from tkinter import *
import random
def player_turn():
if buttons['text'] == ' ':
buttons['text'] = 'O'
def cpu_turn():
if buttons['text'] == ' ':
x = random.randint(1,9)
btn_list[x]['text'] = 'X'
def game():
while turns < 10 and not win:
if turns % 2 == 1:
def click(buttons):
global clicked
global player_score
global cpu_score
global win
if (btn1['text'] == 'O' and btn2['text'] == 'O' and btn3['text'] == 'O' or
btn4['text'] == 'O' and btn5['text'] == 'O' and btn6['text'] == 'O' or
btn7['text'] == 'O' and btn8['text'] == 'O' and btn9['text'] == 'O' or
btn1['text'] == 'O' and btn5['text'] == 'O' and btn9['text'] == 'O' or
btn3['text'] == 'O' and btn5['text'] == 'O' and btn7['text'] == 'O' or
btn1['text'] == 'O' and btn4['text'] == 'O' and btn7['text'] == 'O' or
btn2['text'] == 'O' and btn5['text'] == 'O' and btn8['text'] == 'O' or
btn3['text'] == 'O' and btn6['text'] == 'O' and btn9['text'] == 'O'):
player_score += 1
win = True
elif (btn1['text'] == 'X' and btn2['text'] == 'X' and btn3['text'] == 'X' or
btn4['text'] == 'X' and btn5['text'] == 'X' and btn6['text'] == 'X' or
btn7['text'] == 'X' and btn8['text'] == 'X' and btn9['text'] == 'X' or
btn1['text'] == 'X' and btn5['text'] == 'X' and btn9['text'] == 'X' or
btn3['text'] == 'X' and btn5['text'] == 'X' and btn7['text'] == 'X' or
btn1['text'] == 'X' and btn4['text'] == 'X' and btn7['text'] == 'X' or
btn2['text'] == 'X' and btn5['text'] == 'X' and btn8['text'] == 'X' or
btn3['text'] == 'X' and btn6['text'] == 'X' and btn9['text'] == 'X'):
cpu_score += 1
win = True
window = Tk()
window.title('Tic Tac Toe')
buttons = StringVar()
btn1 = Button(window,text=' ',bg='red',height=4,width=8,command=lambda:click(btn1))
btn2 = Button(window,text=' ',bg='blue',height=4,width=8,command=lambda:click(btn2))
btn3 = Button(window,text=' ',bg='red',height=4,width=8,command=lambda:click(btn3))
btn4 = Button(window,text=' ',bg='blue',height=4,width=8,command=lambda:click(btn4))
btn5 = Button(window,text=' ',bg='red',height=4,width=8,command=lambda:click(btn5))
btn6 = Button(window,text=' ',bg='blue',height=4,width=8,command=lambda:click(btn6))
btn7 = Button(window,text=' ',bg='red',height=4,width=8,command=lambda:click(btn7))
btn8 = Button(window,text=' ',bg='blue',height=4,width=8,command=lambda:click(btn8))
btn9 = Button(window,text=' ',bg='red',height=4,width=8,command=lambda:click(btn9))
btn_list = [btn1,btn2,btn3,btn4,btn5,btn6,btn7,btn8,btn9]
player_score = 0
cpu_score = 0
turn = 1
win = False
Когда я нажимаю кнопку, ошибки нет, но нет никаких эффектов. Здесь я хотел бы установить while l oop при смене ходов между проигрывателем и процессором, но я не знаю, как лучше всего создать такой эффект, так может ли кто-нибудь меня научить? Также как я могу установить, если на кнопке уже есть текст, а затем ее нельзя щелкнуть? Я хотел бы спросить, в чем польза лямбда-функции, потому что я не знаю, когда использовать