Я создаю простую JavaScript html игру. просто вопрос и ответ. У игрока есть всего 20 секунд, чтобы ответить на вопросы. Проблема, с которой я столкнулся, заключается в том, что по истечении времени игроки все еще могут отвечать на вопросы, и счет продолжает расти.
Как мне отобразить «Игра окончена» после того, как время истекло. Кроме того, как мне отобразить их счет?
const startButton = document.getElementById('start-btn')
const nextButton = document.getElementById('next-btn')
const questionContainerElement = document.getElementById('question-container')
const questionElement = document.getElementById('question')
const answerButtonsElement = document.getElementById('answer-buttons')
let shuffledQuestions, currentQuestionIndex
let countRightAnswers = 0;
startButton.addEventListener('click', startGame)
nextButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
function startGame() {
shuffledQuestions = questions.sort(() => Math.random() - .5)
currentQuestionIndex = 0
countRightAnswers = 0;
c = 20;
function setNextQuestion() {
function showQuestion(question) {
questionElement.innerText = question.question
question.answers.forEach(answer => {
const button = document.createElement('button')
button.innerText = answer.text
if (answer.correct) {
button.dataset.correct = answer.correct
button.addEventListener('click', selectAnswer)
function resetState() {
while (answerButtonsElement.firstChild) {
function selectAnswer(e) {
const selectedButton = e.target
const correct = selectedButton.dataset.correct
setStatusClass(document.body, correct)
Array.from(answerButtonsElement.children).forEach(button => {
setStatusClass(button, button.dataset.correct)
if (shuffledQuestions.length > currentQuestionIndex + 1) {
} else {
startButton.innerText = 'Restart'
if (selectedButton.dataset = correct) {
document.getElementById('score001').innerHTML = countRightAnswers;
function setStatusClass(element, correct) {
if (correct) {
} else {
function clearStatusClass(element) {
function timer001() {
c = c - 1;
if (c < 20) {
time001.innerHTML = c;
if (c < 1) {
update = setInterval('timer001()', 1000);
const questions = [
question: 'What is 4 + 4?',
answers: [
{ text: '4', correct: false },
{ text: '22', correct: false },
{ text: '8', correct: true },
{ text: '44', correct: false }
question: 'Who is the developer of this game?',
answers: [
{ text: 'Otis', correct: true },
{ text: 'Jesus', correct: false },
{ text: 'Mike', correct: false },
{ text: 'Jason', correct: false }
question: 'What is the middle day of the week?',
answers: [
{ text: 'Monday', correct: false },
{ text: 'Thursday', correct: true },
{ text: 'Wednesday', correct: false },
{ text: 'Friday', correct: false }
question: 'What is the middle day of the work week?',
answers: [
{ text: 'Monday', correct: false },
{ text: 'Thursday', correct: false },
{ text: 'Wednesday', correct: true },
{ text: 'Friday', correct: false }
question: 'Monday, Tuesday, ______, Thursday?',
answers: [
{ text: 'Monday', correct: false },
{ text: 'Thursday', correct: false },
{ text: 'Wednesday', correct: true },
{ text: 'Friday', correct: false }
question: '1, 2, 3, ____, 5',
answers: [
{ text: '1', correct: false },
{ text: '2', correct: false },
{ text: '4', correct: true },
{ text: '3', correct: false }
question: 'What is 2 + 2?',
answers: [
{ text: '4', correct: true },
{ text: '2', correct: false },
{ text: '22', correct: false },
{ text: '24', correct: false }
question: 'May, June, ______?',
answers: [
{ text: 'May', correct: false },
{ text: 'July', correct: true },
{ text: 'June', correct: false },
{ text: 'April', correct: false }
question: 'Untied State of ______',
answers: [
{ text: 'Washington', correct: false },
{ text: 'New York', correct: false },
{ text: 'America', correct: true },
{ text: 'Maryland', correct: false }
question: 'If b=y, and y=3, then b=?',
answers: [
{ text: '2', correct: false },
{ text: '3', correct: true },
{ text: '4', correct: false },
{ text: '6', correct: false }
question: 'If ab=y, and a=4, b=2, then y=?',
answers: [
{ text: '8', correct: true },
{ text: '6', correct: false },
{ text: '4', correct: false },
{ text: '2', correct: false }
question: 'If x=y, and x=0, then y=??',
answers: [
{ text: '0', correct: true },
{ text: '2', correct: false },
{ text: '4', correct: false },
{ text: '8', correct: false }
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<span id="right-answers"></span>
<div class="container">
<div id="question-container" class="hide">
<div id="question">Question</div>
<text>Score: <text id="score001">0</text></text
><br />
<text>Time: <text id="time001">20</text></text
><br />
<div id="answer-buttons" class="btn-grid">
<button class="btn">Answer 1</button>
<button class="btn">Answer 2</button>
<button class="btn">Answer 3</button>
<button class="btn">Answer 4</button>
<div class="controls">
<button id="start-btn" class="start-btn btn">Start</button>
<button id="next-btn" class="next-btn btn hide">Next</button>