когда строка существует в зарегистрированной переменной ansible задача - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 27 мая 2020


У меня две задачи, одна - сохранить вне для регистрации переменной, а следующая проверяет, существуют ли в ней строки. но он вызывает ошибку synatx. Есть какие-нибудь подсказки?

Нужно ли мне устанавливать факт для этого? если да, то как?

- name: "Capture DiskCache enablement event via isc pod log"
  command: kubectl logs -n isc-vdiskplugin "{{ item }}" vdisk | grep \"Disk Cache Enabled\"
  delegate_to: localhost
  become: false
  register: isc_pod_log
  with_items: "{{ isc_pod.stdout }}"
  ignore_errors: no
  tags: tag_post_dcro

- name: check variable registered
    var: isc_pod_log.stdout

- name: Validate DiskCache is enabled from isc pod logs
  when: "Disk Cache Enabled" in isc_pod_log.stdout
  debug: msg="Disk Cache is Enabled"
  ignore_errors: no
  delegate_to: localhost
  become: false
  tags: tag_post_dcro


[Pipeline] }
   ERROR! Syntax Error while loading YAML.
     expected <block end>, but found '<scalar>'

   The error appears to be in '/ansible-managed/jenkins-slave/slave0/workspace/run_ansible_playbook/k8s/baremetal/roles/diskcache_prerequisites/tasks/main.yml': line 116, column 19, but may
   be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

   The offending line appears to be:

   - name: Validate DiskCache is enabled from isc pod logs
     when: "Enabled" in isc_pod_log.stdout
                     ^ here
   This one looks easy to fix. It seems that there is a value started
   with a quote, and the YAML parser is expecting to see the line ended
   with the same kind of quote. For instance:

       when: "ok" in result.stdout

   Could be written as:

      when: '"ok" in result.stdout'

   Or equivalently:

      when: "'ok' in result.stdout"

Цитирование целиком, когда

when: "'Disk Cache Enabled' in sci_pod_log.stdout"

может быть мой стандартный вывод является списком? я не могу найти

fatal: [node1]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check ''Disk Cache Enabled' in sci_pod_log.stdout' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional ('Disk Cache Enabled' in sci_pod_log.stdout): Unable to look up a name or access an attribute in template string ({% if 'Disk Cache Enabled' in sci_pod_log.stdout %} True {% else %} False {% endif %}).\nMake sure your variable name does not contain invalid characters like '-': argument of type 'AnsibleUndefined' is not iterable\n\nThe error appears to be in '/home/dtlu/code/disable-fscache/tasks/main.yml': line 28, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: Validate DiskCache is enabled from csi pod logs\n  ^ here\n"}

Ответы [ 2 ]

1 голос
/ 27 мая 2020

Цитируйте все when условие:

- name: Validate DiskCache is enabled from isc pod logs
  when: "'Disk Cache Enabled' in item.stdout"
  debug: msg="Disk Cache is Enabled"
  ignore_errors: no
  delegate_to: localhost
  become: false
  tags: tag_post_dcro
  with_items: "{{ isc_pod_log }}"
0 голосов
/ 27 мая 2020

нам нужно использовать l oop, поскольку return - это список

- name: Validate DiskCache is enabled from sci pod logs
  when: "'Disk Cache Enabled' in item.stdout"
  debug: msg="Disk Cache is Enabled"
  ignore_errors: no
  delegate_to: localhost
  loop: "{{ sci_pod_log.results }}"
  tags: tag_post_dcro
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