Я хотел бы «объединить» эти две вафельные диаграммы:
waffle(pct, rows = 5, use_glyph = "angle-left", glyph_size = 9,
colors = c("grey", adjustcolor("green", alpha.f = 0.0)),
title = "Motoraccidents in bends",
xlab = "1 bike = 1% of all motorcycle accidents",
legend_pos = "bottom")
waffle(pct, rows = 5, use_glyph = "angle-right", glyph_size = 9,
#colors = c("White", "darkred"),
colors = c(adjustcolor("green", alpha.f = 0.0), "darkred"),
title = "Motoraccidents in bends",
xlab = "1 bike = 1% of all motorcycle accidents",
legend_pos = "bottom")
Есть идеи?