Начните с просмотра строки 40 по адресу /app/vendor/symfony/security-core/Encoder/NativePasswordEncoder.php. Зарегистрируйте всю трассировку стека, и вы увидите, в чем ошибка. Это фактический файл
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\BadCredentialsException;
* Hashes passwords using password_hash().
* @author Elnur Abdurrakhimov <elnur@elnur.pro>
* @author Terje Bråten <terje@braten.be>
* @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com>
final class NativePasswordEncoder implements PasswordEncoderInterface, SelfSaltingEncoderInterface
private const MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 4096;
private $algo = PASSWORD_BCRYPT;
private $options;
* @param string|null $algo An algorithm supported by password_hash() or null to use the stronger available algorithm
public function __construct(int $opsLimit = null, int $memLimit = null, int $cost = null, string $algo = null)
$cost = $cost ?? 13;
$memLimit = $memLimit ?? max(64 * 1024 * 1024, \defined('SODIUM_CRYPTO_PWHASH_MEMLIMIT_INTERACTIVE') ? SODIUM_CRYPTO_PWHASH_MEMLIMIT_INTERACTIVE : 64 * 1024 * 1024);
if (3 > $opsLimit) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$opsLimit must be 3 or greater.');
if (10 * 1024 > $memLimit) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$memLimit must be 10k or greater.');
if ($cost < 4 || 31 < $cost) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$cost must be in the range of 4-31.');
$algos = [1 => PASSWORD_BCRYPT, '2y' => PASSWORD_BCRYPT];
if (\defined('PASSWORD_ARGON2I')) {
$this->algo = $algos[2] = $algos['argon2i'] = (string) PASSWORD_ARGON2I;
if (\defined('PASSWORD_ARGON2ID')) {
$this->algo = $algos[3] = $algos['argon2id'] = (string) PASSWORD_ARGON2ID;
if (null !== $algo) {
$this->algo = $algos[$algo] ?? $algo;
$this->options = [
'cost' => $cost,
'time_cost' => $opsLimit,
'memory_cost' => $memLimit >> 10,
'threads' => 1,
* {@inheritdoc}
public function encodePassword(string $raw, ?string $salt): string
if (\strlen($raw) > self::MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH || ((string) PASSWORD_BCRYPT === $this->algo && 72 < \strlen($raw))) {
throw new BadCredentialsException('Invalid password.');
// Ignore $salt, the auto-generated one is always the best
return password_hash($raw, $this->algo, $this->options);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function isPasswordValid(string $encoded, string $raw, ?string $salt): bool
if ('' === $raw) {
return false;
if (\strlen($raw) > self::MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH) {
return false;
if (0 !== strpos($encoded, '$argon')) {
// BCrypt encodes only the first 72 chars
return (72 >= \strlen($raw) || 0 !== strpos($encoded, '$2')) && password_verify($raw, $encoded);
if (\extension_loaded('sodium') && version_compare(SODIUM_LIBRARY_VERSION, '1.0.14', '>=')) {
return sodium_crypto_pwhash_str_verify($encoded, $raw);
if (\extension_loaded('libsodium') && version_compare(phpversion('libsodium'), '1.0.14', '>=')) {
return \Sodium\crypto_pwhash_str_verify($encoded, $raw);
return password_verify($raw, $encoded);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function needsRehash(string $encoded): bool
return password_needs_rehash($encoded, $this->algo, $this->options);
Это соответствующая его часть:
$memLimit = $memLimit ?? max(64 * 1024 * 1024, \defined('SODIUM_CRYPTO_PWHASH_MEMLIMIT_INTERACTIVE') ? SODIUM_CRYPTO_PWHASH_MEMLIMIT_INTERACTIVE : 64 * 1024 * 1024);
if (3 > $opsLimit) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$opsLimit must be 3 or greater.');
, определенный и меньше или равен трем. Найдите в своих файлах все вхождения этого текста и найдите виновного.