Я пытаюсь обучиться с подкреплением, чтобы создать шахматный движок. Я нашел код в сети Python с Pytorch. Я больше знаком с tenorflow, поэтому может ли кто-нибудь помочь объяснить, что означает код, и, возможно, помочь «перевести» его в код tensorflow?
Кроме того, определенная в настоящее время модель «достаточно устойчива», чтобы быть достойной? Если нет, как я могу это улучшить? Я попытался добавить к нему больше nn.Linear линий, но, похоже, это ослабило модель.
EDIT: вот исходная ссылка на код: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Xk9MibJ9Fli5tIlDvo88hcZrI76rqZN5#scrollTo = ZxHEghUq9JWM
EDIT2: Кроме того, я хочу выяснить, как реализовать систему, которая будет использовать память предыдущих результатов в текущем коде. Может ли кто-нибудь указать мне в правильном направлении?
Обратите внимание, что приведенный ниже код был АДАПТИРОВАН по ссылке. Адаптированный код:
import chess
import chess.pgn
import chess.engine
import torch
import numpy as np
import os
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
def board_to_tensor(board):
# Python chess uses flattened representation of the board
x = torch.zeros(64, dtype=torch.float)
for pos in range(64):
piece = board.piece_type_at(pos)
if piece:
color = int(bool(board.occupied_co[chess.BLACK] & chess.BB_SQUARES[pos]))
col = int(pos % 8)
row = int(pos / 8)
x[row * 8 + col] = -piece if color else piece
x = x.reshape(8, 8)
return x
def move_to_index_tensor(move):
index_tensor = torch.LongTensor([0])
square_to_pick_figure = move.from_square
# Can decode exact position this way:
#square_to_pick_figure_row = int(square_to_pick_figure / 8)
#square_to_pick_figure_col = int(squre_to_pick_figure % 8)
square_to_put_figure = move.to_square
# Can decode exact position this way:
#square_to_put_figure_row = int(square_to_put_figure / 8)
#square_to_put_figure_col = int(square_to_put_figure % 8)
index = square_to_pick_figure * 64 + square_to_put_figure
index_tensor = torch.LongTensor([index])
return index_tensor
def filter_legal_moves(legal_moves):
filtered_legal_moves = []
for legal_move in legal_moves:
# Here we check if it is a promotion and
# only leave promotion if it is a promotion to a queen
if legal_move.promotion is not None:
if legal_move.promotion == 5:
return filtered_legal_moves
def legal_moves_to_index_tensors(legal_moves):
legal_moves_index_tensors = [move_to_index_tensor(legal_move) for legal_move in legal_moves]
return legal_moves_index_tensors
# The input to the network is a tensor of size 8*8 (it is flattened)
# The output of the network is 64*64 (it is flattened too)
# The size of the hidden layer should be 512
class Network(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, number_of_actions=64*64):
super(Network, self).__init__()
# Fill up the values below in nn.Linear()
self.layer1 = nn.Linear(64, 512)
self.layer5 = nn.Linear(512, number_of_actions)
# Initialization of weights in the layers
def forward(self, x):
x = F.relu( self.layer1(x) )
# Logits will be fed into softmax layer to get probabilities
# for each move later.
logits = self.layer5(x)
return logits
net = Network(number_of_actions=64*64)
def discount_rewards(collected_moves, gamma=0.99):
running_reward = 0.0
for index, collected_move in enumerate(reversed(collected_moves)):
reward = collected_move[1]
running_reward = running_reward * gamma + reward
collected_move[1] = running_reward
def normalize_rewards(collected_moves):
normalized_rewards = np.asarray(list(map(lambda x: x[1], collected_moves)), dtype=np.float)
normalized_rewards -= np.mean(normalized_rewards)
normalized_rewards /= np.std(normalized_rewards)
for index, collected_move in enumerate(collected_moves):
collected_move[1] = normalized_rewards[index]
from torch.distributions import Categorical
import random
def get_games_data(policy_net, episodes=100,d=1):
all_moves = []
lost_count = 0
draw_count = 0
win_count = 0
game_lengths_sum = 0.0
for episode in range(episodes):
engine = chess.engine.SimpleEngine.popen_uci("stockfish-5-linux/Linux/stockfish_14053109_x64")
engine.configure({"Clear Hash": True})
board = chess.Board(fen='rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1')
collected_moves = []
board_sign = 1
move_counter = 0.0
all = ""
while not board.is_game_over():
if board_sign == 1:
# Converting the board to a tensor representation
board_tensor = board_to_tensor(board).reshape(-1)
board_tensor_batched = board_tensor.unsqueeze(0)
# Getting the logits output
logits = policy_net(board_tensor_batched)
# Now we need to select only legal moves
# in python-chess format
current_legal_moves = filter_legal_moves(list(board.legal_moves))
legal_moves_index_tensors = legal_moves_to_index_tensors(current_legal_moves)
legal_moves_logits = logits[:, legal_moves_index_tensors]
# Here we sample the action using valid logits
categorical_sampler = Categorical(logits=(legal_moves_logits))
sampled_action = categorical_sampler.sample()
sampled_action_move_object = current_legal_moves[sampled_action]
log_prob = categorical_sampler.log_prob(sampled_action)
#print(str(sampled_action_move_object),end = " ")
all += str(sampled_action_move_object)
# Board tensor, legal_moves_indexes, sampled_action_label, reward (0 if not known yet)
collected_moves.append([log_prob, 0.0])
result = engine.play(board, chess.engine.Limit(depth=d, nodes=3))
all+=" "
all+= str(result.move)
all+=" "
#print(str(result.move),end=" ")
board_sign = board_sign * -1
move_counter = move_counter + 1
with open("Games.txt","a") as file:
if board.is_checkmate():
if board_sign == 1:
reward = -1.0
lost_count = lost_count + 1
reward = 1.0
win_count = win_count + 1
if not board.is_checkmate():
reward = 0.1
draw_count = draw_count + 1
game_lengths_sum = game_lengths_sum + move_counter
collected_moves[-1][1] = reward
average_game_length = game_lengths_sum / episodes
stats = { "lost": lost_count,
"draw": draw_count,
"win": win_count,
return all_moves, stats, win_count
import torch.optim as optim
net = Network(number_of_actions=64*64)
optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=0.01)
checkpoint = torch.load("/content/drive/My Drive/Checkpoint2Layer.pt")
from livelossplot import PlotLosses
liveloss = PlotLosses()
# Stop it when you are happy with the displayed results
# Each iteration takes a while, be patient
while dep<11:
collected_moves, stats, wins = get_games_data(policy_net=net, episodes=100,d=dep)
if int(wins)>70:
logs = [collected_move[0] for collected_move in collected_moves]
rewards = [collected_move[1] for collected_move in collected_moves]
logs_tensor = torch.cat(logs)
rewards_tensor = torch.FloatTensor(rewards)
policy_loss = -logs_tensor * rewards_tensor
policy_loss = policy_loss.sum()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
'model_state_dict': net.state_dict(),
'optimizer_state_dict': optimizer.state_dict(),
}, "Checkpoint.pt")