У меня следующий скрипт работает правильно. Это для проверки информации об IP из netbox API. Я хотел бы знать, что добавить, чтобы я мог импортировать список IP-адресов и запустить его для сценария:
import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) #Disable warning for SSL Error
ip_address = input("Enter the IP Address you want to search: ")
apiBaseUrl = "https://netbox.local/api"
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Token 5c915999999998ad82112b3b5880199769894421' #Here you can add your own token
def get_hostInterfaceDescription(ip4):
resp = requests.get(apiBaseUrl + '/ipam/ip-addresses/?q=' + ip4,headers=headers,verify=False).json()
return resp['results'][0]["description"] #this gets the description information
desc = get_hostInterfaceDescription(ip_address)
print("Description found in Netbox: " + desc)
except TypeError or IndexError:
print("Description Not found")
def get_hostInterfaceTenant(ip4):
resp = requests.get(apiBaseUrl + '/ipam/ip-addresses/?q=' + ip4,headers=headers,verify=False).json()
return resp['results'][0]["tenant"]["name"] #this gets the description information
tenant = get_hostInterfaceTenant(ip_address)
print("Tenant found in Netbox: " + tenant)
except TypeError or IndexError:
print("Tenant Not found")
def get_hostInterfaceVRF(ip4):
resp = requests.get(apiBaseUrl + '/ipam/ip-addresses/?q=' + ip4, headers=headers, verify=False).json()
return resp['results'][0]["tenant"]["name"] # this gets the description information
vrf = get_hostInterfaceVRF(ip_address)
print("VRF found in Netbox: " + vrf)
except TypeError or IndexError:
print("VRF Not Found")