Я создаю активность уведомлений, чтобы показать все полученные уведомления pu sh. Итак, с помощью realm helper oneSignal уведомления успешно сохраняются .. но как сохранить уведомления Firebase
import android.util.Log;
import com.onesignal.OSNotification;
import com.onesignal.OneSignal;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import io.realm.Realm;
public class MyNotificationReceivedHandler implements OneSignal.NotificationReceivedHandler {
private static String TAG = MyNotificationReceivedHandler.class.getSimpleName();
private Realm realm;
private RealmHelper helper;
public void notificationReceived(OSNotification notification) {
JSONObject data = notification.payload.additionalData;
Log.i(TAG, "notificationReceived: " + data);
String customKey;
realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
NotificationsModel notificationsModel = new NotificationsModel();
helper = new RealmHelper(realm);
String title, message;
if (notification.payload.title == null) {
title = "PushNotificationDemo";
} else {
title = notification.payload.title;
if (notification.payload.body == null) {
message = "";
} else {
message = notification.payload.body;
if (data != null) {
//While sending a Push notification from OneSignal dashboard
// you can send an addtional data named "customkey" and retrieve the value of it and do necessary operation
customKey = data.optString("customkey", null);
if (customKey != null)
Log.i("OneSignalExample", "customkey set with value: " + customKey);
Это код для уведомления о сохранении одного сигнала. Мне нужен firebase