В своем приложении я использую плагин flutter_local_notifications: ^1.4.2
для локальных уведомлений. Пользователь выбирает, в какие дни недели запланировать alarm
, и при сохранении я передаю объект alarm
методу setSchedulerNotifications
, чтобы установить уведомление для каждого дня в списке repeatWeekdays
будильника. I l oop через список repeatWeekdays
и установить уведомление для каждого l oop, с идентификатором, который передается в идентификаторе тревоги + номер l oop, чтобы быть инкрементным. Пока все работает, как ожидалось.
Теперь, когда тревога редактируется (другое время), при сохранении я передаю новую тревогу методу modifySchedulerNotification
, который сначала вызывает метод deleteSchedulerNotifications
(который имеет тот же l oop для вычисления идентификатора уведомления), а затем снова вызывает setSchedulerNotifications
Распечатки показывают, что идентификаторы уведомлений в setSchedulerNotifications
верны, и они согласованы в deleteSchedulerNotifications
и втором вызове setSchedulerNotifications
, но когда они установлены во второй раз (те же идентификаторы, что и в первый раз) уведомления не срабатывают в новое время, а срабатывают в старое время.
Можете ли вы заметить, что я делаю не так?
Способы уведомления:
Future<void> setSchedulerNotifications(Alarm alarm) async {
'##### LocalNotificationRepository().setSchedulerNotifications called');
print('##### sound to play is : ${alarm.sound.toLowerCase()}');
for (int i = 0; i < alarm.repeatWeekdays.length; i++) {
List<String> repeat = alarm.repeatWeekdays;
int notificationId = int.parse(alarm.alarmId) + i;
print('##### Scheduling local notification with id: $notificationId,\n'
'###### for alarm with id ${alarm.alarmId}\n'
'##### i = $i');
String notificationChannelId = 'checkRoute_${alarm.sound}';
String notificationChannelName = 'checkRoute_${alarm.alarmName}';
String notificationChannelDescription =
'Scherduled checking for route ${alarm.alarmName}';
String sound = alarm.sound.toLowerCase();
DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat('HH:mm');
var date = dateFormat.parse(alarm.time);
int hour = date.hour;
int minute = date.minute;
Time time = Time(hour, minute, 0);
var androidPlatformChannelSpecifics = AndroidNotificationDetails(
notificationChannelId, //'show weekly channel id',
notificationChannelName, //'show weekly channel name',
notificationChannelDescription, //'show weekly channel description');
priority: Priority.High,
sound: RawResourceAndroidNotificationSound('$sound'));
var iOSPlatformChannelSpecifics = IOSNotificationDetails(
presentAlert: true, presentSound: true, presentBadge: true);
var platformChannelSpecifics = NotificationDetails(
androidPlatformChannelSpecifics, iOSPlatformChannelSpecifics);
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin
[alarm.alarmName]), //'show weekly title',
'ROUTE_CHECK_NOTIFICATION_BODY'), //'show weekly subtitle',
// categoryIdentifier: "ROUTE_CHECK_CATEGORY",
payload: alarm.routeName)
.whenComplete(() {
print('##### Scheduled local notification with id: $notificationId');
print('##### LocalNotificationRepository().setWeeklyNotifications()\n'
'##### all notifications for this route check are set');
Future<void> deleteSchedulerNotifications(Alarm alarm) async {
'@@@@ LocalNotificationRepository().deleteSchedulerNotifications called');
for (int i = 0; i < alarm.repeatWeekdays.length; i++) {
int id = int.parse(alarm.alarmId) + i;
print('@@@@ Deleting local notification with id: $id,\n'
'###### for alarm with id ${alarm.alarmId}\n'
'##### i = $i');
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.cancel(id).catchError((e) {
'@@@@ LocalNotificationRepository().deleteSchedulerNotifications error: $e');
}).whenComplete(() {
print('@@@@ Deleted local notification with id: $id');
print('@@ LocalNotificationRepository().deleteWeeklyNotifications()\n'
'@@ all notifications for this route check are deleted');
// return;
Future<void> modifySchedulerNotification(Alarm alarm) async {
'## LocalNotificationRepository().modifyWeeklyNotifications() called\n'
'## for alarm ${alarm.toMap().toString()}');
await deleteSchedulerNotifications(alarm).whenComplete(() async {
print('## LocalNotificationRepository().modifyWeeklyNotifications()\n'
'## old notifications for alarm ${alarm.toMap().toString()} have been deleted.\n'
'## are there new notifications to be set? ${alarm.enabled}');
if (alarm.enabled == true) {
await setSchedulerNotifications(alarm).whenComplete(() {
print('## LocalNotificationRepository().modifyWeeklyNotifications()\n'
'## new notifications for alarm ${alarm.toMap().toString()} are set');
'modifyWeeklyNotifications() all notifications for this route check are modified');
Первое сохранение
I/flutter ( 1520): SetNotification received
I/flutter ( 1520): SchedulerRepository().saveAlarm() calledfor alarm: {alarmId: 815816479, alarmName: test, enabled: true, repeatWeekdays: ["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"], time: 21:05, sound: fixitTheme, routeName: test}
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### LocalNotificationRepository().setSchedulerNotifications called
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### sound to play is : fixittheme
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduling local notification with id: 815816479,
I/flutter ( 1520): ###### for alarm with id 815816479
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### i = 0
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduled local notification with id: 815816479
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduling local notification with id: 815816480,
I/flutter ( 1520): ###### for alarm with id 815816479
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### i = 1
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduled local notification with id: 815816480
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduling local notification with id: 815816481,
I/flutter ( 1520): ###### for alarm with id 815816479
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### i = 2
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduled local notification with id: 815816481
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduling local notification with id: 815816482,
I/flutter ( 1520): ###### for alarm with id 815816479
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### i = 3
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduled local notification with id: 815816482
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduling local notification with id: 815816483,
I/flutter ( 1520): ###### for alarm with id 815816479
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### i = 4
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduled local notification with id: 815816483
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### LocalNotificationRepository().setWeeklyNotifications()
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### all notifications for this route check are set
Изменить сохранить
I/flutter ( 1520): ModifyNotification received
I/flutter ( 1520): SchedulerRepository().saveAlarm() calledfor alarm: {alarmId: 815816479, alarmName: test, enabled: true, repeatWeekdays: ["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"], time: 21:07, sound: fixitTheme, routeName: test}
I/flutter ( 1520): ## LocalNotificationRepository().modifyWeeklyNotifications() called
I/flutter ( 1520): ## for alarm {alarmId: 815816479, alarmName: test, enabled: true, repeatWeekdays: ["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"], time: 21:05, sound: fixitTheme, routeName: test}
I/flutter ( 1520): @@@@ LocalNotificationRepository().deleteSchedulerNotifications called
I/flutter ( 1520): @@@@ Deleting local notification with id: 815816479,
I/flutter ( 1520): ###### for alarm with id 815816479
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### i = 0
I/flutter ( 1520): @@@@ Deleted local notification with id: 815816479
I/flutter ( 1520): @@ LocalNotificationRepository().deleteWeeklyNotifications()
I/flutter ( 1520): @@ all notifications for this route check are deleted
I/flutter ( 1520): @@@@ Deleting local notification with id: 815816480,
I/flutter ( 1520): ###### for alarm with id 815816479
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### i = 1
I/flutter ( 1520): @@@@ Deleted local notification with id: 815816480
I/flutter ( 1520): @@ LocalNotificationRepository().deleteWeeklyNotifications()
I/flutter ( 1520): @@ all notifications for this route check are deleted
I/flutter ( 1520): @@@@ Deleting local notification with id: 815816481,
I/flutter ( 1520): ###### for alarm with id 815816479
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### i = 2
I/flutter ( 1520): @@@@ Deleted local notification with id: 815816481
I/flutter ( 1520): @@ LocalNotificationRepository().deleteWeeklyNotifications()
I/flutter ( 1520): @@ all notifications for this route check are deleted
I/flutter ( 1520): @@@@ Deleting local notification with id: 815816482,
I/flutter ( 1520): ###### for alarm with id 815816479
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### i = 3
I/flutter ( 1520): @@@@ Deleted local notification with id: 815816482
I/flutter ( 1520): @@ LocalNotificationRepository().deleteWeeklyNotifications()
I/flutter ( 1520): @@ all notifications for this route check are deleted
I/flutter ( 1520): @@@@ Deleting local notification with id: 815816483,
I/flutter ( 1520): ###### for alarm with id 815816479
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### i = 4
I/flutter ( 1520): @@@@ Deleted local notification with id: 815816483
I/flutter ( 1520): @@ LocalNotificationRepository().deleteWeeklyNotifications()
I/flutter ( 1520): @@ all notifications for this route check are deleted
I/flutter ( 1520): ## LocalNotificationRepository().modifyWeeklyNotifications()
I/flutter ( 1520): ## old notifications for alarm {alarmId: 815816479, alarmName: test, enabled: true, repeatWeekdays: ["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"], time: 21:05, sound: fixitTheme, routeName: test} have been deleted.
I/flutter ( 1520): ## are there new notifications to be set? true
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### LocalNotificationRepository().setSchedulerNotifications called
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### sound to play is : fixittheme
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduling local notification with id: 815816479,
I/flutter ( 1520): ###### for alarm with id 815816479
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### i = 0
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduled local notification with id: 815816479
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduling local notification with id: 815816480,
I/flutter ( 1520): ###### for alarm with id 815816479
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### i = 1
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduled local notification with id: 815816480
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduling local notification with id: 815816481,
I/flutter ( 1520): ###### for alarm with id 815816479
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### i = 2
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduled local notification with id: 815816481
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduling local notification with id: 815816482,
I/flutter ( 1520): ###### for alarm with id 815816479
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### i = 3
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduled local notification with id: 815816482
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduling local notification with id: 815816483,
I/flutter ( 1520): ###### for alarm with id 815816479
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### i = 4
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### Scheduled local notification with id: 815816483
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### LocalNotificationRepository().setWeeklyNotifications()
I/flutter ( 1520): ##### all notifications for this route check are set
I/flutter ( 1520): ## LocalNotificationRepository().modifyWeeklyNotifications()
I/flutter ( 1520): ## new notifications for alarm {alarmId: 815816479, alarmName: test, enabled: true, repeatWeekdays: ["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday"], time: 21:05, sound: fixitTheme, routeName: test} are set
I/flutter ( 1520): modifyWeeklyNotifications() all notifications for this route check are modified
I/flutter ( 1520): LocalNotificationBLoc._modifySchedulerNotification() notifications have been modified