У меня есть дерево зависимостей SpaCy, созданное с помощью этого кода:
from spacy import displacy
text = "We could say to them that if in fact that's all there is, then we could, Oh, we can do something."
print(displacy.render(nlp(text), style='dep', jupyter = True, options = {'distance': 120}))
Это выводит на экран следующее:
SpaCy determines that this entire string is connected in a dependency tree. What I am trying to figure out is how to discern how direct or indirect the connection is between a word and the next word. For example, looking at the first 3 words:
- 'We' is connected to the next word 'could', because it is directly connected to 'say', which is directly connected to 'could'. Therefor, it is 2 connection points away from the next word.
- 'could' is directly connected to 'say'. There for it is 1 connection point away from the start.
- and so on.
Essentially, I want to make a df that would look like this:
word connection_points_to_next_word
We 2
could 1
say 1
I'm not sure how to achieve this. As SpaCy makes this graph, I'm sure there is some efficient way to calculate the number of vertices required to connect adjacent nodes, but all of SpaCy's tools I've found, such as:
Включите информацию о соединении, но не о том, насколько оно прямое. Есть идеи, как приблизиться к этой проблеме?