% !TeX TS-program = xelatex
% vim: set textwidth=120:
% Example CV based on the 1.5-column-cv template. Main features:
% * uses the Roboto font family and IcoMoon icon set;
% * doesn't use colours, different font weights are used instead for styling;
% * because the CV fits on one page, header and footer is empty, since there isn't much useful info to put there;
% * includes a photo.
% package imports
% ---------------
\usepackage[british]{babel} % for correct language and hyphenation and stuff
\usepackage{calc} % for easier length calculations (infix notation)
\usepackage{enumitem} % for configuring list environments
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % for setting header and footer
\usepackage{fontspec} % for fonts
\usepackage{geometry} % for setting margins (\newgeometry)
\usepackage{graphicx} % for pictures
\usepackage{microtype} % for microtypography stuff
\usepackage{xcolor} % for colours
% margin and column widths
% ------------------------
% margins
% width of the gap between left and right column
% left column width
% right column width
% set paragraph indentation to 0, because it screws up the whole layout otherwise
% style definitions
% -----------------
% style categories explanation:
% * \cvnameXXX is used for the name;
% * \cvsectionXXX is used for section names (left column, accompanied by a horizontal rule);
% * \cvtitleXXX is used for job/education titles (right column);
% * \cvdurationXXX is used for job/education durations (left column);
% * \cvheadingXXX is used for headings (left column);
% * \cvmainXXX (and \setmainfont) is used for main text;
% * \cvruleXXX is used for the horizontal rules denoting sections.
% font families
\defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures=TeX} % reportedly a good idea, see https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/37251
\newfontfamily{\cvnamefont}{Roboto Medium}
\newfontfamily{\cvsectionfont}{Roboto Medium}
\newfontfamily{\cvdurationfont}{Roboto Light Italic}
\setmainfont{Roboto Light}
% colours
% styles
% inter-item spacing
% ------------------
% vertical space after personal info and standard CV items
\setlength{\cvafteritemskipamount}{5mm plus 1.25mm minus 1.25mm}
% vertical space after sections
\setlength{\cvaftersectionskipamount}{2mm plus 0.5mm minus 0.5mm}
% extra vertical space to be used when a section starts with an item with a heading (e.g. in the skills section),
% so that the heading does not follow the section name too closely
\setlength{\cvbetweensectionandheadingextraskipamount}{1mm plus 0.25mm minus 0.25mm}
% intra-item spacing
% ------------------
% vertical space after name
\setlength{\cvafternameskipamount}{3mm plus 0.75mm minus 0.75mm}
% vertical space after personal info lines
\setlength{\cvafterpersonalinfolineskipamount}{2mm plus 0.5mm minus 0.5mm}
% vertical space after titles
\setlength{\cvaftertitleskipamount}{1mm plus 0.25mm minus 0.25mm}
% value to be used as parskip in right column of CV items and itemsep in lists (same for both, for consistency)
\setlength{\cvparskip}{0.5mm plus 0.125mm minus 0.125mm}
% set global list configuration (use parskip as itemsep, and no separation otherwise)
% CV commands
% -----------
% creates a "personal info" CV item with the given left and right column contents, with appropriate vertical space after
% @param #1 left column content (should be the CV photo)
% @param #2 right column content (should be the name and personal info)
% left and right column
\vspace{0mm} % XXX hack to align to top, see https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/11632
\raggedleft #1
\end{minipage}% XXX necessary comment to avoid unwanted space
\hspace{\cvcolumngapwidth}% XXX necessary comment to avoid unwanted space
\vspace{0mm} % XXX hack to align to top, see https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/11632
% space after
% typesets a name, with appropriate vertical space after
% @param #1 name text
% name
% space after
% typesets a line of personal info beginning with an icon, with appropriate vertical space after
% @param #1 parameters for the \includegraphics command used to include the icon
% @param #2 icon filename
% @param #3 line text
% icon, vertically aligned with text (see https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/129463)
% text
% space after
% creates a "section" CV item with the given left column content, a horizontal rule in the right column, and with
% appropriate vertical space after
% @param #1 left column content (should be the section name)
% left and right column
\end{minipage}% XXX necessary comment to avoid unwanted space
\hspace{\cvcolumngapwidth}% XXX necessary comment to avoid unwanted space
% space after
% creates a standard, multi-purpose CV item with the given left and right column contents, parskip set to cvparskip
% in the right column, and with appropriate vertical space after
% @param #1 left column content
% @param #2 right column content
% left and right column
\raggedleft #1
\end{minipage}% XXX necessary comment to avoid unwanted space
\hspace{\cvcolumngapwidth}% XXX necessary comment to avoid unwanted space
\setlength{\parskip}{\cvparskip} #2
% space after
% typesets a title, with appropriate vertical space after
% @param #1 title text
% title
% space after
% XXX need to subtract cvparskip here, because it is automatically inserted after the title "paragraph"
% header and footer
% -----------------
% set empty header and footer
% preamble end/document start
% ===========================
% personal info
% -------------
% photo
% name
\cvname{my name}
% address
% phone number
+2 556556\,2165458\
% email address
% LinkedIn account
% date of birth
Born 17 june 1993
\cvsection{ABOUT ME}
Short description of me
% work experience
% ---------------
% Fake Company 2
\cvdurationstyle{April 2018 -- present}
\cvtitle{Intern }
% \subtitle{xxx xx Bank, xx}
\item details of job
% education
% ---------
% education
% ---------
% driving licence
\item foo
% skills
% ------
\cvheadingstyle{Programming Languages}
\item C
\item Python
\cvheadingstyle{Operating Systems}
\item Ubuntu
\item Windows
% languages
\cvheadingstyle{Languages Known}
\item foo
![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/5WExs.png)