def CreateAccount():
Username = input("Username: ") #Enter Username
Username.replace(" ", "") #Removes spaces (Optional)
AppValid = True #Default value that changes if duplicate account found
File = open("Accounts.txt","r") #Checking if username already exits
for Line in File:
Account = Line.split(",")
if Account[0] == Application:
print("There is already an Account with this Username")
AppValid = False #Changing value if username exits
if AppValid == True: #If username not found, carries on
Password = input("Password: ") #Asks for Password
CheckPassword = input("Password: ")
if Password == CheckPassword:
print("Password's Match!") #Password Match
print("No match")
File = open("Accounts.txt","a") #Writing new account to File
File.write(Username + "," + Password + "\n")
def ViewAccount(Username, Password):
File = open("Accounts.txt","r")
Data = File.readlines()
if len(Data) == 0:
print("You have no Accounts") #Account not found since no accounts
AccountFound = false
for X in Data: #Looping through account data
if X[0] == Username: #Username match
if X[1] == Password:
AccountFound = true
print("Account Found")
if AccountFound = false:
print("Account not FOUND")
Есть какой-то код, который я скинул (JK, моя рука болит от его ввода, и моя клавиатура кричит), но вернемся к делу. Split ("") разделит строку на список на основе пробелов для этого примера , например:
String = "Hello There"
String = String.split(" ") #Or String.split() only owrks for spaces by default
print("Output:", String[0]) #Output: Hello
print("Output:", String[1]) #Output: There
String = "Word1, Word2"
String = String.split(", ") #Splits string by inserted value
print("Output:", String[0]) #Output: Word1
print("Output:", String[1]) #Output: Word2
String = "abcdefghijklmnop"
String = String.split("jk") #Splits string by inserted value
print("Output:", String[0]) #Output: abcdefghi
print("Output:", String[1]) #Output: lmnop