Я пытаюсь переключиться между анимацией реактивного двигателя, но анимация ожидает завершения текущей анимации, а затем запускается анимация, щелкнувшая вторым. Есть ли способ перемотать текущую анимацию вперед и сразу переключиться на вторую. ниже приведен код объекта реактивного двигателя.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
public class mainScript : MonoBehaviour
Animator first;
bool firstTrig = false;
bool secondTrig = false;
bool thirdTrig = false;
bool fourthTrig = false;
string temp = "";
string tempOld = "";
private TMP_Text m_TextComponent;
private bool hasTextChanged;
int visibleCount = 0;
void Awake()
////m_TextComponent = gameObject.GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
m_TextComponent = GameObject.Find("/information").GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
void OnEnable()
// Subscribe to event fired when text object has been regenerated.
void OnDisable()
// Event received when the text object has changed.
void ON_TEXT_CHANGED(Object obj)
hasTextChanged = true;
/* /// <summary> */
/// Method revealing the text one character at a time.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
IEnumerator RevealCharacters(TMP_Text textComponent)
TMP_TextInfo textInfo = textComponent.textInfo;
int totalVisibleCharacters = textInfo.characterCount; // Get # of Visible Character in text object
//int visibleCount = 0;
while (true)
if (hasTextChanged)
totalVisibleCharacters = textInfo.characterCount; // Update visible character count.
hasTextChanged = false;
if (visibleCount > totalVisibleCharacters)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.01f);
//visibleCount = 0;
textComponent.maxVisibleCharacters = visibleCount; // How many characters should TextMeshPro display?
visibleCount += 1;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);
yield return null;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
first = GetComponent<Animator>();
//m_TextComponent = GetComponent<TMP_Text>();
//TMP_Text m_TextComponent = gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(TMP_Text)) as TMP_Text;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
RaycastHit hit;
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
temp = hit.collider.name.ToString();
if (temp == "Component_001")
Debug.Log("open trig");
if (temp == "Fan_half004")
m_TextComponent.text = "FAN \nThe fan is the first component in a turbofan. The large spinning " +
"fan sucks in large quantities of air. Most blades of the fan are made of titanium. " +
"It then speeds this air up and splits it into two parts. One part continues through the core or centre of the engine, " +
"where it is acted upon by the other engine components.The second part bypasses the core of the engine." +
"It goes through a duct that surrounds the core to the back of the engine where it produces much of the " +
"force that propels the aeroplane forward.This cooler air helps to quiet the engine as well as adding thrust to the engine.";
if (temp != tempOld)
visibleCount = 0;
tempOld = temp;
if (firstTrig == false)
Debug.Log("part1out " + tempOld.ToString());
firstTrig = true;
if (firstTrig)
Debug.Log("part1In " + tempOld.ToString());
firstTrig = false;
if (temp == "Cylinder074")
m_TextComponent.text = "Compressor \nThe compressor is the first component in the engine core. " +
"The compressor is made up of fans with many blades and attached to a shaft." +
" The compressor squeezes the air that enters it into progressively smaller " +
"areas, resulting in an increase in the air pressure. This results in an " +
"increase in the energy potential of the air. The squashed air is forced into " +
"the combustion chamber.";
if (temp != tempOld)
visibleCount = 0;
tempOld = temp;
if (secondTrig == false)
secondTrig = true;
Debug.Log("part2out " + tempOld.ToString());
if (secondTrig)
Debug.Log("part2In " + tempOld.ToString());
secondTrig = false;
if (temp == "Circle055")
m_TextComponent.text = "Combustor \nIn the combustor, the air is mixed with fuel and then " +
"ignited. There are as many as 20 nozzles to spray fuel into the airstream." +
" The mixture of air and fuel catches fire. This provides a high temperature, " +
"high-energy airflow. The fuel burns with the oxygen in the compressed air, " +
"producing hot expanding gases. The inside of the combustor is often made of " +
"ceramic materials to provide a heat-resistant chamber. The heat can reach 2000°C " +
"or more.";
if (temp != tempOld)
visibleCount = 0;
tempOld = temp;
if (thirdTrig == false)
thirdTrig = true;
Debug.Log("part3Out " + tempOld.ToString());
if (thirdTrig)
Debug.Log("part3In " + tempOld.ToString());
thirdTrig = false;
if (temp == "Object028" || temp == "Object027")
m_TextComponent.text = "Nozzle \nThe nozzle is the exhaust duct of the engine. This is " +
"the engine part which actually produces the thrust for the plane. The " +
"energy depleted airflow that passed the turbine, in addition to the colder " +
"air that bypassed the engine core, produces a force when exiting the " +
"nozzle that acts to propel the engine, and therefore the aeroplane, " +
"forward. The combination of the hot air and cold air are expelled and " +
"produce an exhaust, which causes a forward thrust. The nozzle may be " +
"preceded by a mixer, which combines the high-temperature air coming from " +
"the engine core with the lower temperature air that was bypassed in the " +
if (temp != tempOld)
visibleCount = 0;
tempOld = temp;
if (fourthTrig == false)
visibleCount = 0;
fourthTrig = true;
Debug.Log("part4Out " + tempOld.ToString());
if (fourthTrig)
Debug.Log("part4In " + tempOld.ToString());
fourthTrig = false;
изображения реактивного двигателя и контроллера аниматора прилагаются.
реактивный двигатель
контроллер аниматора
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