Я очень плохо разбираюсь в используемом здесь сценарии perl. Это сделал старый разработчик.
У меня есть сценарий «deploykit.pl»
он внутренне вызывает «OracleSqlHelper.pm»
use strict;
no warnings 'misc';
package OracleSqlHelper;
use DBI;
eval 'use DBD::Oracle qw(:ora_types)' or print "Oracle DBD not installed\n";
my $log;
my $env;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless $self;
$self->{classname} = ref( $self );
$self->{connectstring} = ref( $self );
$self->{schema} = "";
$self->{password} = "";
$self->{tnsname} = "";
$self->{db_handle} = "";
return bless $self, $class;
# -------------------------------------
# Set Log
# -------------------------------------
sub set_log
my $self = shift;
$log = shift;
# set_env
# Set the env variable to point to the configuration file parameters
sub set_env
my $self = shift;
$env = shift;
# set_schema
sub set_schema
my $self = shift;
$self->{schema} = shift;
# set_password
sub set_password
my $self = shift;
my $pwd = shift;
my $temppwd = "\"" . $pwd . "\"";
$self->{password} = $temppwd;
# set_tnsname
sub set_tnsname
my $self = shift;
$self->{tnsname} = shift;
# Disconnect from the database
sub db_disconnect
my $self = shift;
my $method = "db_disconnect";
$log->log( "*** Enter $method in OracleSqlHelper ***" );
# check_install
# Determine if the Oracle libraries are installed
# Return 0 (false) if the modules are NOT installed
# If the modules aren't then this module should not be used.
sub check_install
my $self = shift;
my $retval = 0;
my $method = "check_install";
$log->log( "*** Enter $method in OracleSqlHelper ***" );
my $res = `perldoc -l DBD::Oracle`;
$log->log( "Check Install Result: $res" );
if ( $res )
$retval = 1;
$log->log( "==============================" );
$log->log( "WARNING:" );
$log->log( "Oracle DBI Components not installed on this host" );
$log->log( "==============================" );
return $retval;
# initialize
sub initialize
my $self = shift;
my $tns = shift;
my $schema = shift;
my $password = shift;
my $method = "initialize";
$log->log( "*** Enter $method in $self->{classname} ***" );
$self->set_password( $password );
$self->set_schema( $schema );
$self->set_tnsname( $tns );
# initialize_using_step
# A SQL step should have the tns alias, the schema name and the password set
sub initialize_using_step
my $self = shift;
my $step = shift;
my $method = "initialize_using_step";
$log->log( "*** Enter $method in $self->{classname} ***" );
$self->set_tnsname ( $env->get_tns( $step->{schema}, $step->{database} ) );
$self->set_schema ( $step->{schema} );
$self->set_password( $step->{password} );
if ( ( not $self->{tnsname} ) or ( not $self->{schema} ) or ( not $self->{password} ) )
$log->log( "========================================" );
$log->log( "Exception:" );
$log->log( "Could not get valid database parameters in OracleSqlHelper" );
$log->log( "One or more of the following values are Null" );
$log->log( "Database: Schema: Password" );
$log->log( "========================================" );
die "Will not be able to set the db_handle in OracleSqlHelper";
sub log_credentials
my $self = shift;
my $tns = $self->{tnsname} ? $self->{tnsname} : "<null>";
my $sch = $self->{schema} ? $self->{schema} : "<null>";
my $pwd = $self->{password} ? $self->{password} : "<null>";
$log->log( "SqlHelper Credentials: DB: [$tns] Schema: [$sch]" );
print "Password: [$pwd]\n";
# set_db_handle
sub set_db_handle
my $self = shift;
my $method = "set_db_handle";
$log->log( "*** Enter $method in $self->{classname} ***" );
$self->{db_handle} = DBI->connect( "dbi:Oracle:$self->{tnsname}", $self->{schema}, $self->{password},
{ AutoCommit => 0,
PrintError => 0,
RaiseError => 0,
LongReadLen => 20000 }
) or do {
$log->set_logerr( "on" );
$log->log( "==================================" );
$log->log( "Exception:" );
$log->log( "In OracleSqlHelper:set_db_handle" );
my $estr = DBI->errstr;
$log->log( "DatbaseError: $estr" );
$log->log( "==================================" );
die "Can't connect: ". DBI->errstr."\n"; };
$self->{db_handle}->{RaiseError} = 1;
# {
# $log->log( "END" );
# }
# verify_supplemental_logging
# Parameters: A SQL step. Contains the parameters tns, schema, password
# Step has the tns alias, the schema and the password
sub verify_supplemental_logging
my $self = shift;
my $step = shift;
my $retval = 0;
my $method = "check_supplemental_logging";
$log->log( "*** Enter $method in $self->{classname} ***" );
$self->initialize_using_step( $step );
$retval = $self->execute_sql( $sqlcmd );
return $retval;
# verify_log_mode
# Parameters: A SQL step. Contains the parameters tns, schema, password
# Returns the query result
# Step has the tns alias, the schema and the password
sub verify_log_mode
my $self = shift;
my $step = shift;
my $retval = 0;
my $method = "check_supplemental_logging";
$log->log( "*** Enter $method in $self->{classname} ***" );
$self->initialize_using_step( $step );
$retval = $self->execute_sql( $sqlcmd );
return $retval;
# execute_sql
# Query result MUST be one row only
sub execute_sql
my $self = shift;
my $query = shift;
my $db_result = "";
# db_handle needs to be set
my $query_handle = $self->{db_handle}->prepare($query);
$query_handle->bind_columns(undef, \$db_result);
return $db_result;
# $stat = "WC_PVH.get_lates_status( \"ods_bug\" )";
sub get_deploy_status
my $self = shift;
my $module = shift;
my $statval;
my $func = $self->{db_handle}->prepare( q{
:stat := WC_PVH.get_latest_status( p_type => :parameter1 );
} );
$func->bind_param( ":parameter1", $module );
$func->bind_param_inout( ":stat", \$statval, 50 );
return $statval;
# $stat = "WC_PVH.get_lates_status( \"ods_bug\" )";
sub set_deploy_status
my $self = shift;
my $module = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $method = "set_deploy_status";
my $pmodule = "p_" . $module;
$log->log( "*** Enter $method in $self->{classname} ***" );
$log->log( "Will set $pmodule to [$value]" );
my $func = $self->{db_handle}->prepare( qq(BEGIN WC_PVH.update_version( $pmodule => ? ); END; ) );
$func->bind_param( 1, $value );
if( $@ )
warn "Execution of stored procedure failed: $DBI::errstr\n";
# get_latest_version
# Note that the db_handle needs to be set prior to calling this method
sub get_latest_version
my $self = shift;
my $method = "get_latest_version";
$log->log( "*** Enter $method in $self->{classname} ***" );
my $statval;
if ( not $self->{db_handle} )
$log->log( "Db_handle not set in $self->{classname}. Cannot process query" );
my $func = $self->{db_handle}->prepare( q{
:stat := WC_PVH.get_latest_version();
} );
$func->bind_param_inout( ":stat", \$statval, 50 );
return $statval;
# set_latest_version
# WC_PVH.update_version( p_patch_version => '&1');
sub set_latest_version
my $self = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $method = "set_latest_version";
$log->log( "*** Enter $method in $self->{classname} ***" );
$log->log( "Setting kit version to [$value]" );
my $func = $self->{db_handle}->prepare( qq(BEGIN WC_PVH.update_version( p_patch_version => ? ); END; ) );
$func->bind_param( 1, $value );
if( $@ )
warn "Execution of stored procedure failed: $DBI::errstr\n";
# Connect
# PrintError => 0, # Force errors to generate warnings
# RaiseError => 0, # Force DBI errors to generate a perl error
# LongReadLen => 20000, # Max length for LONG and LOB fetches, set to some reasonable value. Default is 80 ;-)
sub get_multiple_rows
my $self = shift;
my $VALID_COUNT = 0;
# Make sure the PROJECT_NAME is valid & active
my $query = "select patch_version, patch_date from patch_version_history";
my $stmt = $self->{db_handle}->prepare($query);
# Fetch the data
while (my ($ver, $pdate) = $stmt->fetchrow_array)
print "Version: $ver Dt: $pdate\n";
Работал тот же код другая машина с perl 5.10, не работает на perl 5.16
Я не знаю, как проверить пакеты, которые он использует для DBI. Я пробовал использовать старую версию perl 5.8 на отказавшем хосте все еще та же ошибка
2020-07-09 06:41:19 In StatusHelper: Db: [GGATE01_XXXX] Schema: [USERNAME] Pwd: [*******]
2020-07-09 06:41:19 *** Enter set_db_handle in OracleSqlHelper ***
2020-07-09 06:41:19
Memory fault
код deploy.pl
# -----------------------------
use Step;
use ConfigFile;
use Date::Manip;
use Spreadsheet::Read;
use Logger;
use StepHelper;
use FileHelper;
use KitHelper;
use Rpd11gHelper;
use DacHelper;
use OdsHelper;
use OdiHelper;
use KMDW_Helper;
use StatusHelper;
use OracleSqlHelper;
# -------------------------------
# Instantiate a StatusHelper
# The StatusHelper can use OracleSqlHelper methods
# It is imperative that the log & env be set as the sqlHelper will use these for instantiation
# Note that if Oracle:DBD components are not installed, the StatusHelper will used std Sql files
# -------------------------------
my $statusHelper = new StatusHelper();
$statusHelper->set_log( $log );
$statusHelper->set_env( $env );
$statusHelper->set_kitHelper( $kitHelper );
elsif ( $install_env eq "ods_host" )
my $odsHelper = new OdsHelper( $env, $install_env, $ods_param, $phase );
$odsHelper->set_refresh( $dev_refresh );
$odsHelper->set_log( $log );
$odsHelper->set_stepHelper ( $stepHelper );
$odsHelper->set_statusHelper( $statusHelper );
$odsHelper->set_sqlHelper ();