Я создаю программу flask, которая генерирует определенное количество паролей в зависимости от требований пользователя. Пользователь получает свободу редактирования пароля. Исходный код указан ниже.
from random import *
from itertools import *
import string
class password_generator():
def __init__(self,final_output,special_nproduction,final_specp): #creating the local variables
self.final_output = final_output
self.special_nproduction = special_nproduction
self.final_specp = final_specp
def alpha_rand_func(self): #for randomly selecting alphabets
alpha = string.ascii_letters
for i in range(4):
self.final_output += choice(alpha)
def symbol_rand_func(self): #for randomly selecting symbols
symbol = string.punctuation
for i in range(3):
self.special_nproduction += choice(symbol)
def int_rand_func(self): #for randomly selecting integers
integer = string.digits
for i in range(2):
self.special_nproduction += choice(integer)
def special_number_production(self): #for concatenating the integers and symbols
self.special_nproduction = list(self.special_nproduction)
init_perm = list(permutations((self.special_nproduction),5))
selected_comb_init_list = choice(init_perm) #selecting a permutation of integers and symbols randomly
mod_selected_comb_init = "" #for storing the permutation in the form of a variable
for i in selected_comb_init_list: #iterating through the selected_comb_init_list
mod_selected_comb_init += i
self.final_output += mod_selected_comb_init # adding the integer-symbol combination to final output
def final_output_production(self): #for concatenating all the characters, selecting a combination of it randommly and returning it as output
return self.final_output #returns the final output
from Password_creator import *
from flask import Flask,render_template,request,redirect,url_for
from table import Table
from flask_modus import Modus
app = Flask(__name__,template_folder='template')
modus= Modus(app)
def data_reveal(): # for user input for suggestions
return render_template('input.html')
@app.route('/data-extract') # for extracting the user input
def data_extract():
global sug
sug = int(request.args.get('sug')) # to get the user input
return redirect('/generate') # redirecting to generate
@app.route('/generate') # for generating the passwords
def generate():
global final_g
global data_x
global password
final_g = [] # for the passwords
password = []
for i in range(sug):
v = password_generator("","","") #for calling the class
alpha_g = v.alpha_rand_func() # line 25- 30; please refer the Password_creator.py file
sym_g = v.symbol_rand_func()
int_g = v.int_rand_func()
spec_g = v.special_number_production()
final = v.final_output
passwd_obj = Table(v.final_output,'nil') # for storing them in a class
password.append(passwd_obj) # for storing them in a list
return render_template('output_disp.html',final_lst = password) # rendering the output_disp.html
@app.route('/generate/<int:id>',methods = ["GET","PATCH","POST"]) # for modifying the function
def show(id):
found = next(entry for entry in password if entry.id == id) # for finding the entry with the required entry
if request.method == b"PATCH": # for dealing with PATCH
found.passwd = request.form['edit_passwd']
return redirect('/generate')
return render_template('modify.html',found_entry = found)
@app.route('/generate/<int:id>/edit',methods = ["GET","PATCH","POST"]) # for showing the function
def modify(id):
found = next(entry for entry in password if entry.id == id)
return render_template('modify.html',found_entry = found)
изменить. html
{% extends 'str_main.html' %}
{% block content %}
<div id = "modify-div">
<form id = "edit" action = "{{url_for('show',id = found_entry.id)}}?_method=PATCH" method ="POST">
<input type = "text" value = "{{found_entry.passwd}}" name = "edit_passwd">
<input type ="submit" value = "save change" >
{% endblock %}
output_disp. html
{% extends 'str_main.html'%}
{% block content%}
<div id = "options">
<div id = "btn-output-1"><h6>Upload file</h6></div>
<div id = "btn-output-2"><h6>Main page</h6></div>
<div id = "btn-output-3"><h6>Save</h6></div>
<div id = "output-head">
<h1>Here are the suggestions</h1>
<div id = "output-div">
<form id = "output-data" method = "POST">
{% for i in final_lst %}
<td> <a href ="#">{{ i.passwd }}</a></td>
<td>{{ i.desc }}</td>
{% endfor %}
<input type = "text" value = "fileName" name = "fileName">
<button type ="button" value= "saving file">Saving fhile</button>
{% endblock %}
class Table(): #class for storing the passwords with their description
count = 1
def __init__(self,passwd,desc):
self.passwd = passwd
self.desc = desc
self.id = Table.count
Table.count += 1
Вот URL-адрес репозитория github https://github.com/OCTRACORE/cs_Project
Проблема в том, что всякий раз, когда я go перехожу к маршруту /generate/<int:id>/edit
и пытаюсь изменить пароль, Я не вижу изменений в output_disp.html
. Вместо этого страница обновляется, и я вижу новый набор предложений. Итак, что я могу сделать, чтобы решить эту проблему.