Используя Visual Studio 2019, запустив только мой проект ASP. NET core 3.1, MVC Шаблон и добавив 3 следующих пакета:
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 3.1.3
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools 3.1.3
Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql 3.1.1
У меня следующая ошибка, это не ошибка при сборке, я имею в виду, что моя простая программа действительно работает в режиме отладки, но эта ошибка появляется в верхней панели Visual Studio один раз в день. Я прикрепил свой лог-файл. Ошибка отображается в строке 918.
Activity Monitor Log
infos 109
warnings 0
errors 2
Time (UTC)
1 Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 version: 16.0.30104.148 VisualStudio 2020/07/06 09:25:14.404
2 Log ID {6C98492C-6CB5-45AC-961F-17346C401CA9} VisualStudio 2020/07/06 09:25:14.404
3 Running in isolation mode. VisualStudio 2020/07/06 09:25:14.404
4 Looking for master PkgDef file
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\master.pkgdef VisualStudio 2020/07/06 09:25:14.404
5 Creating PkgDefCacheNonVolatile VisualStudio 2020/07/06 09:25:14.404
6 PkgDefCache flags 00013801 VisualStudio 2020/07/06 09:25:14.404
7 Double-checking master pkgdef file VisualStudio 2020/07/06 09:25:14.795
8 PkgDefManagement initialized VisualStudio 2020/07/06 09:25:14.795
9 RootFolder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\ VisualStudio 2020/07/06 09:25:14.795
10 ShellFolder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\ VisualStudio 2020/07/06 09:25:14.795
664 ERROR Loading UI library {B64A8572-DE00-483C-90ED-E61EB7FEA9BF} 800a006f VisualStudio 2020/07/06 09:26:45.074
823 End package load [Code Analysis Package] {B20604B0-72BC-4953-BB92-95BF26D30CFA} VisualStudio 2020/07/06 09:34:59.751
824 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\obj\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\Razor\Views\Shared\Error.cshtml.g.cs|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000|0,0 MruList 2020/07/06 09:35:01.749
825 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 09:35:01.749
826 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 2 MruList 2020/07/06 09:35:01.749
827 Begin package load [PythiaPackage] {B708BBDB-B892-4E40-B1A4-24E3D62AAD2C} VisualStudio 2020/07/06 09:35:01.964
828 End package load [PythiaPackage] {B708BBDB-B892-4E40-B1A4-24E3D62AAD2C} VisualStudio 2020/07/06 09:35:01.974
829 Begin package load [LanguageServerClientPackage] {1D7DD84C-F6BB-4E1C-8D33-01306D4FB1F7} VisualStudio 2020/07/06 09:35:02.070
830 End package load [LanguageServerClientPackage] {1D7DD84C-F6BB-4E1C-8D33-01306D4FB1F7} VisualStudio 2020/07/06 09:35:02.070
831 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.Models\ViewModels\ErrorViewModel.cs|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000|0,0 MruList 2020/07/06 09:39:36.377
832 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 09:39:36.377
833 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 6 MruList 2020/07/06 09:39:36.378
834 Entering OnAddVerbInvoked MruList 2020/07/06 09:39:59.873
835 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.Models\ViewModels\ErrorViewModel.cs MruList 2020/07/06 09:39:59.873
836 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 09:39:59.873
837 Did not find item to promote MruList 2020/07/06 09:39:59.873
838 Entering MruItemsStoreServiceDecorator.AddMRUItem. Item category: 01235aad-8f1b-429f-9d02-61a0101ea275, lpszItem: %UserProfile%\source\repos\Map118\Map118.Models\ViewModels\ErrorViewModel.cs|{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}||False CodeContainerTracing 2020/07/06 09:39:59.873
839 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\Areas\User\Controllers\HomeController.cs|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000|0,0 MruList 2020/07/06 09:40:05.689
840 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 09:40:05.689
841 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 9 MruList 2020/07/06 09:40:05.689
842 Entering OnAddVerbInvoked MruList 2020/07/06 09:40:10.544
843 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\Areas\User\Controllers\HomeController.cs MruList 2020/07/06 09:40:10.544
844 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 09:40:10.544
845 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 7 MruList 2020/07/06 09:40:10.544
846 End execution cost summary for IdeModeChange scenario and ToolWindow component Manage Visual Studio Performance 2020/07/06 09:40:32.623
847 End execution cost summary for IdeModeChange scenario and ToolWindow component Manage Visual Studio Performance 2020/07/06 09:40:32.623
848 End execution cost summary for IdeModeChange scenario and ToolWindow component Manage Visual Studio Performance 2020/07/06 09:40:57.076
849 End execution cost summary for IdeModeChange scenario and ToolWindow component Manage Visual Studio Performance 2020/07/06 09:40:57.076
850 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.Models\ViewModels\ErrorViewModel.cs|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000|0,0 MruList 2020/07/06 09:40:58.974
851 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 09:40:58.974
852 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 1 MruList 2020/07/06 09:40:58.974
853 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\obj\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\Razor\Views\Shared\Error.cshtml.g.cs|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000|0,0 MruList 2020/07/06 09:40:59.421
854 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 09:40:59.421
855 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 2 MruList 2020/07/06 09:40:59.421
856 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\wwwroot\css\Map118.css|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000|0,0 MruList 2020/07/06 09:40:59.952
857 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 09:40:59.952
858 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 3 MruList 2020/07/06 09:40:59.952
859 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000|0,0 MruList 2020/07/06 09:41:05.124
860 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 09:41:05.124
861 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 4 MruList 2020/07/06 09:41:05.124
862 Entering OnAddVerbInvoked MruList 2020/07/06 09:41:23.560
863 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml MruList 2020/07/06 09:41:23.560
864 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 09:41:23.560
865 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 2 MruList 2020/07/06 09:41:23.560
866 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\wwwroot\css\Map118.css|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000|0,0 MruList 2020/07/06 10:01:52.165
867 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 10:01:52.165
868 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 1 MruList 2020/07/06 10:01:52.165
869 Begin package load [Undo Package] {1D76B2E0-F11B-11D2-AFC3-00105A9991EF} VisualStudio 2020/07/06 10:03:24.458
870 End package load [Undo Package] {1D76B2E0-F11B-11D2-AFC3-00105A9991EF} VisualStudio 2020/07/06 10:03:24.458
871 Entering OnAddVerbInvoked MruList 2020/07/06 10:04:59.287
872 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\wwwroot\css\Map118.css MruList 2020/07/06 10:04:59.287
873 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 10:04:59.287
874 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 3 MruList 2020/07/06 10:04:59.287
875 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000|0,0 MruList 2020/07/06 10:05:02.664
876 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 10:05:02.664
877 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 1 MruList 2020/07/06 10:05:02.664
878 Entering OnAddVerbInvoked MruList 2020/07/06 10:05:21.076
879 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml MruList 2020/07/06 10:05:21.076
880 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 10:05:21.076
881 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 1 MruList 2020/07/06 10:05:21.076
882 Entering OnAddVerbInvoked MruList 2020/07/06 10:12:03.620
883 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml MruList 2020/07/06 10:12:03.620
884 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 10:12:03.620
885 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 0 MruList 2020/07/06 10:12:03.620
886 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\wwwroot\css\Map118.css|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000|0,0 MruList 2020/07/06 10:13:22.574
887 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 10:13:22.574
888 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 1 MruList 2020/07/06 10:13:22.574
889 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000|0,0 MruList 2020/07/06 10:13:42.497
890 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 10:13:42.497
891 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 1 MruList 2020/07/06 10:13:42.497
892 Entering OnAddVerbInvoked MruList 2020/07/06 10:13:51.907
893 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml MruList 2020/07/06 10:13:51.907
894 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 10:13:51.907
895 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 0 MruList 2020/07/06 10:13:51.907
896 Entering OnAddVerbInvoked MruList 2020/07/06 10:13:57.478
897 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\wwwroot\css\Map118.css MruList 2020/07/06 10:13:57.478
898 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 10:13:57.478
899 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 1 MruList 2020/07/06 10:13:57.478
900 Entering OnAddVerbInvoked MruList 2020/07/06 10:14:18.881
901 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml MruList 2020/07/06 10:14:18.881
902 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 10:14:18.881
903 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 1 MruList 2020/07/06 10:14:18.881
904 Entering OnAddVerbInvoked MruList 2020/07/06 10:14:22.192
905 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml MruList 2020/07/06 10:14:22.192
906 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 10:14:22.192
907 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 0 MruList 2020/07/06 10:14:22.192
908 Entering OnAddVerbInvoked MruList 2020/07/06 10:14:27.279
909 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml MruList 2020/07/06 10:14:27.279
910 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 10:14:27.279
911 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 0 MruList 2020/07/06 10:14:27.279
912 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\wwwroot\css\Map118.css|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000|0,0 MruList 2020/07/06 10:15:10.248
913 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 10:15:10.248
914 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 1 MruList 2020/07/06 10:15:10.248
915 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000|0,0 MruList 2020/07/06 10:15:16.271
916 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 10:15:16.271
917 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 1 MruList 2020/07/06 10:15:16.271
918 ERROR System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: spanat Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.SnapshotSpan..ctor(ITextSnapshot snapshot, Span span)at Microsoft.WebTools.Languages.Shared.Editor.EditorHelpers.ProjectionBufferHelper.MapToViewBuffer(IBufferGraph bufferGraph, ITextBuffer primaryBuffer, ITextBuffer secondaryBuffer, ITextRange range)at Microsoft.WebTools.Languages.Shared.Editor.EditorHelpers.ProjectionBufferHelper.MapToViewBuffer(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer secondaryBuffer, ITextRange range)at Microsoft.WebTools.Languages.Shared.Editor.Commands.PasteCommandHandler.SelectSpanForFormatting(Int32 startPosition, Int32 endPosition, ITextBuffer textBuffer, ITextView textView)at Microsoft.WebTools.Languages.Shared.Editor.Commands.PasteCommandHandler.FormatAfterPaste(Int32 startPosition, Int32 endPosition, ITextBuffer subjectBuffer, ITextView textView)at Microsoft.WebTools.Languages.Shared.Editor.Commands.PasteCommandHandler.ExecuteCommand(PasteCommandArgs args, Action nextCommandHandler, CommandExecutionContext executionContext)at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Commanding.CommandHandlerExtensions.ExecuteCommand[T](ICommandHandler commandHandler, T args, Action nextCommandHandler, CommandExecutionContext executionContext)at Microsoft.VisualStudio.UI.Text.Commanding.Implementation.EditorCommandHandlerService.<>c__DisplayClass13_1`1.<Execute>b__1()at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Utilities.GuardedOperations.CallExtensionPoint(Object errorSource, Action call, Predicate`1 exceptionFilter) --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Telemetry.WindowsErrorReporting.WatsonReport.GetClrWatsonExceptionInfo(Exception exceptionObject) Editor or Editor Extension 2020/07/06 10:15:17.961
919 Entering OnAddVerbInvoked MruList 2020/07/06 10:15:27.590
920 Entering AddItem. Persistence data for item: C:\Users\Ehsan\source\repos\Map118\Map118.App\Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml MruList 2020/07/06 10:15:27.590
921 Entering TryPromoteItem MruList 2020/07/06 10:15:27.590
922 Entering PromoteItemAt and found the index of the item to be 0 MruList 2020/07/06 10:15:27.590