Вот базовый c пример реализации progressView
app:progressView_colorBackground="@color/white" // the color of the container.
app:progressView_colorProgress="@color/skyBlue" // the color of the progress bar.
app:progressView_progress="40" // progress value.
app:progressView_min="15" // min progress value.
app:progressView_max="100" // max progress value.
app:progressView_progressFromPrevious="true" // animates progress from previous progress.
app:progressView_autoAnimate="true" // starts filling animation automatically when finishing inflate.
app:progressView_radius="12dp" // the corner radius of the progressView and progress bar.
app:progressView_padding="1dp" // the padding of the progress bar.
app:progressView_labelColorInner="@color/white" // the text color when the label placed on the progress bar.
app:progressView_labelColorOuter="@color/black" // the text color when the label placed out of the progress bar.
app:progressView_labelSize="13sp" // the label text size.
app:progressView_labelSpace="10dp" // the space size of the between label and progress bar.
app:progressView_labelText="achieve 65%" // the text of the label.
app:progressView_labelTypeface="bold" // the typeface of the label.
dependencies {
implementation "com.github.skydoves:progressview:1.0.9"
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Эта полоса прогресса показывает прогресс ProgressBar