Пытаюсь интегрировать платежный шлюз в WHMCS как модуль; сценарий не создает хэш-ключ в соответствии со следующим форматом; & платежный шлюз возвращает ошибку, если информация не заполнена; таким образом; ссылка: следующий URL-адрес работает нормально:
Пример кода от шлюза, который работает на 100%: https://websol.biz/order/modules/gateways/test.php
Hashkey Generated as per following format
99yv9hbw88&1000&TBANK&billRef&Description of transaction&EN&MC10761&9x19xxy1uv&RETL&https://websol.biz/&PKR&20200802112944
Мой код модуля:
* WHMCS Jazzcash Payment Gateway Module
* Payment Gateway modules allow you to integrate payment solutions with the
* WHMCS platform.
* This sample file demonstrates how a payment gateway module for WHMCS should
* be structured and all supported functionality it can contain.
* Within the module itself, all functions must be prefixed with the module
* filename, followed by an underscore, and then the function name. For this
* example file, the filename is "jazzcash" and therefore all functions
* begin "jazzcash_".
* If your module or third party API does not support a given function, you
* should not define that function within your module. Only the _config
* function is required.
* For more information, please refer to the online documentation.
* @see https://developers.whmcs.com/payment-gateways/
* @copyright Copyright (c) WHMCS Limited 2017
* @license http://www.whmcs.com/license/ WHMCS Eula
if (!defined("WHMCS")) {
die("This file cannot be accessed directly");
* Define module related meta data.
* Values returned here are used to determine module related capabilities and
* settings.
* @see https://developers.whmcs.com/payment-gateways/meta-data-params/
* @return array
function jazzcash_MetaData()
return array(
'DisplayName' => 'JazzCash Payment Gateway Module',
'APIVersion' => '1.1', // Use API Version 1.1
'DisableLocalCredtCardInput' => false,
'TokenisedStorage' => false,
* Define gateway configuration options.
* The fields you define here determine the configuration options that are
* presented to administrator users when activating and configuring your
* payment gateway module for use.
* Supported field types include:
* * text
* * password
* * yesno
* * dropdown
* * radio
* * textarea
* Examples of each field type and their possible configuration parameters are
* provided in the sample function below.
* @return array
function jazzcash_config()
return array(
// the friendly display name for a payment gateway should be
// defined here for backwards compatibility
'FriendlyName' => array(
'Type' => 'System',
'Value' => 'JazzCash',
// a text field type allows for single line text input
'merchantID' => array(
'FriendlyName' => 'Merchant ID',
'Type' => 'text',
'Size' => '25',
'Default' => '',
'Description' => 'Enter your Merchant ID here',
// a password field type allows for masked text input
'salt' => array(
'FriendlyName' => 'Integerity Salt',
'Type' => 'text',
'Size' => '25',
'Default' => '',
'Description' => 'Enter Integerity Salt key here',
'password' => array(
'FriendlyName' => 'Integerity Password',
'Type' => 'password',
'Size' => '25',
'Default' => '',
'Description' => 'Enter Integerity Password here',
/*'securehash' => array(
'FriendlyName' => 'SecureHash',
'Type' => 'text',
'Size' => '255',
'Default' => '',
'Description' => 'Enter SecureHash here',
* Payment link.
* Required by third party payment gateway modules only.
* Defines the HTML output displayed on an invoice. Typically consists of an
* HTML form that will take the user to the payment gateway endpoint.
* @param array $params Payment Gateway Module Parameters
* @see https://developers.whmcs.com/payment-gateways/third-party-gateway/
* @return string
function jazzcash_link($params)
// Gateway Configuration Parameters
$merchantID = $params['merchantID'];
$moduleDisplayName = $params['name'];
$password = $params['password'];
$salt = $params['salt'];
//$securehash = $params['securehash'];
// Invoice Parameters
$invoiceId = $params['invoiceid'];
$invoicenum = $params['invoicenum'];
$dueDate = $params['dueDate'];
$description = $params["description"];
$amount = $params['amount'];
$currencyCode = $params['currency'];
// System Parameters
$companyName = $params['companyname'];
$systemUrl = $params['systemurl'];
$returnUrl = $params['returnurl'];
$langPayNow = $params['langpaynow'];
$moduleName = $params['paymentmethod'];
$whmcsVersion = $params['whmcsVersion'];
$url = 'https://sandbox.jazzcash.com.pk/CustomerPortal/transactionmanagement/merchantform/';
$postfields = array();
$postfields['pp_Version'] = '1.1';
//DD -Direct Debit
//MIGS - Card Payment
//MWALLET - Mobile Voucher
//OTC - Voucher Payment
$postfields['pp_TxnType'] = '';
$postfields['pp_Language'] = 'EN';
$postfields['pp_MerchantID'] = $merchantID;
$postfields['pp_SubMerchantID'] = '';
$postfields['pp_Password'] = $password;
$postfields['pp_BankID'] = 'TBANK';
$postfields['pp_ProductID'] = 'RETL';
//generate the referenec number
$postfields['pp_TxnRefNo'] = 'T'. $invoicenum . '' . rand(1111111111 , 9999999999) ;
$postfields['pp_Amount'] = str_replace('.' , '' ,$amount);
$postfields['pp_TxnCurrency'] = 'PKR';
//Generate it Like 20180523111537 - yyyyMMddHHmmss
$postfields['pp_TxnDateTime'] = date('YmdHis');
$postfields['pp_BillReference'] = $invoiceId;
$postfields['pp_Description'] = $description;
//Generate The Time Like: 20180524111537
$postfields['pp_TxnExpiryDateTime'] = date('YmdHis' , strtotime(date('YmdHis'). ' + 2 days'));
//$postfields['callback_url'] = $systemUrl . '/modules/gateways/callback/' . $moduleName . '.php';
$postfields['pp_ReturnURL'] = $returnUrl;
//$postfields['pp_ReturnURL'] = urlencode('http://hosting.kayecommerce.net/viewinvoice.php');
$postfields['pp_SecureHash'] = '';
$postfields['ppmpf_1'] = '1';
$postfields['ppmpf_2'] = '2';
$postfields['ppmpf_3'] = '3';
$postfields['ppmpf_4'] = '4';
$postfields['ppmpf_5'] = '5';
function submitForm() {
var IntegritySalt = document.getElementById("salt").innerText;
var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(document.getElementById("hashValuesString").value, IntegritySalt);
document.getElementsByName("pp_SecureHash")[0].value = hash + '';
console.log('string: ' + hashString);
console.log('hash: ' + document.getElementsByName("pp_SecureHash")[0].value);
<script src="https://sandbox.jazzcash.com.pk/Sandbox/Scripts/hmac-sha256.js"></script>
$htmlOutput = '
<div class="jsformWrapper">';
$htmlOutput .= '<form name="jsform" method="post" action="' . $url . '">' ;
foreach ($postfields as $k => $v) {
$htmlOutput .= '<input type="text" name="' . $k . '" value="'.$v.'">' ;
$htmlOutput .= '<button type="button" class="text-center" onclick="submitForm()">' . $langPayNow . '</button><!--<input type="submit" onclick="submitForm()" value="' . $langPayNow . '" />-->';
$htmlOutput .= '</form>';
$htmlOutput .= '<label id="salt" style="display:none;">'.$salt.'</label>
<div class="formFielWrapper">
<input type="hidden" id="hashValuesString" value="">
function CalculateHash() {
var IntegritySalt = document.getElementById("salt").innerText;
hashString = '';
hashString += IntegritySalt + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("pp_Amount")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("pp_Amount")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("pp_BankID")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("pp_BankID")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("pp_BillReference")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("pp_BillReference")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("pp_Description")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("pp_Description")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("pp_Language")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("pp_Language")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("pp_MerchantID")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("pp_MerchantID")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("pp_Password")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("pp_Password")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("pp_ProductID")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("pp_ProductID")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("pp_ReturnURL")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("pp_ReturnURL")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("pp_SubMerchantID")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("pp_SubMerchantID")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("pp_TxnCurrency")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("pp_TxnCurrency")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("pp_TxnDateTime")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("pp_TxnDateTime")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("pp_TxnExpiryDateTime")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("pp_TxnExpiryDateTime")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("pp_TxnRefNo")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("pp_TxnRefNo")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("pp_TxnType")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("pp_TxnType")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("pp_Version")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("pp_Version")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("ppmpf_1")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("ppmpf_1")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("ppmpf_2")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("ppmpf_2")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("ppmpf_3")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("ppmpf_3")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("ppmpf_4")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("ppmpf_4")[0].value + '&';
if (document.getElementsByName("ppmpf_5")[0].value != '') {
hashString += document.getElementsByName("ppmpf_5")[0].value + '&';
hashString = hashString.slice(0, -1);
document.getElementById("hashValuesString").value = hashString;
return $htmlOutput;
* Refund transaction.
* Called when a refund is requested for a previously successful transaction.
* @param array $params Payment Gateway Module Parameters
* @see https://developers.whmcs.com/payment-gateways/refunds/
* @return array Transaction response status
function jazzcash_refund($params)
return true;
* Cancel subscription.
* If the payment gateway creates subscriptions and stores the subscription
* ID in tblhosting.subscriptionid, this function is called upon cancellation
* or request by an admin user.
* @param array $params Payment Gateway Module Parameters
* @see https://developers.whmcs.com/payment-gateways/subscription-management/
* @return array Transaction response status
function jazzcash_cancelSubscription($params)
return true;
Создать следующий Hashkey: