Получение данных с последующих страниц веб-сайта - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 16 июня 2020

Я пытаюсь получить данные с каждой страницы возвращенных результатов для этой страницы.


Трудно проверить, все ли я схватил, так как, когда вы нажимаете кнопку следующей страницы, все выходит из строя. Единственная страница, отсортированная по году, - это первая страница. На последующих страницах данные выходят за пределы первоначально выбранного диапазона. Например, если вы введете 01/01/2020 на странице поиска, первая возвращенная страница будет содержать записи только за январь 2020 года и позже. Но как только вы перейдете на следующую страницу, вы получите записи с 2016, 2018, ....

Я просто хочу иметь возможность войти 1 января 2020 года и получить все данные в диапазоне дат (январь 2020 - Cегодня). Я попытался ввести дату окончания, но это не помогло. Я понимаю, что мне нужно сделать больше, чтобы получить данные, которые я ищу; но сейчас мне просто нужно убедиться, что я беру каждую запись со всех возвращенных страниц. На сайте показано, что с 1 января 2020 года по сегодняшний день существует ~ 134 наблюдения. В моем выводе всего ~ 50 уникальных значений.

Я новичок в веб-скрейпинге, поэтому, если вы можете сделать предложения очень простыми, я был бы признателен. Спасибо

# Imports
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from requests import Session

# Session Object
session = Session()

# Add a user agent, so the request looks more human like.
    "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36"

# Initial sesssion, you need to fetch the url first, so the authenticity
# token can be parsed out of the html
init_session = session.get(url="https://www.azjobconnection.gov/ada/mn_warn_dsp.cfm?def=false")

# Beautiful soup object, used for HTML parsing
soup = BeautifulSoup(init_session.content, "html.parser")

# Get all of the input tags
inputs = soup.findAll('input')

# Upon running, we see that the authenticity token, is the first element in the array.
authenticty_token = inputs[0]['value']

# Now we can make our request!

data = {
    "authenticity_token" : authenticty_token,
    "coname": "", 
    "coName_ADAdefault": "", 
    "coName_verify_char[0|50]": "The value you have supplied for Company Name is too long.",
    "city": "", 
    "city_ADAdefault": "", 
    "city_verify_char[0|45]": "The value you have supplied for City is too long.",
    "zip": "", 
    "zip_ADAdefault": "", 
    "zip_verify_char[0|10]": "The value you have supplied for Zip/Postal Code is too long.",
    "sda": "", 
    "startdate": "01/01/2020",
    "startDate_ADAdefault": "mm/dd/yyyy",
    "startDate_verify_date4": "",
    "startDate_verify_char[0|45]": "The value you have supplied for Start Date is too long.",
    "enddate": "mm/dd/yyyy",
    "endDate_ADAdefault": "mm/dd/yyyy",
    "endDate_verify_date4": "", 
    "endDate_verify_char[0|45]": "The value you have supplied for End Date is too long.",
    "layoffType": "y",
    "search": "Search",
    "old_choice": 1,
    "ZIP_prev": "",
    "def_prev": "false",
    "CITY_prev": "",
    "SDA_prev": "",
    "STARTDATE_prev": "", 
    "CONAME_prev": "",
    "ENDDATE_prev": "",
    "FormName": "Form0",

# Get the data
get_warn_data = session.post("https://www.azjobconnection.gov/ada/mn_warn_dsp.cfm?securitysys=on&start_row=1&max_rows=25&FormID=0", data=data)

soup = BeautifulSoup(get_warn_data.content, "html.parser")

# These are all the hash taags you need to go to to get data and the links
# for the other pages you possibly need to go to to get data.
targets = soup.find_all('a', href = True)

import re
regex = re.compile("(?=\").*(?<=\")")
targets2 = [re.search(regex, str(a)).group(0) for a in targets]

# These are the url parts to which you need to append the url_head then run a
# request on the entire url; also, python shows &amp; where it should just be
# &; making that substitution here

# FIRST SET OF IDs to pull data on; will append businesses gathered from 
# the other pages
bus1 = [a for a in targets2 if 'mn_warn_dsp' in a and 'hash' in a]
bus1 = [re.sub(r"\"", "", a) for a in bus1]
bus1 = [re.sub(r"&amp;", "&", a) for a in bus1]

# Most queries will return multiple pages of business; need to loop through the pages to get
# all of the businesses; business from here will be combined with business from first
# page above; 
more_pages = [a for a in targets2 if 'start_row' in a and 'max_row' in a and 'orderby' in a]
more_pages = [re.sub(r"\"", "", a) for a in more_pages]
more_pages = [re.sub(r"&amp;", "&", a) for a in more_pages]
# Getting rid of ada... part from all additional page url parts; will attach
# to all below
more_pages = [re.sub(r"/ada/mn_warn_dsp.cfm", "", a) for a in more_pages]

# url prefixes for businesses already have the mn_warn_dsp part; the additional
# page urls do not; for url parts in "more_pages", append url_head_pages; for
# businesses, append the url_head
url_head = "https://www.azjobconnection.gov/ada/"
url_head_pages = "https://www.azjobconnection.gov/ada/mn_warn_dsp.cfm"

# Going to additional pages and getting all the ids/hash number
# Here, I'm just repeating on subsequent pages what I did on the first page; no
# need to check for additional pages here. Just going through each page
# and grabbing the hash marks

hash_hold = []
for page in more_pages:
    test123 = url_head_pages+page # url of the page with additional businesses
    work_now = session.get(url = test123) # getting html to parse
    soup = BeautifulSoup(work_now.content, "html.parser")
    targets = soup.find_all('a', href = True) # finding all ids/hash values
    regex = re.compile("(?=\").*(?<=\")") # getting stuff between double quotes
    targets2 = [re.search(regex, str(a)).group(0) for a in targets]
    bus2 = [a for a in targets2 if 'mn_warn_dsp' in a and 'hash' in a]
    bus2 = [re.sub(r"\"", "", a) for a in bus1]
    bus2 = [re.sub(r"&amp;", "&", a) for a in bus1]

# hash_hold has hash/ids from subsequent pages and the bus1 has hash/ids
# from the first page; joining them all together here to get all hash/ids
# we need

# These are all of the hash/ids/businesses I captured; notice it is much smaller than the number of returned results if you search from Jan. 1, 2020 to today
from pandas.core.common import flatten
businesses_use = list(flatten(hash_hold))

1 Ответ

2 голосов
/ 16 июня 2020

Этот сценарий относится к 1 января 2020 года (~ 136 записей) (не в хронологическом порядке, они отсортированы по имени, но вы можете легко отсортировать его по дате):

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = 'https://www.azjobconnection.gov/ada/mn_warn_dsp.cfm?def=false&securitysys=on'
page_url = 'https://www.azjobconnection.gov/ada/mn_warn_dsp.cfm?securitysys=on&start_row={p}&max_rows=50&orderby=employer&choice=1'

with requests.session() as s:
    soup = BeautifulSoup(s.get(url).content, 'html.parser')

    data = {}
    for i in soup.select('input'):
        data[i['name']] = i.get('value', '')
    del data['clear']
    data['startdate'] = '01/01/2020'
    data['layoffType'] = 'y'

    p = 1
    while True:
        soup = BeautifulSoup(s.post(page_url.format(p=p), data=data).content, 'html.parser')

        for i, tr in enumerate(soup.select('tr.cfOutputTableRow'), p):
            tds = [td.get_text(strip=True) for td in tr.select('td')]
            print(i, tds)

        if i % 50:

        p += 50


1 ['Aecom', 'Glendale', '85310', '7', '01/17/2020']
2 ['Ahern Rentals Inc.', 'Phoenix', '85006', '5', '03/28/2020']
3 ['Alsco', 'Yuma', '85365', '9', '04/07/2020']
4 ['Amentum', 'Yuma', '85364', '9', '03/13/2020']
5 ['AmSafe', 'Phoenix', '85043', '5', '05/12/2020']
6 ['Ares Collective Restaurants', 'Tucson', '85715', '6', '03/23/2020']
7 ['Arizona Grand Resort', 'Phoenix', '85044', '5', '05/04/2020']
8 ['Atrium Hospitality', 'Glendale', '85305', '7', '03/26/2020']
9 ['Avis Budget', 'Phoenix', '85034', '5', '04/08/2020']
10 ['Bella Fresh', 'Phoenix', '85043', '5', '02/05/2020']
11 ['Benihana Ahwatukee', 'Phoenix', '85044', '7', '04/05/2020']
12 ['Benihana Chandler', 'Chandler', '85226', '7', '04/05/2020']
13 ['Benihana Mid town', 'Scottsdale', '85251', '7', '04/05/2020']
14 ['Benihana Scottsdale', 'Scottsdale', '85254', '7', '04/05/2020']
15 ['Best Western Hotels & Resorts', 'Phoenix', '85016', '5', '03/25/2020']
16 ['Black Bear Diner', 'Laveen', '85339', '7', '04/09/2020']
17 ['Camby Hotel', 'Phoenix', '85021', '5', '05/07/2020']
18 ['Camelback Inn Resort & Spa (JW Marriott)', 'Scottsdale', '85253', '7', '06/03/2020']
19 ['Cameron Mitchell Restaurants, LLC', 'Columbus', '85054', '5', '03/24/2020']
20 ['Cinemark', 'Tucson', '85713', '6', '04/01/2020']
21 ['civana', 'Carefree', '85377', '7', '04/03/2020']
22 ['civana', 'Carefree', '85377', '7', '04/03/2020']
23 ['CMA CGM (America) LLC', 'Scottsdale', '85254', '7', '01/03/2020']
24 ['Cocopah Bend RV Resort and Golf', 'Yuma', '85364', '9', '04/07/2020']
25 ['Cocopah Casino and Resort', 'Somerton', '85350', '9', '04/07/2020']
26 ['Cocopah indian Tribe', 'Somerton', '85350', '9', '04/07/2020']
27 ['COX Automotive', 'Phoenix', '85040', '5', '05/08/2020']
28 ["Denny's (Beshay Enterprises)", 'Murrieta', '92562', '2003', '03/23/2020']
29 ["Denny's (Beshay Enterprises)", 'Murrieta', '92562', '5', '03/23/2020']
30 ["Denny's (Beshay Enterprises)", 'Murrieta', '92562', '5', '03/23/2020']
31 ["Denny's (Beshay Enterprises)", 'Murrieta', '92562', '5', '03/23/2020']
32 ["Denny's (Beshay Enterprises)", 'Murrieta', '92562', '5', '03/23/2020']
33 ["Denny's (Beshay Enterprises)", 'Murrieta', '92562', '5', '03/23/2020']
34 ['Doubletree Suites by Hilton Phoenix', 'Phoenix', '85008', '5', '04/15/2020']
35 ['Drive Time', 'Phoenix', '85040', '5', '03/27/2020']
36 ['Drive Time', 'Phoenix', '85040', '5', '03/27/2020']
37 ['Dyncorp', 'Tucson', '85704', '6', '01/15/2020']
38 ['Embassy Suites Tempe', 'Tempe', '85282', '5', '03/18/2020']
39 ['Estrellita Child Care center', 'San Luis', '85336', '9', '04/07/2020']
40 ['Evolution Hospitality', 'sedona', '85325', '10', '04/03/2020']
41 ['Fairmont Scottsdale Princess', 'Scottsdale', '85255', '7', '06/08/2020']
42 ['FEAST American Diners', 'Phoenix', '85010', '7', '03/23/2020']
43 ['Flagstaff DoubleTree', 'Flagstaff', '86001', '10', '04/02/2020']
44 ['Flying Food Group, LLC', 'Phoenix', '85003', '5', '04/10/2020']
45 ['Four Seasons Resort', 'Scottsdale', '85262', '7', '03/20/2020']
46 ['Fruit Growers Supply', 'Yuma', '85365', '9', '05/29/2020']
47 ['GBT US LLC', 'Scottsdale', '85254', '7', '04/13/2020']
48 ['Go Rentals', 'Newport', '92660', '7', '03/23/2020']
49 ['Great Wolf Lodge', 'Scottsdale', '85258', '7', '03/30/2020']
50 ['Guess?, Inc', 'Glendale', '85305', '7', '04/13/2020']
51 ['Hertz', 'Phoenix', '85034', '7', '04/29/2020']
52 ['Hexcel', 'Casa Grande', '85122', '2003', '04/20/2020']
53 ['Holiday Inn Hotels', 'Yuma', '85364', '9', '03/31/2020']
54 ['HotChalk', 'Phoenix', '85034', '5', '02/25/2020']
55 ['Huhtamaki', 'Googyear', '85338', '7', '04/16/2020']
56 ['Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Gainey Ra', 'Scottsdale', '85258', '7', '06/12/2020']
57 ['IHG-Army Hotels, candlewood Suites', 'Yuma Proving grounds', '85365', '9', '04/07/2020']
58 ['International Cruise & Excursion Gallery', 'Scottsdale', '85256', '7', '03/24/2020']
59 ['Islands Restaurants', 'Phoenix', '85050', '7', '03/23/2020']
60 ['James River Insurance Company', 'Scottsdale', '85254', '7', '05/15/2020']
61 ['Katerra', 'Scottsdale', '85258', '7', '04/02/2020']
62 ['KDC Construction', 'Irvine', '92606', '7', '03/20/2020']
63 ["King's Seafood Company LLC", 'Tempe', '85281', '7', '03/24/2020']
64 ["L'Auberge de Sedona", 'Sedona', '85600', '10', '04/03/2020']
65 ['LM Industries', 'Chandler', '85226', '7', '05/01/2020']
66 ['Loews Ventana Canyon Resort', 'Tucson', '85750', '6', '05/29/2020']
67 ['Lucille’s Smokehouse Bar-B-Que', 'Tempe', '85282', '7', '04/20/2020']
68 ["Macy's Credit and Customer Services, Inc.", 'Tempe', '85281', '7', '01/06/2020']
69 ['MAPFRE Insurance - Enterprise Contact Center', 'Gilbert', '85234', '7', '01/13/2020']
70 ['Massage Envy', 'Scottsdale', '85260', '7', '04/15/2020']
71 ['McCormick Scottsdale', 'Scottsdale', '85253', '7', '03/30/2020']
72 ['Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament', 'Scottsdale', '85258', '7', '04/08/2020']
73 ['Mind Body', 'Scottsdale', '85257', '7', '04/07/2020']
74 ['Movement for Life Inc.', 'San Obispo', '93401', '6', '03/25/2020']
75 ['Northrop Grumman', 'Falls Church', '22042', '1', '03/09/2020']
76 ['old spagetti Factory', 'Chandler', '85226', '7', '03/24/2020']
77 ['Onni Properties', 'Phoenix', '85019', '5', '03/25/2020']
78 ['Open Door', 'Scottsdale', '85251', '7', '04/15/2020']
79 ['PAE Government Services', 'Yuma', '85365', '9', '05/28/2020']
80 ['Page Elks Lodge 2498', 'Page', '86040', '10', '04/06/2020']
81 ['Papersource', 'Pheonix', '85016', '5', '03/27/2020']
82 ['Pappas Restaurants', 'Phoenix', '85003', '5', '03/25/2020']
83 ['Passport Health', 'Scottsdale', '85262', '7', '03/23/2020']
84 ['Phoenix Desert Ridege Resort & Spa (JW Marriott)', 'Phoenix', '85054', '5', '06/03/2020']
85 ['Phoenix Glendale Renaissance', 'Glendale', '85305', '7', '03/26/2020']
86 ['Pima Valve', 'Chandler', '85226', '7', '03/18/2020']
87 ['Pink Adventure Tours', 'Sedona', '86336', '10', '04/14/2020']
88 ['Prospect', 'Phoenix', '85034', '7', '04/09/2020']
89 ['Punch Bowl social', 'Phoenix', '85004', '5', '03/18/2020']
90 ['RA Kierland Restaurant', 'Scottsdale', '85254', '6', '04/05/2020']
91 ['RA Mesa Corp', 'Mesa', '85204', '6', '04/05/2020']
92 ['Renaissance Phoenix Downtown Hotel', 'Phoenix, Arizona', '85004', '5', '06/01/2020']
93 ['Residence Inn/Courtyard Phoenix Downtown', 'Phoenix', '85004', '5', '03/27/2020']
94 ['Roadhouse cinemas', 'Tucson', '85712', '6', '03/18/2020']
95 ['Saddle Ranch Chop House', 'Glendale', '85305', '7', '03/27/2020']
96 ['Sam Levits', 'Tucson', '85705', '6', '03/25/2020']
97 ['Sam Levitz furniture', 'Tucson', '85705', '6', '03/25/2020']
98 ['Sanctuary Camelback', 'Phoenix', '85014', '5', '04/02/2020']
99 ["SAS Restaurant Ventures (Denny's)", 'Phoenix', '85022', '5', '03/31/2020']
100 ['Scottsdale Marriott at McDowell Mountains', 'Scottsdale', '85260', '7', '06/02/2020']
101 ['Scottsdale Marriott Old Yown', 'Scottsdale', '85251', '7', '06/04/2020']
102 ['Shamrock Farms', 'Phoenix', '85009', '5', '04/02/2020']
103 ['Sheraton Phoenix Downtown', 'Phoenix', '85022', '5', '06/02/2020']
104 ['Specialty Textile', 'Phoenix', '85007', '5', '03/30/2020']
105 ['Starr Pass Resort & Spa (JW Marriott)', 'Tucson', '85745', '6', '06/01/2020']
106 ['Sub-Zero Group Inc', 'Goodyear', '85340', '7', '03/20/2020']
107 ['Suit Supply', 'Scottsdale', '85254', '7', '04/08/2020']
108 ['Surprise Honda', 'Surprise', '85388', '7', '03/24/2020']
109 ['Surprise Honda', 'Surprise', '85388', '7', '03/25/2020']
110 ['Sushi Tucson', 'Tucson', '85717', '6', '04/05/2020']
111 ['SW Hotels and Resorts WW llc', 'Scottsdale', '85251', '7', '06/03/2020']
112 ['Tanque Verde Ranch', 'Tucson', '85748', '6', '03/27/2020']
113 ['Taylor Farms', 'Yuma', '85666', '9', '03/27/2020']
114 ['Taylor farms', 'Salinas', '93902', '9', '04/07/2020']
115 ['The Antiqua Group', 'Peoria', '85382', '7', '04/24/2020']
116 ['The Orchards', 'Sedona', '85600', '10', '04/03/2020']
117 ['The Phoenician', 'Phoenix', '85251', '5', '06/03/2020']
118 ['The Ritz-Carlton', 'Marana', '85658', '6', '06/05/2020']
119 ['The Royal Palms Resort and Spa', 'Phoenix', '85018', '5', '06/08/2020']
120 ['The Scott Resort and Spa', 'Scottsdale', '85251', '7', '05/04/2020']
121 ['The Scottsdale Resort at McCormick Ranch', 'Scottsdale', '85258', '7', '06/05/2020']
122 ['The Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse Pass', 'Chandler', '85226', '7', '06/03/2020']
123 ['The Westin Kierland Resort and Spa', 'Scottsdale', '85254', '7', '06/05/2020']
124 ['The Westin Kierland Villas', 'Scottsdale', '85254', '7', '06/05/2020']
125 ['The Westin Phoenix Downtown', 'Phoenix', '85004', '5', '06/05/2020']
126 ['TMI Acquisitions LLC', 'Tucson', '85713', '6', '01/10/2020']
127 ['Transportation Brokerage Specialists Inc (TBS)', 'Costa Mesa', '92626', '7', '02/20/2020']
128 ['Transportation Brokerage Specialists Inc (TBS)', 'Costa Mesa', '92626', '7', '02/20/2020']
129 ['Tucson Marriott University park', 'Tucson', '85719', '6', '03/26/2020']
130 ['Tuesday Morning, Inc.', 'Phoenix', '85006', '5', '04/22/2020']
131 ['Tufesa USA, LLC', 'Phoenix', '85009', '5', '04/15/2020']
132 ['Uber Technologies', 'Phoenix', '85004', '5', '05/07/2020']
133 ['Vision Works', 'Chandler', '85226', '7', '04/23/2020']
134 ['Wild River Family Entertainment Center', 'Somerton', '85350', '9', '04/07/2020']
135 ['Yelp', 'Scottsdale', '85251', '7', '04/09/2020']
136 ['Zip Recruiter', 'Santa Monica', '90401', '7', '03/27/2020']