, поэтому у меня есть массив объектов, есть повторяющиеся объекты, которые содержат один и тот же идентификатор, я хочу каждый раз получать первый объект с уникальным идентификатором, а затем сохранять его в отдельном массиве. Я думал, что это можно сделать с помощью карты, но, похоже, она не работает. Я использую машинописный текст.
Мой массив объектов:
var infos= [
{InfoPageId: 8, DepartmentId: 1, Name: "Pitched Roof Window Buying Guide", Url: "buying-guide-pitched", Html: "<div class="background-grey" style="position: rela…. </p></div></div></div></div></div></div>
{InfoPageId: 8, DepartmentId: 1, Name: "Pitched Roof Window Buying Guide", Url: "buying-guide-pitched", Html: "<div class="background-grey" style="position: rela…. </p></div></div></div></div></div></div>
{InfoPageId: 8, DepartmentId: 1, Name: "Pitched Roof Window Buying Guide", Url: "buying-guide-pitched", Html: "<div class="background-grey" style="position: rela…. </p></div></div></div></div></div></div>
{InfoPageId: 8, DepartmentId: 1, Name: "Pitched Roof Window Buying Guide", Url: "buying-guide-pitched", Html: "<div class="background-grey" style="position: rela…. </p></div></div></div></div></div></div>
↵", …}
{InfoPageId: 8, DepartmentId: 1, Name: "Pitched Roof Window Buying Guide", Url: "buying-guide-pitched", Html: "<div class="background-grey" style="position: rela…. </p></div></div></div></div></div></div>
{InfoPageId: 8, DepartmentId: 1, Name: "Pitched Roof Window Buying Guide", Url: "buying-guide-pitched", Html: "<div class="background-grey" style="position: rela…. </p></div></div></div></div></div></div>
{InfoPageId: 9, DepartmentId: 1, Name: "Introducing Korniche Glass Lanterns", Url: "new-in-korniche-glass-lanterns", Html: "<div class="container py-4" data-jsplus-bootstrap-…"> </span>today!</strong></span></p></div>
{InfoPageId: 9, DepartmentId: 1, Name: "Introducing Korniche Glass Lanterns", Url: "new-in-korniche-glass-lanterns", Html: "<div class="container py-4" data-jsplus-bootstrap-…"> </span>today!</strong></span></p></div>
{InfoPageId: 9, DepartmentId: 1, Name: "Introducing Korniche Glass Lanterns", Url: "new-in-korniche-glass-lanterns", Html: "<div class="container py-4" data-jsplus-bootstrap-…"> </span>today!</strong></span></p></div>
{InfoPageId: 9, DepartmentId: 1, Name: "Introducing Korniche Glass Lanterns", Url: "new-in-korniche-glass-lanterns", Html: "<div class="container py-4" data-jsplus-bootstrap-…"> </span>today!</strong></span></p></div>
↵", …}
{InfoPageId: 9, DepartmentId: 1, Name: "Introducing Korniche Glass Lanterns", Url: "new-in-korniche-glass-lanterns", Html: "<div class="container py-4" data-jsplus-bootstrap-…"> </span>today!</strong></span></p></div>
{InfoPageId: 10, DepartmentId: 1, Name: "What are Heritage Conservation Roof Windows?", Url: "new-in-heritage-conservation-roof-windows", Html: "<div class="container py-4" data-jsplus-bootstrap-…e more than happy to help you.</span></p></div>
{InfoPageId: 10, DepartmentId: 1, Name: "What are Heritage Conservation Roof Windows?", Url: "new-in-heritage-conservation-roof-windows", Html: "<div class="container py-4" data-jsplus-bootstrap-…e more than happy to help you.</span></p></div>
{InfoPageId: 10, DepartmentId: 1, Name: "What are Heritage Conservation Roof Windows?", Url: "new-in-heritage-conservation-roof-windows", Html: "<div class="container py-4" data-jsplus-bootstrap-…e more than happy to help you.</span></p></div>
logi c:
this.getUniqueValues(this.infos, 'InfoTypeId')
getUniqueValues(infos: Array<infoPage>, comp: string ) {
// store the comparison values in array
var unique = infos.map(e => e[comp])
// store the indexes of the unique objects
.map((e, i, final) => final.indexOf(e) === i && i)
// eliminate the false indexes & return unique objects
.filter((e) => infos[e]).map(e => infos[e]);