Этот вопрос включает в себя как Python, так и код Mathematica.
Я хочу решить систему сложных ОДУ численно. Первоначально я использовал NDSolve, но, поскольку мне пришлось провести обширный поиск параметров, я решил переключиться на использование Python, в частности, на SciPy-функцию resolve_ivp. Однако я быстро столкнулся со следующей проблемой:
A, B, C и D - четыре связанных комплексных ОДУ, которые я хочу решить. Примечательно, что abs (A) ^ 2 + abs (B) ^ 2 + abs (C) ^ 2 + abs (D) ^ 2 = 1 всегда выполняется (из-за характера проблемы). Действительно, в решении NDSolve это всегда верно
However, when I transferred the code to Python, the result using solve_ivp is incorrect.
![solve_ivp result](https://i.stack.imgur.com/JrAMK.png)
At first, I was sure that there was a typo when I transferred the code to Mathematica. However, I've spent a couple of days looking over the functions, and haven't found anything. I also had a friend familiar with both languages look it over, and they did not find anything either (but that was a slightly different version of the code then the one presented here, which I simplified to make more readable).
Therefore, my question is if there is something in the definition of either NDSolve or solve_ivp that might cause this difference, or if there is a way to reproduce Mathematica's result in using Python.
Mathematica Code:
r[t_, c_, b_] := Sqrt[(c*t)^2 + b^2]
Sol[t0_, tf_, C1_, C2_, a_, c_, b_, d_, \[Phi]1_, \[Phi]2_] :=
Module[{g}, g = C1*C2 ;
t] == -I (A[
t]*(C1*a/2 + C2*a*UnitStep[d - r[t, c, b]]/2 +
g/r[t, c, b]^3) -
3*g/r[t, c, b]^5*C11[t]*((c*t)^2 - b^2 - 2*I*c*t*b)),
A[t0] == Cos[\[Phi]1]/Sqrt[2],
B'[t] == -I*(D1[
t]*(2*g/r[t, c, b]^3 - 3*g/r[t, c, b]^5*((c*t)^2 + b^2)) +
B[t]*(-g/r[t, c, b]^3 + C1*a/2 -
C2*a*UnitStep[d - r[t, c, b]]/2)),
B[t0] == Sin[\[Phi]1]/Sqrt[2],
C11'[t] ==
t]*(-C1*a/2 - C2*a*UnitStep[d - r[t, c, b]]/2 +
g/r[t, c, b]^3) -
3*g/r[t, c, b]^5*A[t]*((c*t)^2 - b^2 + 2*I*c*t*b)),
C11[t0] == Sin[\[Phi]1]*E^(-I*\[Phi]2)/Sqrt[2], D1'[t] ==
-I*(B[t]*(2*g/r[t, c, b]^3 - 3*g/r[t, c, b]^5*((c*t)^2 + b^2)) +
D1[t]*(-g/r[t, c, b]^3 - C1*a/2 +
C2*a*UnitStep[d - r[t, c, b]]/2)),
D1[t0] == Cos[\[Phi]1]*E^(-I*\[Phi]2)/Sqrt[2]}, {A, B, C11,
D1}, {t, t0, tf}]]
To reproduce result:
S = Sol[-100, 100, 1, 1.25, 100, 1, 1, 10, 0, 0];
Plot[{Abs[A[t]]^2 /. S, Abs[B[t]]^2 /. S, Abs[C11[t]]^2 /. S,
Abs[D1[t]]^2 /. S,
Abs[A[t]]^2 + Abs[B[t]]^2 + Abs[C11[t]]^2 + Abs[D1[t]]^2 /.
S}, {t, -100, 100},
PlotLegends -> {"A^2", "B^2", "C^2", "D^2", "Sum=1"},
PlotLabel -> "Working Version with Mathematica NDSolve"]]
Python Code:
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def r(t, c, b):
return np.sqrt((c*t)**2 + b**2)
def coeff(t, z, k):
C1, C2, a, c, b, d = k
g = C1*C2
A, B, C, D = z
dAdt = -1j * (A * (C1*a/2 + C2*a*np.heaviside(d-r(t,c,b), 1)/2 +
g/r(t,c,b)**3) - 3*g/r(t,c,b)**5 * C * ((c * t)**2 - b**2 - 2*1j*c*t*b))
dBdt = -1j*(D*(2*g/r(t,c,b)**3 - 3*g/r(t,c,b)**5*((c*t)**2 + b**2)) + B *(-g/r(t,c,b)**3 + C1*a/2 - C2*a*np.heaviside(d-r(t,c,b), 1)/2))
dCdt = -1j * (C*(-C1*a/2 - C2*a*np.heaviside(d-r(t,c,b), 1)/2 +
g/r(t,c,b)**3) - 3*g/r(t,c,b)**5*A*((c*t)**2 - b**2 + 2*1j*c*t*b))
dDdt = -1j*(B*(2*g/r(t,c,b)**3- 3*g/r(t,c,b)**5*((c*t)**2 + b**2)) + D *(-g/r(t,c,b)**3 - C1*a/2 + C2*a*np.heaviside(d-r(t,c,b), 1)/2))
return [dAdt, dBdt, dCdt, dDdt]
def solver(t0, tf, k, phi1, phi2):
a0 = np.cos(phi1)/np.sqrt(2)
b0 = np.sin(phi1)/np.sqrt(2)
c0 = (np.sin(phi1)/np.sqrt(2))*np.exp(-1j*phi2)
d0 = (np.cos(phi1)/np.sqrt(2))*np.exp(-1j*phi2)
z0 = (a0, b0, c0, d0)
return solve_ivp(coeff, [t0, tf], z0, args=(k,))
To reproduce result:
k = [1, 1.25, 100, 1, 1, 10]
sol=solver(-100, 100, k, 0, 0)
plt.plot(sol.t, np.abs(sol.y[0])**2, label="A^2")
plt.plot(sol.t, np.abs(sol.y[1])**2, label="B^2")
plt.plot(sol.t, np.abs(sol.y[2])**2, label = "C^2")
plt.plot(sol.t, np.abs(sol.y[3])**2, label="D^2")
plt.plot(sol.t, np.abs(sol.y[0])**2+np.abs(sol.y[1])**2+np.abs(sol.y[2])**2+np.abs(sol.y[3])**2, label="Sum != 1???")
plt.title("Not Working solve_ivp Version")
I tried splitting the ODE so that I could remove the discontinuity due to the Heaviside Function. It definitely made things better, but not by much: Результат из нового кода, как показано ниже. Что я считаю наиболее интересным, так это сдвиг при t = 0, поскольку это не разрыв. Еще до этого момента функция сдвигается с Sum = 1, как это было раньше.
Новый код:
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def r(t, c, b):
return np.sqrt((c*t)**2 + b**2)
def coeff(t, z, k):
C1, C2, a, c, b, d = k
g = C1*C2
A, B, C, D = z
dAdt = -1j * (A * (C1*a/2 + C2*a/2 +
g/r(t,c,b)**3) - 3*g/r(t,c,b)**5 * C * ((c * t)**2 - b**2 - 2*1j*c*t*b))
dBdt = -1j*(D*(2*g/r(t,c,b)**3 - 3*g/r(t,c,b)**5*((c*t)**2 + b**2)) + B *(-g/r(t,c,b)**3 + C1*a/2 - C2*a/2))
dCdt = -1j * (C*(-C1*a/2 - C2*a/2 +
g/r(t,c,b)**3) - 3*g/r(t,c,b)**5*A*((c*t)**2 - b**2 + 2*1j*c*t*b))
dDdt = -1j*(B*(2*g/r(t,c,b)**3- 3*g/r(t,c,b)**5*((c*t)**2 + b**2)) + D *(-g/r(t,c,b)**3 - C1*a/2 + C2*a))
return [dAdt, dBdt, dCdt, dDdt]
def coeff2(t, z, k):
C1, C2, a, c, b, d = k
g = C1*C2
A, B, C, D = z
dAdt = -1j * (A * (C1*a/2 +
g/r(t,c,b)**3) - 3*g/r(t,c,b)**5 * C * ((c * t)**2 - b**2 - 2*1j*c*t*b))
dBdt = -1j*(D*(2*g/r(t,c,b)**3 - 3*g/r(t,c,b)**5*((c*t)**2 + b**2)) + B *(-g/r(t,c,b)**3 + C1*a/2))
dCdt = -1j * (C*(-C1*a/2 +
g/r(t,c,b)**3) - 3*g/r(t,c,b)**5*A*((c*t)**2 - b**2 + 2*1j*c*t*b))
dDdt = -1j*(B*(2*g/r(t,c,b)**3- 3*g/r(t,c,b)**5*((c*t)**2 + b**2)) + D *(-g/r(t,c,b)**3 - C1*a/2))
return [dAdt, dBdt, dCdt, dDdt]
def solver(t0, tf, k, phi1, phi2, order=1):
a0 = np.cos(phi1)/np.sqrt(2)
b0 = np.sin(phi1)/np.sqrt(2)
c0 = (np.sin(phi1)/np.sqrt(2))*np.exp(-1j*phi2)
d0 = (np.cos(phi1)/np.sqrt(2))*np.exp(-1j*phi2)
z0 = (a0, b0, c0, d0)
if order == 2 :
return solve_ivp(coeff, [t0, tf], z0, args=(k,))
return solve_ivp(coeff2, [t0, tf], z0, args=(k,))
k = [1, 1.25, 100, 1, 1, 10]
t1 = -np.sqrt(k[-1]**2 - k[-2]**2)/k[-4] - 0.00000001
t2 = np.sqrt(k[-1]**2 - k[-2]**2)/k[-4] + 0.000000001
sol1 = solver(t0, t1, k, 0, 0)
sol2 = solve_ivp(coeff, [t1,t2], [sol1.y[0][-1], sol1.y[1][-1], sol1.y[2][-1], sol1.y[3][-1]], args=(k,))
sol3 = solve_ivp(coeff2, [t2,tf], [sol2.y[0][-1], sol2.y[1][-1], sol2.y[2][-1], sol2.y[3][-1]], args=(k,))
t = np.concatenate((sol1.t,sol2.t, sol3.t), axis=None)
A = np.concatenate((sol1.y[0],sol2.y[0],sol3.y[0]), axis=None)
B = np.concatenate((sol1.y[1],sol2.y[1],sol3.y[1]), axis=None)
C = np.concatenate((sol1.y[2],sol2.y[2],sol3.y[2]), axis=None)
D = np.concatenate((sol1.y[3],sol2.y[3],sol3.y[3]), axis=None)
plt.plot(t, np.abs(A)**2, label="A^2")
plt.plot(t, np.abs(B)**2, label="B^2")
plt.plot(t, np.abs(C)**2, label = "C^2")
plt.plot(t, np.abs(D)**2, label="D^2")
plt.plot(t, np.abs(A)**2+np.abs(B)**2+np.abs(C)**2+np.abs(D)**2, label="Sum != 1???")
plt.title("Not Working solve_ivp Version")