Я могу воспроизвести следующую или предыдущую песню, но я просто не могу понять, как повторить ту же песню, и я застрял на этом в течение дня. Любая помощь приветствуется
Воспроизведение следующей песни:
public void playNext (View view){
Song nextSong = songCollection.getNextSong(songId);
if (nextSong != null) {
songId = nextSong.getId();
title = nextSong.getTitle();
artiste = nextSong.getArtiste();
fileLink = nextSong.getFileLink();
coverArt = nextSong.getCoverArt();
url = BASE_URL + fileLink;
Воспроизведение предыдущей песни
public void playPrev (View view ){
Song prevSong = songCollection.getPrevSong(songId);
if ( prevSong != null) {
songId = prevSong.getId();
title = prevSong.getTitle();
artiste = prevSong.getArtiste();
fileLink = prevSong.getFileLink();
coverArt = prevSong.getCoverArt();
url = BASE_URL + fileLink;
displaySong(title, artiste, coverArt);
} playOrPauseMusic(view);
Коллекция песен:
public class SongCollection {
// Instance variable: An array to store 2 Song objects
private Song songArray [] = new Song[2];
//Constructor of SongCollection class
public SongCollection() { prepareSongs (); }
//Create Song objects and store them into songArray
public void prepareSongs () {
//Create the first Song object
Song theWayYouLookTonight = new Song("S1001","The Way You Look Tonight","Michael Buble",
//Create the second Song object
Song billieJean = new Song("S1002", "Billie Jean","Michael Jackson",
"f504e6b8e037771318656394f532dede4f9bcaea?cid=2afe8", 4.9, "billie_jean");
//Insert the song objects into the SongArray
songArray[0] = theWayYouLookTonight;
songArray[1] = billieJean;
//Search and return the song with the specified id.
public Song searchById (String id) {
Song song = null;
for (int index = 0; index < songArray.length; index++) {
song = songArray[index];
if (song.getId().equals(id)) {
return song;
//If the song cannot be found in the SongArray,
//The null song object will be returned
return null;
public Song getNextSong (String currentSongId) {
Song song = null;
for (int index = 0; index < songArray.length; index++){
String tempSongId = songArray[index].getId();
if (tempSongId.equals(currentSongId)&& (index < songArray.length -1)) {
song = songArray[index+1];
return song;
public Song getPrevSong (String currentSongId){
Song song = null;
for (int index = 0; index < songArray.length; index++){
String tempSongId = songArray[index].getId();
if (tempSongId.equals(currentSongId)&& (index > 0)){
song = songArray[index -1];
return song;