KeyboardAwareScrollView дополнительная высота с несколькими текстовыми вводами - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 12 июля 2020

У меня есть экран с 2 текстовыми вводами внутри KeyboardAwareScrollView :

enter image description here

When the user fills the text inputs, an action button appears in the bottom:

enter image description here

I want the action button to be always visible if the user fills all the details, so i did the following:

// the button goes here

The problem is that the button covers the last text input if the keyboard is open:

enter image description here

So i added extraScrollHeight and extraHeight to the KeyboardAwareScrollView, it works fine if there are no already focused textInputs.

However, if there is an already focused textInput and the user presses on another one, no extra scroll space is added.

Meaning that if the user presses on the name field, fill his name and then presses on email field,extraScrollHeight will be ignored.

My container looks like the following:



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