Я интегрирую функцию в код python 2, и он показывает SyntaxError: недопустимый синтаксис в параметрах функции, спасибо
здесь функция
def remove_federal_email_records(df_inv_file: pd.DataFrame,
email_column: str,
usf_master_file: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
Remove records based on Federal domain emails.
Records will be filtered using the US Federal e-mail master file.
:param df_inv_file: A dataframe containing invite file data. It will be
filtered using this function.
:param column_name: The column which contains the email address.
:param usf_master_file: The location of a .CSV file containing data with
the US federal email domains in the first column.
:returns: A pandas dataframe containing only the records with the approved
и здесь сообщение об ошибке
bash: no job control in this shell
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/mesadmin/ucd-test-home/Offerings_ODS/python/OfferingWebAppHandler.py", line 18, in <module>
import OfferingProcessInvite
File "/home/mesadmin/ucd-test-home/Offerings_ODS/python/OfferingProcessInvite.py", line 324
def remove_federal_email_records(df_inv_file: pd.DataFrame,
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
спасибо за чтение