gRP C -node: при * Dockerizing * Service запрос не go через сервер сервиса? [Скриншоты включены] - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 03 августа 2020

Я создал действительно простой книжный магазин с Книгами, Покупателем и основной службой. Эта конкретная проблема связана с основным сервисом и сервисом книг.

В настоящее время я делаю запрос gRP C под названием: "createBook", который создает книгу в нашей базе данных, а также журналы консоли.

При запуске сервера gRP C (booksServer) без docker процесс проходит гладко.

Но как только я использую docker, мне кажется, что gRP C запрос не go на gRP C сервер ...

Под «использованием docker» я подразумеваю использование docker для запуска booksServer. (Как показано ниже)

Результат: Без Docker

As you can see, without docker, the request is fulfilled, and everything works as it should. 
Our gRPC client makes a call to the gRPC server (in which metadata is created) and the metadata is also sent back to the client. 
(Scroll down to see the gRPC server file with the method called "getBooks".)

enter image description here

booksServer (without docker) enter image description here

*** Notice the console logs in the booksServer!!! ***

Let me run the booksServer (with docker)

(Dockerfile below)

FROM node:12.14.0
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package*.json ./
COPY . /usr/src/app
RUN npm install
RUN npm install nodemon -g
EXPOSE 30043
CMD ["nodemon", "booksServer.js"

Here's my main service docker file too which initiates the request:

FROM node:12.14.0
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package*.json ./
COPY . /usr/src/app
# COPY . 
# RUN chmod +x /
RUN npm install
CMD ["node", "main.js"]

enter image description here enter image description here

^^^ Notice how when dockerfile is used to run booksServer
it doesn't go/run inside the booksServer file 
***It does NOT produce any console.logs when I fire off a gRPC requesst***

This is what the booksServer.js file looks like введите описание изображения здесь

Вот заглушка с книгами

//use this for bookInitiator
const path = require('path');
const PROTO_PATH = path.join(__dirname, "../protos/books.proto");

const grpc = require("grpc");
const protoLoader = require("@grpc/proto-loader");

const packageDefinition = protoLoader.loadSync(PROTO_PATH, {
  keepCase: true,
  longs: String,
  enums: String,
  arrays: true

const BooksService = grpc.loadPackageDefinition(packageDefinition).BooksService;

// potential issues to fix 1) making localhost port dynamic 2) docker containerization may cause conflict

const client = new BooksService (

console.log("Creating stub inside booksStub");
module.exports = client;

Вот файл сервера gRP C (с привязанными портами).

// const PROTO_PATH = "../protos/books.proto";
const path = require('path');
const PROTO_PATH = path.join(__dirname, './protos/books.proto');
const grpc = require("grpc");
const protoLoader = require("@grpc/proto-loader");
const express = require("express");
const controller = require("./booksController.js");
const app = express();

const packageDefinition = protoLoader.loadSync(PROTO_PATH, {
  keepCase: true,
  longs: String,
  enums: String,
  arrays: true,

const booksProto = grpc.loadPackageDefinition(packageDefinition);

const { v4: uuidv4 } = require("uuid");

const server = new grpc.Server();

server.addService(booksProto.BooksService.service, {
  CreateBook: (call, callback) => {
    console.log("call to CreateBook");

    //sample will take the call information from the client(stub)
    const book = {
      title: call.request.title,
      numberOfPages: call.request.numberOfPages,
      publisher: call.request.publisher,


    let meta = new grpc.Metadata();
    meta.add("response", "none");
    console.log("metadata in createBook...: ", meta);

        title: `completed for: ${call.request.title}`,
        author: `completed for: ${}`,
        numberOfPages: `completed for: ${call.request.numberOfPages}`,
        publisher: `completed for: ${call.request.publisher}`,
        id: `completed for: ${}`,
  GetBooks: (call, callback) => {
    console.log("call to GetBooks");
    // read from database
    let meta = new grpc.Metadata();
    meta.add('response', 'none');


server.bind("", grpc.ServerCredentials.createInsecure());
console.log("booksServer.js running at");
console.log("Inside Books Server!");
console.log("call from books server");


horus. js (настраиваемый простой инструмент трассировки), grab trace захватывает путь определенного запроса и отправляет его обратно клиенту gRP C в виде метаданных

const fs = require("fs");
const grpc = require("grpc");
const path = require("path");

class horus {
  constructor(name) {
    this.serviceName = name; // represents the name of the microservices
    this.startTime = null;
    this.endTime = null;
    this.request = {};
    this.targetService = null; // represents the location to which the request was made
    this.allRequests = []; // array which stores all requests
    this.timeCompleted = null;;

  static getReqId() {
    // primitive value - number of millisecond since midnight January 1, 1970 UTC
    // add service name/ initials to the beginning of reqId?
    return new Date().valueOf();

  // start should be invoked before the request is made
  // start begins the timer and initializes the request as pending
  start(targetService, call) {
    this.startTime = Number(process.hrtime.bigint());
    this.request[targetService] = "pending"; // {books: 'pending', responseTime: 'pending'}
    this.request.responseTime = "pending";
    this.targetService = targetService; = call;
    this.request.requestId = horus.getReqId();
  // end should be invoked when the request has returned
  end() {
    this.endTime = Number(process.hrtime.bigint());
    this.request.responseTime = (
      (this.endTime - this.startTime) /
    ).toFixed(3); //converting into ms.
    this.request.timeCompleted = this.getCurrentTime();
  // grabTrace accepts inserts trace into request
  // trace represents the "journey" of the request
  // trace expects metaData to be 'none when the server made no additional requests
  // trace expects metaData to be the request object generated by the server otherwise
  // in gRPC, the trace must be sent back as meta data. objects should be converted with JSON.parse
  grabTrace(metaData) {
    //console.log("incoming meta data ", metaData);
    console.log("Inside Grab Trace Method.");
    console.log("Metadata inside grabTrace: ", metaData);
    if (metaData === "none" || metaData === undefined) this.request[this.targetService] = "none";
    else {
      metaData = JSON.parse(metaData);
      this.request[this.targetService] = metaData;
  // displayRequests logs to the console all stored requests
  // setTimeout builds in deliberate latency since metadata may be sent before or after a request is done processing
  displayRequests() {
    console.log("Logging all requests from : ", this.serviceName);
    this.allRequests.forEach((request) => {
  // sends response via metadata if service is in the middle of a chain
  sendResponse() {
    if (
      this.request.responseTime === "pending" ||
      this.request[this.targetService] === "pending" || === undefined
    console.log("Inside send response");
    let meta = new grpc.Metadata();
    meta.add("response", JSON.stringify(this.request));
    console.log('meta in send response: ', meta);
  writeToFile() {
    console.log("call to writeToFile");
    console.log("logging request obj ", this.request);
    let strRequests = "";
    for (let req of this.allRequests) {
      // First write to file - contains Total
      // subsequent - chained requests
      strRequests += `Request ID: ${req.requestId}\n`;
      strRequests += `"${
      }" service -> Response received in ${Object.values(req)[1]} ms (Total)\n`;
      strRequests += `Timestamp: ${req.timeCompleted}\n`;
      // while we don't hit an empty object on the 1st key, go inside
      // add numbering in order for nested requests inside original?!
      let innerObj = Object.values(req)[0];
      while (innerObj !== "none") {
        strRequests += `"${
        }" service -> Response received in ${Object.values(innerObj)[1]} ms\n`;
        strRequests += `Timestamp: ${innerObj.timeCompleted}\n`;
        innerObj = Object.values(innerObj)[0];
      strRequests +=
    console.log('strRequests', strRequests)
    fs.writeFile(this.serviceName + 'data' + '.txt', strRequests, { flag: "a+" }, (err) => {
      if (err) {
    }); //'a+' is append mode

module.exports = horus;

main. js (инициирует gRP C запрос клиента)

const path = require('path');
// const grpc = require("grpc");
const customersStub = require("./stubs/customersStub.js");
const booksStub = require("./stubs/booksStub.js");
const horusTracer = require(path.join(__dirname, "./horus/horus.js"));

//In master branch
console.log("Stub is Inside main service!!!");

const book = {
  title: "ITttttt",
  author: "Stephen King",
  numberOfPages: 666,
  publisher: "Random House",
  id: 200,

const bookId = {
  id: 200

const customer = {
  id: 123,
  name: "Lily",
  age: 23,
  address: "Blablabla",
  favBookId: 100

const customerId = {
  id: 123

let ht = new horusTracer("main");

function CreateBook () {
  booksStub.CreateBook(book, (error, response) => {
    if (error) console.log("there was an error ", error);
  }).on('metadata', (metadata) => {
    console.log("Before grab trace is invoked!");


CreateBook(); //Works

В чем, на мой взгляд, проблема.

Edit: murgatroid99 mentioned that it was a networking issue with docker!

I initially thought this was a networking issue, but I don't think it is 
because all my docker files are running on the default bridge network. 
So they all technically can communicate with one another...

Is it something wrong with nodemon interacting with Docker? 
Does the server not output the console logs...? 
Is the server actually running and working...?

Do I need a reverse proxy like nginx?


1 Ответ

1 голос
/ 04 августа 2020

Проблема в том, что ваш сервер привязан к «». Вы говорите, что запускаете образы docker, используя мостовую сеть по умолчанию. В этом режиме изображение docker имеет другую (виртуальную) сеть, чем у хост-машины, поэтому его адрес обратной связи отличается от адреса обратной связи хост-машины. Чтобы исправить это, вы можете вместо этого привязать сервер к или [::]:30043 для привязки к другим сетевым интерфейсам, к которым клиент может подключиться извне контейнера docker.

По той же причине, подключение клиента к localhost:30043 не будет работать: его адрес «localhost» также относится к интерфейсу обратной связи внутри контейнера docker. Вместо этого вы должны заменить «localhost» на IP-адрес контейнера сервера.

В качестве альтернативы, как описано в этот вопрос , вы можете объединить контейнеры docker в сеть в режиме «хоста», чтобы что они используют одну и ту же сеть с хост-машиной.
