Блестящий листок R неправильно меняет цвет маркеров круга - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 11 июля 2020

Я пытаюсь сделать карту листовок блестящей, чтобы пользователь мог выбрать переменную, а карта раскрасила маркеры в соответствии с переменной, выбранной пользователем. Я могу раскрасить маркеры, но, к сожалению, цвета не соответствуют выбранной переменной. Так, например, если пользователь выбирает цвет по «Году», все точки одного года должны быть окрашены одинаково, но это не так. Что мне не хватает?


SampleData <- data.frame(year = c('2017', '2018', '2017', '2020'),
                         lon = c(38.62893, 38.62681, 38.62797, 38.62972),
                         lat = c(-90.26233, -90.25272, -90.26232, -90.25703),
                         month = c('January', 'February', 'March', 'April'),
                         new_use = c('Industrial', 'Institutional', 'Commercial', 'Residential'))

vars <- c(
  "Color by Year" = "year",
  "Color by Month" = "month",
  "Color by Use" = "new_use"

ui <- bootstrapPage(
    tags$style(type = "text/css", "html, body {width:100%;height:100%}"),
    leafletOutput("map", width = "100%", height = "100%"),
    absolutePanel(top = 10, right = 10,
                  pickerInput(inputId = "month", 
                              label = "Select Month:", 
                              choices = sort(unique(SampleData$month)), 
                              multiple = TRUE,
                              selected = sort(unique(SampleData$month)),
                              options = list(
                                `actions-box` = TRUE, 
                                `selected-text-format` = paste0("count > ", length(sort(unique(SampleData$month))) -1), `count-selected-text` = "All Months")),
                  pickerInput(inputId = "year", 
                              label = "Select Year:", 
                              choices = sort(unique(SampleData$year)), 
                              multiple = TRUE,
                              selected = sort(unique(SampleData$year)),
                              options = list(
                                `actions-box` = TRUE, 
                                `selected-text-format` = paste0("count > ", length(sort(unique(SampleData$year))) -1), `count-selected-text` = "All Years")),
                  pickerInput(inputId = "new_use", 
                              label = "Select Permit Use:", 
                              choices = sort(unique(SampleData$new_use)), 
                              multiple = TRUE,
                              selected = sort(unique(SampleData$new_use)),
                              options = list(
                                `actions-box` = TRUE, 
                                `selected-text-format` = paste0("count > ", length(sort(unique(SampleData$new_use))) -1), `count-selected-text` = "All Permit Types")),
                  selectInput(inputId = "color",
                              label = "Select a Color Scheme:", 
                              choices = vars)

server <- function(input, output, session) {
    output$map <- renderLeaflet({
        leaflet() %>% 
            setView(lng = -90.1994, lat = 38.6270, zoom = 10)%>%
    # Reactive expression for the data subsetted to what the user selected
    filteredData <- reactive({
        dplyr::filter(SampleData, year %in% input$year & new_use %in% input$new_use & month %in% input$month)
  colorBy <- input$color

    if (colorBy == "year") {
      colorData <- sort(unique(SampleData$year))
      pal <- colorFactor("Set1", colorData)
    if (colorBy == "month") {
      colorData <- sort(unique(SampleData$month))
      pal <- colorFactor("Set1", colorData)
    if (colorBy == "dayNight") {
      colorData <- sort(unique(tot$dayNight))
      pal <- colorFactor("Set1", colorData)
        leafletProxy("map") %>%
            clearShapes() %>%
            addCircleMarkers(data = filteredData(), 
             ~lat, ~lon, color = pal(colorData), popup = paste("<b>Year:</b> ", filteredData()$year, "<br>",
                  "<b>Permit Type:</b> ", filteredData()$new_use, "<br>")) %>%
       addLegend("bottomright", pal=pal, values=colorData, title=colorBy,

shinyApp(ui, server)

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 12 июля 2020

colorFactor нужны категориальные данные


SampleData <- data.frame(year = c('2017', '2018', '2017', '2020', '2018', '2018', '2017'),
                         lon = c(38.62893, 38.62681, 38.62797, 38.62972, 38.624, 38.6245, 38.6252),
                         lat = c(-90.26233, -90.25272, -90.26232, -90.25703, -90.264, -90.265, -90.266),
                         month = c('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'February', 'March', 'April'),
                         new_use = c('Industrial', 'Institutional', 'Commercial', 'Residential',  'Institutional', 'Commercial', 'Residential'))

vars <- c(
  "Color by Year" = "year",
  "Color by Month" = "month",
  "Color by Use" = "new_use"

ui <- bootstrapPage(
  tags$style(type = "text/css", "html, body {width:100%;height:100%}"),
  leafletOutput("map", width = "100%", height = "100%"),
  absolutePanel(top = 10, right = 10,
                pickerInput(inputId = "month", 
                            label = "Select Month:", 
                            choices = sort(unique(SampleData$month)), 
                            multiple = TRUE,
                            selected = sort(unique(SampleData$month)),
                            options = list(
                              `actions-box` = TRUE, 
                              `selected-text-format` = paste0("count > ", length(sort(unique(SampleData$month))) -1), `count-selected-text` = "All Months")),
                pickerInput(inputId = "year", 
                            label = "Select Year:", 
                            choices = sort(unique(SampleData$year)), 
                            multiple = TRUE,
                            selected = sort(unique(SampleData$year)),
                            options = list(
                              `actions-box` = TRUE, 
                              `selected-text-format` = paste0("count > ", length(sort(unique(SampleData$year))) -1), `count-selected-text` = "All Years")),
                pickerInput(inputId = "new_use", 
                            label = "Select Permit Use:", 
                            choices = sort(unique(SampleData$new_use)), 
                            multiple = TRUE,
                            selected = sort(unique(SampleData$new_use)),
                            options = list(
                              `actions-box` = TRUE, 
                              `selected-text-format` = paste0("count > ", length(sort(unique(SampleData$new_use))) -1), `count-selected-text` = "All Permit Types")),
                selectInput(inputId = "color",
                            label = "Select a Color Scheme:", 
                            choices = vars)

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$map <- renderLeaflet({
    leaflet() %>% 
      setView(lng = -90.1994, lat = 38.6270, zoom = 10)%>%
  # Reactive expression for the data subsetted to what the user selected
  filteredData <- reactive({
    dplyr::filter(SampleData, year %in% input$year & new_use %in% input$new_use & month %in% input$month)
    colorBy <- input$color
    if (colorBy == "year") {
      colorData <- factor(SampleData$year)
      pal <- colorFactor(palette = "Set1", levels = levels(colorData))
    if (colorBy == "month") {
      colorData <- factor(SampleData$month)
      pal <- colorFactor(palette = "Set1", levels = levels(colorData))
    if (colorBy == "dayNight") {
      colorData <- factor(tot$dayNight)
      pal <- colorFactor(palette = "Set1", levels = levels(colorData))
    leafletProxy("map") %>%
      clearShapes() %>%
      addCircleMarkers(data = filteredData(), 
                       ~lat, ~lon, color = ~pal(colorData), popup = paste("<b>Year:</b> ", filteredData()$year, "<br>",
                                                                         "<b>Permit Type:</b> ", filteredData()$new_use, "<br>")) %>%
      addLegend("bottomright", pal = pal, values = levels(colorData), title = colorBy,
                layerId = "colorLegend")

shinyApp(ui, server)