOptions)
pipeline_options = PipelineOptions()
p = beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options)
| 'Query BigQuery' >> beam.io.Read(beam.io.BigQuerySource(query=QUERY, use_standard_sql=True))
| 'Map Query Results to BigTable Rows' >> beam.Map(to_direct_rows)
| 'Write BigTable Rows' >> beam.ParDo(_BigTableWriteFn(
| 'Find Global Min Node Count' >> beam.CombineGlobally(beam.combiners.Smallest(1))
| 'Scale Down BigTable' >> beam.ParDo(_BigTableScaleNodes(
result = p.run()