Товарищи надеются, что все вы в порядке. Я знаю, что это очень дамп Вопрос, но я новичок и нигде не могу найти помощи. Я делаю Python для всех курсов 5 на Coursera. Я действительно не понимаю logi c sprank.py
Это ссылка на файл pagerank. Pagerank - это упрощенные алгоритмы рейтинга страниц Google
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('spider.sqlite')
cur = conn.cursor()
# Find the ids that send out page rank - we only are interested
# in pages in the SCC that have in and out links
cur.execute('''SELECT DISTINCT from_id FROM Links''')
from_ids = list()
for row in cur:
# Find the ids that receive page rank
to_ids = list()
links = list()
cur.execute('''SELECT DISTINCT from_id, to_id FROM Links''')
for row in cur:
from_id = row[0]
to_id = row[1]
if from_id == to_id : continue
if from_id not in from_ids : continue
if to_id not in from_ids : continue
if to_id not in to_ids : to_ids.append(to_id)
# Get latest page ranks for strongly connected component
prev_ranks = dict()
for node in from_ids:
cur.execute('''SELECT new_rank FROM Pages WHERE id = ?''', (node, ))
row = cur.fetchone()
prev_ranks[node] = row[0]
sval = input('How many iterations:')
many = 1
many = int(sval)
# Sanity check
if len(prev_ranks) < 1 :
print("Nothing to page rank. Check data.")
# Lets do Page Rank in memory so it is really fast
for i in range(many):
# print prev_ranks.items()[:5]
next_ranks = dict();
total = 0.0
for (node, old_rank) in list(prev_ranks.items()):
total = total + old_rank
next_ranks[node] = 0.0
# print total
# Find the number of outbound links and sent the page rank down each
for (node, old_rank) in list(prev_ranks.items()):
# print node, old_rank
give_ids = list()
for (from_id, to_id) in links:
if from_id != node : continue
# print ' ',from_id,to_id
if to_id not in to_ids: continue
if ( len(give_ids) < 1 ) : continue
amount = old_rank / len(give_ids)
# print node, old_rank,amount, give_ids
for id in give_ids:
next_ranks[id] = next_ranks[id] + amount
newtot = 0
for (node, next_rank) in list(next_ranks.items()):
newtot = newtot + next_rank
evap = (total - newtot) / len(next_ranks)
# print newtot, evap
for node in next_ranks:
next_ranks[node] = next_ranks[node] + evap
newtot = 0
for (node, next_rank) in list(next_ranks.items()):
newtot = newtot + next_rank
# Compute the per-page average change from old rank to new rank
# As indication of convergence of the algorithm
totdiff = 0
for (node, old_rank) in list(prev_ranks.items()):
new_rank = next_ranks[node]
diff = abs(old_rank-new_rank)
totdiff = totdiff + diff
avediff = totdiff / len(prev_ranks)
print(i+1, avediff)
# rotate
prev_ranks = next_ranks
# Put the final ranks back into the database
cur.execute('''UPDATE Pages SET old_rank=new_rank''')
for (id, new_rank) in list(next_ranks.items()) :
cur.execute('''UPDATE Pages SET new_rank=? WHERE id=?''', (new_rank, id))