Это определенно BAPI, потому что он находится в группе функций, названной бизнес-объектом BUS1001006
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But I agree with Sandra this definition is very blurry as it was created long-long ago and is used hither and yon.
Use this module with version specification of when the BAPI was created. Depending on version the output varies.
Where to get version? Of course, by finding the module in BAPI transaction in the BUS1001006 section

Moreover, for your total confusion there are two different BAPIs almost identical in names: BAPI_MATERIAL_GETALL and BAPI_MATERIAL_GET_ALL, one older and one yonger, and the first marked as a wrapper for the latter.
It is a usual situation when SAP decided to revamp the API and left old stuff for legacy.
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Так что да, все сложно. Это всегда с SAP.