Может быть это полезно (Написано на scala)
val df = Seq(
("state1", 1), ("state1", 2), ("state1", 3), ("state1", 4), ("state1", 5),
("state2", 1), ("state2", 2), ("state2", 3), ("state2", 4), ("state2", 5),
("state3", 1), ("state3", 2), ("state3", 3), ("state3", 4), ("state3", 5),
("state4", 1), ("state4", 2), ("state4", 3), ("state4", 4), ("state4", 5),
("state5", 1), ("state5", 2), ("state5", 3), ("state5", 4), ("state5", 5)
).toDF("state", "voter_id")
// sample 3 voters for each state
val voterIdsToSample: Double = 3 // put the records to sample for each stat
// find distinct state
val stateMap = df.groupBy("state").count().collect()
.map(r => (r.getAs[String]("state"), r.getAs[Long]("count"))).toMap
val fractions = collection.mutable.Map(stateMap.mapValues(voterIdsToSample/_).toSeq: _*)
val sampleDF = df.rdd.map(r => (r.getAs[String]("state"), r.getAs[Int]("voter_id")))
.sampleByKeyExact(withReplacement = false, fractions = fractions)
.toDF("state", "voter_id")
sampleDF.show(100, false)
* +------+--------+
* |state |voter_id|
* +------+--------+
* |state1|3 |
* |state1|4 |
* |state1|5 |
* |state2|1 |
* |state2|2 |
* |state2|4 |
* |state3|1 |
* |state3|3 |
* |state3|5 |
* |state4|2 |
* |state4|4 |
* |state4|5 |
* |state5|3 |
* |state5|4 |
* |state5|5 |
* +------+--------+
* root
* |-- state: string (nullable = true)
* |-- voter_id: integer (nullable = false)
ref- spark do c