У меня есть словарь для представления сектора / отраслевой группы / отрасли / подотрасли (последний элемент - список)
'Energy': {'Energy': {'Energy Equipment & Services': ['Oil & Gas Drilling',
'Oil & Gas Equipment & '
'Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels': ['Integrated Oil & Gas',
'Oil & Gas Exploration '
'& Production',
'Oil & Gas Refining & '
'Oil & Gas Storage & '
'Coal & Consumable '
'Financials': {'Banks': {'Banks': ['Diversified Banks', 'Regional Banks'],
'Thrifts & Mortgage Finance': ['Thrifts & Mortgage '
'Diversified Financials': {'Capital Markets': ['Asset '
'Management & '
'Custody Banks',
'Investment '
'Banking & '
'Diversified '
'Capital '
'Financial '
'Exchanges & '
'Consumer Finance': ['Consumer '
'Diversified Financial Services': ['Other '
'Diversified '
'Financial '
'Multi-Sector '
'Specialized '
'Mortgage Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)': ['Mortgage '
'Insurance': {'Insurance': ['Insurance Brokers',
'Life & Health Insurance',
'Multi-line Insurance',
'Property & Casualty Insurance',
'Health Care': {'Health Care Equipment & Services': {'Health Care Equipment & Supplies': ['Health '
'Care '
'Health '
'Care '
'Health Care Providers & Services': ['Health '
'Care '
'Health '
'Care '
'Health '
'Care '
'Managed '
'Health '
'Health Care Technology': ['Health '
'Care '
'Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences': {'Biotechnology': ['Biotechnology'],
'Life Sciences Tools & Services': ['Life '
'Sciences '
'Tools '
'& '
'Pharmaceuticals': ['Pharmaceuticals']}},
'Industrials': {'Capital Goods': {'Aerospace & Defense': ['Aerospace & '
'Building Products': ['Building Products'],
'Construction & Engineering': ['Construction '
'& '
'Electrical Equipment': ['Electrical '
'Components & '
'Heavy Electrical '
'Industrial Conglomerates': ['Industrial '
'Machinery': ['Construction Machinery & '
'Heavy Trucks',
'Agricultural & Farm '
'Industrial Machinery'],
'Trading Companies & Distributors': ['Trading '
'Companies '
'& '
'Commercial & Professional Services': {'Commercial Services & Supplies': ['Commercial '
'Environmental '
'& '
'Facilities '
'Office '
'Services '
'& '
'Diversified '
'Support '
'Security '
'& '
'Alarm '
'Professional Services': ['Human '
'Resource '
'& '
'Employment '
'Research '
'& '
'Consulting '
'Transportation': {'Air Freight & Logistics': ['Air Freight & '
'Airlines': ['Airlines'],
'Marine': ['Marine'],
'Road & Rail': ['Railroads', 'Trucking'],
'Transportation Infrastructure': ['Airport '
'Highways '
'& '
'Marine '
'Ports & '
'Information Technology': {'Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment': {'Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment': ['Semiconductor '
'Software & Services': {'IT Services': ['IT '
'Consulting '
'& Other '
'Data '
'Processing '
'& '
'Outsourced '
'Internet '
'Services '
'& '
'Software': ['Application '
'Systems '
'Technology Hardware & Equipment': {'Communications Equipment': ['Communications '
'Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components': ['Electronic '
'Equipment '
'& '
'Electronic '
'Electronic '
'Manufacturing '
'Technology '
'Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals': ['Technology '
'Hardware, '
'Storage '
'& '
'Materials': {'Materials': {'Chemicals': ['Commodity Chemicals',
'Diversified Chemicals',
'Fertilizers & Agricultural '
'Industrial Gases',
'Specialty Chemicals'],
'Construction Materials': ['Construction '
'Containers & Packaging': ['Metal & Glass '
'Paper Packaging'],
'Metals & Mining': ['Aluminum',
'Diversified Metals & Mining',
'Precious Metals & Minerals',
'Paper & Forest Products': ['Forest Products',
'Paper Products']}},
'Real Estate': {'Real Estate': {'Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)': ['Diversified '
'Industrial '
'Hotel '
'& '
'Resort '
'Office '
'Health '
'Care '
'Residential '
'Retail '
'Specialized '
'Real Estate Management & Development': ['Diversified '
'Real '
'Estate '
'Real '
'Estate '
'Operating '
'Real '
'Estate '
'Real '
'Estate '
'Utilities': {'Utilities': {'Electric Utilities': ['Electric Utilities'],
'Gas Utilities': ['Gas Utilities'],
'Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers': ['Independent '
'Power '
'Producers '
'& '
'Energy '
'Renewable '
'Multi-Utilities': ['Multi-Utilities'],
'Water Utilities': ['Water Utilities']}}}
Прямо сейчас я могу превратить его во фрейм данных следующим образом:
df = pd.DataFrame([(i, j, k, l)
for i in cleaned_gics_dict.keys()
for j in cleaned_gics_dict[i].keys()
for k in cleaned_gics_dict[i][j].keys()
for l in cleaned_gics_dict[i][j][k]])
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({(i, j, k): pd.Series(l)
for i in cleaned_gics_dict.keys()
for j in cleaned_gics_dict[i].keys()
for k, l in cleaned_gics_dict[i][j].items()},
This would output the format I'd like, but each element of the list would take a column
Is there a way to have each of the element of the list take a row? I can't wrap my head around it.
Those links may help: