Проблема : я могу получить объект HTMLOptionsCollection из элемента select, но не могу получить из него точную длину или массив.
Для контекста я пытаюсь создать массив из объекта HTMLOptionsCollection, чтобы я мог oop с помощью параметров добавить выбранный атрибут к одному из элементов параметров. Кроме того, я делаю это для расширения chrome, поэтому я не уверен, возникнут ли из-за этого какие-то странные проблемы с совместимостью.
Прямо сейчас у меня есть этот код:
Вот результаты console.log:
I did not expect the length to be inaccurate at all and can't figure out why this is. Any help is greatly appreciated!
EDIT: Here is my fillDropdown() function. It's ultimate goal is to append option elements to the select element. The extra jargon is to prevent options from getting too long word wise.
// Input: None
// Output: None
// Proceeds to fill the clients dropdown with clients from local storage
function fillDropdown() {
chrome.storage.local.get(function(data) {
if (typeof data.lastClientName !== "undefined") {
for (var i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) {
// Create an option element to add to the dropdown.
var clientOption = document.createElement("option");
// cutoff is an array which holds whole words. This is done to cleanly cut off a name.
var cutoff = clients[i].split(" ");
// A clients name may have no more than 4 words to its name.
if (cutoff.length > 4) {
cutoff = cutoff[0] + " " + cutoff[1] + " " + cutoff[2] + " " + cutoff[3] + " ...";
// The full name attribute is used to store the actual name.
clientOption.setAttribute("fullName", clients[i]);
// The value and innerHTML are both the same and are user visible.
clientOption.setAttribute("value", cutoff);
if (data.lastClientName === cutoff) {
dropdown.value = clientOption.value;
clientOption.innerHTML = cutoff;
else {
// fullName is added here for consistency
clientOption.setAttribute("fullName", clients[i]);
clientOption.setAttribute("value", clients[i]);
if (data.lastClientName === clients[i]) {
dropdown.value = cutoff;
clientOption.innerHTML = clients[i];
else {
for (var i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) {
// Create an option element to add to the dropdown.
var clientOption = document.createElement("option");
// cutoff is an array which holds whole words. This is done to cleanly cut off a name.
var cutoff = clients[i].split(" ");
// A clients name may have no more than 4 words to its name.
if (cutoff.length > 4) {
cutoff = cutoff[0] + " " + cutoff[1] + " " + cutoff[2] + " " + cutoff[3] + " ...";
// The full name attribute is used to store the actual name.
clientOption.setAttribute("fullName", clients[i]);
// The value and innerHTML are both the same and are user visible.
clientOption.setAttribute("value", cutoff);
clientOption.innerHTML = cutoff;
else {
// fullName is added here for consistency
clientOption.setAttribute("fullName", clients[i]);
clientOption.setAttribute("value", clients[i]);
clientOption.innerHTML = clients[i];
Also the only html to be concerned with here is