report for each year the percentage of movies in that year with only female actors, and the total number of movies made that year. For example, one answer will be: 1990 31.81 13522 meaning that in 1990 there were 13,522 movies, and 31.81% had only female actors. You do not need to round your answer.
following code
select a.year, a.c*100.00/b.c as percentage, b.c as total_overall
from (select z.year, count(*) as c
from movie z
where not exists (select *
from person x,M_cast xy
where = and xy.mid = z.mid and x.Gender!='Female')
group by z.year) a,
(select z.year, count(*) as c from movie z group by z.year) b
where a.year=b.year
order by a.year;
following code is not working
select z.year, count(*)
from movie z
where not exists (select *
from actor x, casts xy
where = and xy.mid = and x.gender!='F')
group by z.year;
please tell me query for movies with only female how to select
following output im getting
guide me how to select movie with only female actors
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