Я пишу университетский проект, в котором я беру два алгоритма и сравниваю их производительность, основные алгоритмы - Dijkstra и A *, но я не очень разбираюсь ни с Vue. и алгоритмы, и моя первая итерация Дейкстры СУПЕР медленная. Я использую двумерную сетку X на Y с узлом начальной и конечной точки и запускаю алгоритм. Любая сетка выше 10x10 работает слишком медленно.
Я не понимаю, что делать, я не вижу никаких ошибок при запуске кода, он выполняется, но выполняется слишком медленно. Я не очень опытен, поэтому не знаю, с чего начать и в чем может быть проблема. Может быть, есть кто-то с опытом, который мог бы мне помочь и сказать, что я делаю не так?
export default ({
name: 'Home',
data() { // global variables init
return {
grid: [], // initializing grid array, rows and columns
todis: "", // to display
output: [], // shortest path array
toCheck: [], // checking neighboring nodes
startx: Number(0), // starting x position of algorithm
starty: Number(0), // starting y position of algorithm
endx: Number(0), // end x position of algorithm
endy: Number(0), // end y position of algorithm
sxy: [0, 0], // start x, y array coordinates
exy: [0, 0], // end x, y array coordinates
wallx: Number(0), // wall x coordinate
wally: Number(0) // wall y coordinate
methods: { // all needed methods
addToGrid(adding) { // create the grid
setwall(x, y) {
this.grid[Number(y)][Number(x)].id = 1
updates(x, y) { // update start position on button press
this.sxy = [Number(x), Number(y)]
updatee(x, y) { // update end position on button press
this.exy = [Number(x), Number(y)]
makeGrid(width, height) { // takes two values to make a grid
function Node(x, y, id) { // 0 - unchecked; 1 - Wall; 2 - Start; 3 - End; 4 - Checked; 5 - Shortest Path
this.x = x // initialization of values for class Node
this.y = y
this.id = id
this.visited = false
this.prev = []
if (this.grid.length === 0) { // Stops grid being made multiple times
for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) {
let row = [] // Create a row, need new empty array every time we go through a row
for (let x = 0; x < width; x++) { // Create nodes for the width of the grid
var newNode = new Node(x, y, 0) // give values x, y, id to the node
row.push(newNode) // push a node to the row array
this.addToGrid(row) // we add row array to grid
Dijkstra(start, end) {
this.grid[start[1]][start[0]].id = 2 // node array coordinates (w, h we got from inputs from the front end) width height values set to id of 2, which is the start of the grid
this.grid[end[1]][end[0]].id = 3 // node array coordinates (w, h) for end point, which has an id of 3
function findNeighbours(grid, x, y) { // scanning the neighboring nodes, takes the whole grid
let Neighbours = [] // initializing values for neighbours
let PosNeighbours = [] // position of new neighbours
let cnode = null // checked node
grid[y][x].visited = true
if (grid[y][x].id === 0) { // if the node at y, x id is 0 (unchecked), set it to checked (for colouring)
grid[y][x].id = 4
try { // we go to the right of of the node
cnode = grid[y][x + 1] // x + 1 and if the node:
if (typeof cnode !== "undefined") { // is valid
if (cnode.id !== 1) { // is not a wall
PosNeighbours.push(grid[y][x + 1]) // we add set the neighbour position to that value
try { // we go to the left of the node
cnode = grid[y][x - 1] // x - 1 and if the node:
if (typeof cnode !== "undefined") { // is valid
if (cnode.id !== 1) { // is not a wall
PosNeighbours.push(grid[y][x - 1]) // we add set the neighbour position to that value
try { // we go to the top of the node
cnode = grid[y + 1][x] // y + 1 and if the node:
if (typeof cnode !== "undefined") { // is valid
if (cnode.id !== 1) { // is not a wall
PosNeighbours.push(grid[y + 1][x]) // we add set the neighbour position to that value
try { // we go to the bottom of the node
cnode = grid[y - 1][x] // y - 1 and if the node:
if (typeof cnode !== "undefined") { // is valid
if (cnode.id !== 1) { // is not a wall
PosNeighbours.push(grid[y - 1][x]) // we add set the neighbour position to that value
for (let node of PosNeighbours) { // for each neighboring node
if (typeof grid[node.y][node.x] === 'undefined') {
null // if the node is not valid, do nothing
else {
if (node.visited === false) { // if the node is not visited, we add the value to the neighbours array
Neighbours.push(node) // we set the new x and new y value to our current node position
let nx = node.x
let ny = node.y
if (grid[ny][nx].prev !== []) { // if the new grid position has no previous value
grid[ny][nx].prev = grid[y][x] // we set the previous value to the old x and y positions
return [Neighbours, grid] // ??? return an array of nodes visited and whole grid ???
if (start !== end) { // we start the algorithm if the start node is not the same as the end node
let startNode = this.grid[start[1]][start[0]] // set the start node, the checking array, give it a start node and declare what to check next
this.toCheck = []
let toChecknext = []
while (this.grid[end[1]][end[0]].visited === false) {
if (this.toCheck.length !== 0) { // while we haven't visited the end node, or if we haven't checked all the nodes
let node = this.toCheck.shift() // we set the node to the first value of our toCheck array
let fn = findNeighbours(this.grid, node.x, node.y)
let nodestoadd = fn[0] // we call the findNeighbours function and set the nodes to add to Neighbours
this.grid = fn[1] // grid generated with grid values of the the function
for (let node of nodestoadd) { // for each node in the nodestoadd array we push the node valeu to the next node to check
} else { // otherwise, set the next node to check to the node we are currently at
for (let node in toChecknext) {
let currentNode = this.grid[end[1]][end[0]] // we set up our currentNode end, if our current node x, y are not the same
let pathnodes = []
while (currentNode.x !== startNode.x || currentNode.y !== startNode.y) {
pathnodes.push(currentNode.prev) // we create a path of the previous nodes, using a pathnodes array
currentNode = currentNode.prev
let pathnodexy = []
for (let node of pathnodes) { // for each node in the pathnodes array (all the nodes for our shortest path)
pathnodexy.push([node.x, node.y]) // we give the pathnodexy array x, y values of the nodes
if (this.grid[node.y][node.x].id == 4) { // if that node has been visited with id 4, we set that to id 5, which is the id of the path
this.grid[node.y][node.x].id = 5
this.output = pathnodexy // we set the output value and start the algo
} else {
return [start]
displayGrid(grid) { // we create a string method, that creates a grid with the ID values we defined
this.todis = "<div id='block_container'>"
for(const row of grid) { // for each row, and each node in that row we set the ID value of the node and generate html to create our grid
for (const node of row) {
this.todis += "<button @click.self='changewall' id='block-id-"+node.id+"'></button>"
this.todis += "</div><div id='block_container'>"
this.todis = this.todis+"</div>"
return this.todis // we return the constructed html
changeGrid(thisx, thisy) {
this.grid[thisy][thisx].id = 1
created: function () {
this.makeGrid(7, 7)
updated: function () {
// on update