Я думаю, что самая важная часть - это начать с формулирования математической модели проблемы. Вот моя версия:
This is basically a variation on the standard assignment problem.
This can be implemented easily with any Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP) or Constraint Programming (CP) solver.
Showing code is not as useful as the above model, but just as an illustration, here is an implementation using a simple CP solver (https://pypi.org/project/python-constraint/).
from constraint import *
# data
# group sizes and room capacities
groups = {"Group1": 10, "Group2": 20, "Group3": 18, "Group4": 10}
rooms = {"Room1": 10, "Room2": 38, "Room3": 10}
# constraint problem
# variables:
# x[i,j] = 1 if group i is assigned to room j
# 0 otherwise
# constraints:
# sum(j, x[i,j]) = 1 for all i assign each group to exactly one room
# sum(i, size[i]*x[i,j]) <= capacity[j] for all j capacity constraint
problem = Problem()
problem.addVariables(["x_%s_%s" %(i,j) for i in groups for j in rooms],[0,1])
for i in groups:
problem.addConstraint(ExactSumConstraint(1),["x_%s_%s" %(i,j) for j in rooms])
groupSizes = [groups[i] for i in groups]
for j in rooms:
problem.addConstraint(MaxSumConstraint(rooms[j],groupSizes),["x_%s_%s" %(i,j) for i in groups])
S = problem.getSolutions()
Здесь напечатаны все возможные решения. Всего их два:
[{'x_Group1_Room1': 1,
'x_Group1_Room2': 0,
'x_Group1_Room3': 0,
'x_Group2_Room1': 0,
'x_Group2_Room2': 1,
'x_Group2_Room3': 0,
'x_Group3_Room1': 0,
'x_Group3_Room2': 1,
'x_Group3_Room3': 0,
'x_Group4_Room1': 0,
'x_Group4_Room2': 0,
'x_Group4_Room3': 1},
{'x_Group1_Room1': 0,
'x_Group1_Room2': 0,
'x_Group1_Room3': 1,
'x_Group2_Room1': 0,
'x_Group2_Room2': 1,
'x_Group2_Room3': 0,
'x_Group3_Room1': 0,
'x_Group3_Room2': 1,
'x_Group3_Room3': 0,
'x_Group4_Room1': 1,
'x_Group4_Room2': 0,
'x_Group4_Room3': 0}]