Я пытаюсь скомпилировать свой проект после установки последней версии файла модуля Firebase / Crashlytics и Firebase / Analytics. Выдает ошибку типа
GoogleUtilities / GULAppEnvironmentUtil.h 'Файл не найден
Помогите мне решить эту проблему. Я пробовал разными способами. Это не работает. Спасибо! Я
Вот мой файл pod
# Comment this line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks
pod 'AFNetworking'
pod 'BFTask-Extras'
pod 'Mantle'
#pod 'JSONKit'
pod 'MBProgressHUD'
pod 'FBSDKCoreKit'
#pod 'FBSDKLoginKit'
pod 'FBSDKShareKit'
pod 'FacebookLogin'
pod 'TwitterKit'
pod 'TwitterCore'
pod 'CryptoSwift'
#pod 'CryptoSwift', :git => "https://github.com/krzyzanowskim/CryptoSwift.git", :branch => "develop"
#pod 'AWSCognito'
#pod 'AWSCore'
#pod 'AWSCognitoIdentityProvider'
#pod 'AWSSNS'
#pod 'AWSS3'
#pod 'AWSLambda'
pod 'AWSCognito', '2.4.16'
pod 'AWSCognitoIdentityProvider', '2.4.16'
pod 'AWSCore', '2.4.16'
pod 'AWSLambda', '2.4.16'
pod 'AWSS3', '2.4.16'
pod 'AWSSNS', '2.4.16'
pod 'GooglePlaces'
#pod 'Google/SignIn'
pod 'GoogleSignIn'
pod 'GoogleAnalytics'
pod 'GoogleUtilities'
pod 'Stripe', '~> 15.0.2'
#pod 'CardIO'
pod 'OpenCV', '3.3.1'
pod 'Firebase/Auth'
pod 'Firebase/Messaging'
pod 'Firebase/Storage'
pod 'Firebase/Firestore'
pod 'Firebase/Core'
#pod 'Firebase/Crash'
pod 'Firebase/Performance'
pod 'Firebase/RemoteConfig'
# Add the pod for Firebase Crashlytics
pod 'Firebase/Crashlytics'
# Recommended: Add the Firebase pod for Google Analytics
pod 'Firebase/Analytics'
#pod 'Fabric'
#pod 'Crashlytics'
pod 'FittedSheets'
#pod 'KWStepper'
pod 'TLPhotoPicker'
pod 'Alamofire', '~> 5.2'
pod 'SwiftyJSON'
pod 'Starscream', '~> 4.0.0'
pod 'RSMasterTableViewKit'
pod "ESPullToRefresh"
pod "SwiftRater"
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO'
Ниже я добавил файл Podfile.lock
- AFNetworking (4.0.1):
- AFNetworking/NSURLSession (= 4.0.1)
- AFNetworking/Reachability (= 4.0.1)
- AFNetworking/Security (= 4.0.1)
- AFNetworking/Serialization (= 4.0.1)
- AFNetworking/UIKit (= 4.0.1)
- AFNetworking/NSURLSession (4.0.1):
- AFNetworking/Reachability
- AFNetworking/Security
- AFNetworking/Serialization
- AFNetworking/Reachability (4.0.1)
- AFNetworking/Security (4.0.1)
- AFNetworking/Serialization (4.0.1)
- AFNetworking/UIKit (4.0.1):
- AFNetworking/NSURLSession
- Alamofire (5.2.1)
- AWSCognito (2.4.16):
- AWSCore (= 2.4.16)
- AWSCognitoIdentityProvider (2.4.16):
- AWSCore (= 2.4.16)
- AWSCore (2.4.16)
- AWSLambda (2.4.16):
- AWSCore (= 2.4.16)
- AWSS3 (2.4.16):
- AWSCore (= 2.4.16)
- AWSSNS (2.4.16):
- AWSCore (= 2.4.16)
- BFTask-Extras (1.7.5):
- Bolts/Tasks
- Bolts/Tasks (1.9.1)
- CryptoSwift (1.3.1)
- ESPullToRefresh (2.9.2)
- FacebookCore (0.9.0):
- FBSDKCoreKit (~> 5.0)
- FacebookLogin (0.9.0):
- FacebookCore (~> 0.9.0)
- FBSDKCoreKit (~> 5.0)
- FBSDKLoginKit (~> 5.0)
- FBSDKCoreKit (5.15.1):
- FBSDKCoreKit/Basics (= 5.15.1)
- FBSDKCoreKit/Core (= 5.15.1)
- FBSDKCoreKit/Basics (5.15.1)
- FBSDKCoreKit/Core (5.15.1):
- FBSDKCoreKit/Basics
- FBSDKLoginKit (5.15.1):
- FBSDKLoginKit/Login (= 5.15.1)
- FBSDKLoginKit/Login (5.15.1):
- FBSDKCoreKit (~> 5.0)
- FBSDKShareKit (5.15.1):
- FBSDKShareKit/Share (= 5.15.1)
- FBSDKShareKit/Share (5.15.1):
- FBSDKCoreKit (~> 5.0)
- Firebase/Analytics (3.6.0):
- FirebaseAnalytics (= 3.4.2)
- Firebase/Core (3.6.0):
- Firebase/Analytics
- Firebase/CoreOnly (6.27.0):
- FirebaseCore (= 6.8.0)
- Firebase/Crashlytics (6.27.0):
- Firebase/CoreOnly
- FirebaseCrashlytics (~> 4.2.0)
- Firebase/Performance (6.27.0):
- Firebase/CoreOnly
- FirebasePerformance (~> 3.1.11)
- Firebase/RemoteConfig (6.27.0):
- Firebase/CoreOnly
- FirebaseRemoteConfig (~> 4.6.0)
- FirebaseABTesting (3.3.0):
- FirebaseCore (~> 6.8)
- Protobuf (>= 3.9.2, ~> 3.9)
- FirebaseAnalytics (3.4.2):
- FirebaseInstanceID (~> 1.0)
- GoogleInterchangeUtilities (~> 1.2)
- GoogleSymbolUtilities (~> 1.1)
- GoogleUtilities (~> 1.2)
- FirebaseCore (6.8.0):
- FirebaseCoreDiagnostics (~> 1.3)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.5)
- GoogleUtilities/Logger (~> 6.5)
- FirebaseCoreDiagnostics (1.4.0):
- GoogleDataTransportCCTSupport (~> 3.1)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.5)
- GoogleUtilities/Logger (~> 6.5)
- nanopb (~> 1.30905.0)
- FirebaseCrashlytics (4.2.0):
- FirebaseCore (~> 6.8)
- FirebaseInstallations (~> 1.1)
- GoogleDataTransport (~> 6.1)
- GoogleDataTransportCCTSupport (~> 3.1)
- nanopb (~> 1.30905.0)
- PromisesObjC (~> 1.2)
- FirebaseInstallations (1.4.0):
- FirebaseCore (~> 6.8)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.6)
- GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (~> 6.6)
- PromisesObjC (~> 1.2)
- FirebaseInstanceID (1.0.9)
- FirebasePerformance (3.1.11):
- FirebaseCore (~> 6.6)
- FirebaseInstallations (~> 1.1)
- FirebaseRemoteConfig (~> 4.4)
- GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger (~> 2.1)
- "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib (~> 2.1)"
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.2)
- GoogleUtilities/ISASwizzler (~> 6.2)
- GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 6.2)
- GTMSessionFetcher/Core (~> 1.1)
- Protobuf (~> 3.9)
- FirebaseRemoteConfig (4.6.0):
- FirebaseABTesting (~> 3.1)
- FirebaseCore (~> 6.8)
- FirebaseInstallations (~> 1.1)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.2)
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 6.2)"
- FittedSheets (1.4.6)
- Google/Core (3.1.0):
- FirebaseAnalytics (~> 3.2)
- Google/SignIn (3.1.0):
- Google/Core
- GoogleSignIn (~> 4.0)
- GoogleAnalytics (3.17.0)
- GoogleDataTransport (6.2.1)
- GoogleDataTransportCCTSupport (3.2.0):
- GoogleDataTransport (~> 6.1)
- nanopb (~> 1.30905.0)
- GoogleInterchangeUtilities (1.2.2):
- GoogleSymbolUtilities (~> 1.1)
- GoogleMaps/Base (3.9.0)
- GooglePlaces (3.9.0):
- GoogleMaps/Base (= 3.9.0)
- GoogleSignIn (4.4.0):
- "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments (~> 2.1)"
- "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSString+URLArguments (~> 2.1)"
- GTMSessionFetcher/Core (~> 1.1)
- GoogleSymbolUtilities (1.1.2)
- GoogleToolboxForMac/DebugUtils (2.2.2):
- GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines (= 2.2.2)
- GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines (2.2.2)
- GoogleToolboxForMac/Logger (2.2.2):
- GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines (= 2.2.2)
- "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSData+zlib (2.2.2)":
- GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines (= 2.2.2)
- "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSDictionary+URLArguments (2.2.2)":
- GoogleToolboxForMac/DebugUtils (= 2.2.2)
- GoogleToolboxForMac/Defines (= 2.2.2)
- "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSString+URLArguments (= 2.2.2)"
- "GoogleToolboxForMac/NSString+URLArguments (2.2.2)"
- GoogleUtilities (1.3.2):
- GoogleSymbolUtilities (~> 1.1)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (6.6.0):
- PromisesObjC (~> 1.2)
- GoogleUtilities/ISASwizzler (6.6.0)
- GoogleUtilities/Logger (6.6.0):
- GoogleUtilities/Environment
- GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (6.6.0):
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (6.6.0)"
- GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (6.6.0):
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- GTMSessionFetcher/Core (1.4.0)
- JSONKit (1.4)
- Mantle (2.1.1):
- Mantle/extobjc (= 2.1.1)
- Mantle/extobjc (2.1.1)
- MBProgressHUD (1.2.0)
- nanopb (1.30905.0):
- nanopb/decode (= 1.30905.0)
- nanopb/encode (= 1.30905.0)
- nanopb/decode (1.30905.0)
- nanopb/encode (1.30905.0)
- OpenCV (3.3.1)
- PromisesObjC (1.2.9)
- Protobuf (3.12.0)
- RSMasterTableViewKit (1.2)
- Starscream (4.0.3)
- Stripe (15.0.2)
- SwiftRater (1.8.0)
- SwiftyJSON (5.0.0)
- TLPhotoPicker (2.0.11)
- TwitterCore (3.2.0)
- TwitterKit (3.4.2):
- TwitterCore (>= 3.2.0)