Я пытаюсь настроить автоматические iOS сборки с помощью Jenking / fastlane. Кодовое обозначение было настроено с использованием fastlane match
. Однако, когда Дженкинс запускает задание и вызывает xcodebuild
, я получаю:
[16:06:09]: [36m$ set -o pipefail && xcodebuild -workspace ./Runner.xcworkspace -scheme dev -configuration Release-dev -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' -archivePath /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2020-04-14/Runner\ 2020-04-14\ 16.06.09.xcarchive archive | tee /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Library/Logs/gym/Runner-dev.log | xcpretty[0m
[16:06:23]: ▸ [35m[31m❌ error: "Runner" requires a provisioning profile with the Push Notifications feature. Select a provisioning profile in the Signing & Capabilities editor. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')[0m
[16:06:23]: ▸ [35m** ARCHIVE FAILED **[0m
Само собой разумеется, что используемые профили содержат указанную функцию (я проверял на портале разработчиков).
My Fastfile (соответствующий раздел):
private_lane :build_qa do
UI.message("Building qa build...")
sync_code_signing(type: "adhoc", readonly: true)
use_automatic_signing: false,
path: "Runner.xcodeproj"
sh("cd ../..;
flutter build ios --release --flavor dev --no-codesign"
scheme: "dev",
configuration: "Release-dev",
output_name: "Runner.ipa"
use_automatic_signing: true,
path: "Runner.xcodeproj"
Сводка match
| [32mSummary for gym 2.145.0[0m |
| scheme | dev |
| configuration | Release-dev |
| output_name | Runner |
| catalyst_platform | ios |
| export_method | ad-hoc |
| export_options.provisioningProfiles.com.flutter.example.track.dev | match AdHoc com.flutter.example.track.dev |
| export_options.provisioningProfiles.com.flutter.example.track.prod | match AdHoc com.flutter.example.track.prod |
| workspace | ./Runner.xcworkspace |
| destination | generic/platform=iOS |
| build_path | /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2020-05-05 |
| clean | false |
| output_directory | . |
| silent | false |
| skip_package_ipa | false |
| result_bundle | false |
| buildlog_path | ~/Library/Logs/gym |
| skip_profile_detection | false |
| skip_package_pkg | false |
| xcode_path | /Applications/Xcode.app |