Я делаю проект вроде карты Google, в котором мне нужно построить граф, в котором вершины - это пересечения, а края - дороги. В моем коде я мог добавить перекрестки и дороги, но я не могу вернуть путь через поиск в ширину. И это мой код,
public class MapGraph {
//TODO: Add your member variables here in WEEK 3
HashSet<GeographicPoint> intersections ;
HashMap<GeographicPoint,LinkedList<GeographicPoint>> roads ;
HashMap<HashMap<GeographicPoint,GeographicPoint>,ArrayList<String>> roadInfo ;
* Create a new empty MapGraph
public MapGraph()
// TODO: Implement in this constructor in WEEK 3
intersections = new HashSet<GeographicPoint>() ;
roads = new HashMap<GeographicPoint,LinkedList<GeographicPoint>>() ;
roadInfo = new HashMap<HashMap<GeographicPoint,GeographicPoint>,ArrayList<String>>() ;
* Get the number of vertices (road intersections) in the graph
* @return The number of vertices in the graph.
public int getNumVertices()
//TODO: Implement this method in WEEK 3
return intersections.size();
* Return the intersections, which are the vertices in this graph.
* @return The vertices in this graph as GeographicPoints
public Set<GeographicPoint> getVertices()
//TODO: Implement this method in WEEK 3
return intersections;
* Get the number of road segments in the graph
* @return The number of edges in the graph.
public int getNumEdges()
//TODO: Implement this method in WEEK 3
int num = 0 ;
for(GeographicPoint gp : roads.keySet()) {
num+=roads.get(gp).size() ;
return num;
/** Add a node corresponding to an intersection at a Geographic Point
* If the location is already in the graph or null, this method does
* not change the graph.
* @param location The location of the intersection
* @return true if a node was added, false if it was not (the node
* was already in the graph, or the parameter is null).
public boolean addVertex(GeographicPoint location)
// TODO: Implement this method in WEEK 3
if(!intersections.contains(location) && !(location == null)) {
intersections.add(location) ;
return true ;
return false;
* Adds a directed edge to the graph from pt1 to pt2.
* Precondition: Both GeographicPoints have already been added to the graph
* @param from The starting point of the edge
* @param to The ending point of the edge
* @param roadName The name of the road
* @param roadType The type of the road
* @param length The length of the road, in km
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the points have not already been
* added as nodes to the graph, if any of the arguments is null,
* or if the length is less than 0.
public void addEdge(GeographicPoint from, GeographicPoint to, String roadName,
String roadType, double length) throws IllegalArgumentException {
//TODO: Implement this method in WEEK 3
if(roads.containsKey(from)) {
roads.get(from).add(to) ;
} else {
List curr1 = new LinkedList<GeographicPoint>() ;
roads.put(from, (LinkedList<GeographicPoint>) curr1) ;
HashMap<GeographicPoint,GeographicPoint> curr = new HashMap<GeographicPoint,GeographicPoint>() ;
curr.put(from, to) ;
List<String> info = new ArrayList<String>() ;
roadInfo.put(curr , (ArrayList<String>) info) ;
/** Find the path from start to goal using breadth first search
* @param start The starting location
* @param goal The goal location
* @return The list of intersections that form the shortest (unweighted)
* path from start to goal (including both start and goal).
public List<GeographicPoint> bfs(GeographicPoint start, GeographicPoint goal) {
// Dummy variable for calling the search algorithms
Consumer<GeographicPoint> temp = (x) -> {};
return bfs(start, goal, temp);
/** Find the path from start to goal using breadth first search
* @param start The starting location
* @param goal The goal location
* @param nodeSearched A hook for visualization. See assignment instructions for how to use it.
* @return The list of intersections that form the shortest (unweighted)
* path from start to goal (including both start and goal).
private List<GeographicPoint> getNeighbors(GeographicPoint curr){
List<GeographicPoint> answer = new ArrayList<GeographicPoint> () ;
for(GeographicPoint gp : roads.keySet()) {
if(curr==gp) {
answer = roads.get(gp) ;
return answer ;
public List<GeographicPoint> bfs(GeographicPoint start,
GeographicPoint goal, Consumer<GeographicPoint> nodeSearched)
// TODO: Implement this method in WEEK 3
// Hook for visualization. See writeup.
if (start == null || goal == null) {
System.out.println("Start or goal node is null! No path exists.");
return new LinkedList<GeographicPoint>();
HashSet<GeographicPoint> visited = new HashSet<GeographicPoint>();
Queue<GeographicPoint> toExplore = new LinkedList<GeographicPoint>();
HashMap<GeographicPoint, GeographicPoint> parentMap = new HashMap<GeographicPoint, GeographicPoint>();
boolean found = false;
while (!toExplore.isEmpty()) {
GeographicPoint curr = toExplore.remove();
if (curr == goal) {
found = true;
List<GeographicPoint> neighbors = getNeighbors(curr);
ListIterator<GeographicPoint> it = neighbors.listIterator(neighbors.size());
while (it.hasPrevious()) {
GeographicPoint next = it.previous();
if (!visited.contains(next)) {
parentMap.put(next, curr);
if (!found) {
System.out.println("No path exists");
return new ArrayList<GeographicPoint>();
// reconstruct the path
LinkedList<GeographicPoint> path = new LinkedList<GeographicPoint>();
GeographicPoint curr = goal;
while (curr != start) {
curr = parentMap.get(curr);
return path;
строгий текст Это код с комментариями, кто-нибудь может понять, что не так с моей реализацией