Добавляет ли этот журнал ясности?
/ entering recursion with input = [1,2,3], set = [], result = []
| looping, i = 0
| adding 1 to set
| / entering recursion with input = [2,3], set = [1], result = []
| | looping, i = 0
| | adding 2 to set
| | / entering recursion with input = [3], set = [1,2], result = []
| | | looping, i = 0
| | | adding 3 to set
| | | / entering recursion with input = [], set = [1,2,3], result = []
| | | | adding 123 to result
| | | \ returning [123]
| | | removing 3 from set
| | \ returning [123]
| | removing 2 from set
| | looping, i = 1
| | adding 3 to set
| | / entering recursion with input = [2], set = [1,3], result = [123]
| | | looping, i = 0
| | | adding 2 to set
| | | / entering recursion with input = [], set = [1,3,2], result = [123]
| | | | adding 132 to result
| | | \ returning [123,132]
| | | removing 2 from set
| | \ returning [123,132]
| | removing 3 from set
| \ returning [123,132]
| removing 1 from set
| looping, i = 1
| adding 2 to set
| / entering recursion with input = [1,3], set = [2], result = [123,132]
| | looping, i = 0
| | adding 1 to set
| | / entering recursion with input = [3], set = [2,1], result = [123,132]
| | | looping, i = 0
| | | adding 3 to set
| | | / entering recursion with input = [], set = [2,1,3], result = [123,132]
| | | | adding 213 to result
| | | \ returning [123,132,213]
| | | removing 3 from set
| | \ returning [123,132,213]
| | removing 1 from set
| | looping, i = 1
| | adding 3 to set
| | / entering recursion with input = [1], set = [2,3], result = [123,132,213]
| | | looping, i = 0
| | | adding 1 to set
| | | / entering recursion with input = [], set = [2,3,1], result = [123,132,213]
| | | | adding 231 to result
| | | \ returning [123,132,213,231]
| | | removing 1 from set
| | \ returning [123,132,213,231]
| | removing 3 from set
| \ returning [123,132,213,231]
| removing 2 from set
| looping, i = 2
| adding 3 to set
| / entering recursion with input = [1,2], set = [3], result = [123,132,213,231]
| | looping, i = 0
| | adding 1 to set
| | / entering recursion with input = [2], set = [3,1], result = [123,132,213,231]
| | | looping, i = 0
| | | adding 2 to set
| | | / entering recursion with input = [], set = [3,1,2], result = [123,132,213,231]
| | | | adding 312 to result
| | | \ returning [123,132,213,231,312]
| | | removing 2 from set
| | \ returning [123,132,213,231,312]
| | removing 1 from set
| | looping, i = 1
| | adding 2 to set
| | / entering recursion with input = [1], set = [3,2], result = [123,132,213,231,312]
| | | looping, i = 0
| | | adding 1 to set
| | | / entering recursion with input = [], set = [3,2,1], result = [123,132,213,231,312]
| | | | adding 321 to result
| | | \ returning [123,132,213,231,312,321]
| | | removing 1 from set
| | \ returning [123,132,213,231,312,321]
| | removing 2 from set
| \ returning [123,132,213,231,312,321]
| removing 3 from set
\ returning [123,132,213,231,312,321]
Вы можете увидеть, как я добавил ведение журнала в ваш код, в этом фрагменте:
const log = (depth, message) =>
console .log ('| '.repeat (depth) + message)
function recursion(input, set = [], result = [], depth = 0) {
log (depth, `/ entering recursion with input = [${input}], set = [${set}], result = [${result}]`)
if (!input.length) {
log (depth, `| adding ${[...set].join('')} to result`)
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
log (depth, `| looping, i = ${i}`)
const newArr = input.filter((n, index) => index !== i);
log (depth, `| adding ${input[i]} to set` )
recursion(newArr, set, result, depth + 1);
log (depth, `| removing ${input[i]} from set` )
log (depth, `\\ returning [${result}]`)
return result.join(', ');
console .log (recursion([1, 2, 3]))
.as-console-wrapper {min-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
(но вывод консоли ограничен последними 50 строками.)