Я недавно использую LOVE2D и Lua для создания игр. Я обновляю Breakout, и у меня есть ошибка в Paddle.lua
Paddle = Class{}
Our Paddle will initialize at the same spot every time, in the middle
of the world horizontally, toward the bottom.
size = math.random(4)
function Paddle:init(skin, size)
-- x is placed in the middle
self.x = VIRTUAL_WIDTH / 2 - 32
-- y is placed a little above the bottom edge of the screen
self.y = VIRTUAL_HEIGHT - 32
-- start us off with no velocity
self.dx = 0
self.size = size
self.height = 16
if self.size == 1 then
self.width = 32
elseif self.size == 3 then
self.width = 96
elseif self.size == 4 then
self.width = 128
self.width = 64
-- the skin only has the effect of changing our color, used to offset us
-- into the gPaddleSkins table later
self.skin = skin
function Paddle:update(dt)
-- keyboard input
if love.keyboard.isDown('left') then
self.dx = -PADDLE_SPEED
elseif love.keyboard.isDown('right') then
self.dx = PADDLE_SPEED
self.dx = 0
-- math.max here ensures that we're the greater of 0 or the player's
-- current calculated Y position when pressing up so that we don't
-- go into the negatives; the movement calculation is simply our
-- previously-defined paddle speed scaled by dt
if self.dx < 0 then
self.x = math.max(0, self.x + self.dx * dt)
-- similar to before, this time we use math.min to ensure we don't
-- go any farther than the bottom of the screen minus the paddle's
-- height (or else it will go partially below, since position is
-- based on its top left corner)
self.x = math.min(VIRTUAL_WIDTH - self.width, self.x + self.dx * dt)
Render the paddle by drawing the main texture, passing in the quad
that corresponds to the proper skin and size.
function Paddle:render()
love.graphics.draw(gTextures['main'], gFrames['paddles'][self.size + 4 * (self.skin - 1)],
self.x, self.y)
src/Paddle.lua:83: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'size' (a nil value)
src/Paddle.lua:83: in function 'render'
src/states/ServeState.lua:68: in function 'render'
src/StateMachine.lua:26: in function 'render'
main.lua:210: in function 'draw'
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
Говорят, что значение равно nii хотя назначил. Как это исправить?