Тип проблемы: Ошибка
- Запуск расширения
- Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши файл переформатирования (файл .items из openhab)
Версия VS Code: Code 1.47.0 Версия ОС: Darwin x64 19.5.0
Привет, ребята,
В следующей реализации ничего не происходит при сохранении файла (форматирование при сохранении включено) или при переформатировании файла с помощью правой кнопки мыши. Я пробовал много других решений, но ни одно из них не помогло. Надеюсь, вы сможете мне помочь.
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
vscode.languages.registerDocumentFormattingEditProvider("openhab", {
provideDocumentFormattingEdits(document: vscode.TextDocument, options: vscode.FormattingOptions): vscode.TextEdit[] {
var range = getDocumentRange(document);
var content = document.getText(range);
var result: vscode.TextEdit[] = [];
var formatted = formatItemFile();
//if (formatted) {
// result.push(new vscode.TextEdit(range, formatted));
return formatted;
export function formatItemFile(): vscode.TextEdit[] {
var result: vscode.TextEdit[] = [];
// Get the section lengths of each line with an item in it.
// Only execute if there's an active text editor
if (!vscode.window.activeTextEditor) {
return result;
// Define the basic vscode variables
let doc = vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document;
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
let currentPos = editor.selection.active;
let newPos: vscode.Position;
let itemArray: Array<Item>;
itemArray = new Array();
// Get the format configuration settings
let config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("oh-alignment-tool");
let preserveWhitespace = config.preserveWhitespace;
// Reset the comment tracker
isInBlockComment = false;
// Clear the file in case of line-by-line item definitions
for (let index = 0; index < doc.lineCount; index++) {
// Get Position at the beginning of the current line and start a selection
newPos = currentPos.with(index, 0);
editor.selection = new vscode.Selection(newPos, newPos);
// Get Text of current line and check if there is a comment in it
let lineText = doc.lineAt(newPos.line);
var comment = doc.getWordRangeAtPosition(newPos.with(newPos.line, 0), REGEX_COMMENT);
var blockComment = doc.getWordRangeAtPosition(newPos.with(newPos.line, 0), REGEX_START_BLOCKCOMMENT);
var endBlockComment = doc.getWordRangeAtPosition(newPos.with(newPos.line, 0), REGEX_END_BLOCKCOMMENT);
// If line is empty or contains a comment continue to the next line
if (lineText.text.length === 0 || lineText.isEmptyOrWhitespace) {
} else if (comment) {
} else if (blockComment && endBlockComment) {
isInBlockComment = false;
} else if (blockComment) {
isInBlockComment = true;
} else if (endBlockComment) {
isInBlockComment = false;
} else if (isInBlockComment) {
// Default these to empty. They will be changed
// if they exist in the item definition
let itemType = "";
let itemName = "";
let itemLabel = "";
let itemIcon = "";
let itemGroup = "";
let itemTag = "";
let itemChannel = "";
let itemComment = "";
// Check if there is leading Whitespace. If Yes add one in size of a tab.
let leadingWhiteSpace = lineText.firstNonWhitespaceCharacterIndex;
if (preserveWhitespace === false) {
leadingWhiteSpace = 0;
// Discover item Type
// Count Whitespace or tabs at the begin of the line
newPos = newPos.with(newPos.line, newPos.character + utils.countWhitespace(doc, newPos));
var wordRange = doc.getWordRangeAtPosition(newPos, REGEX_ITEM_TYPE);
if (wordRange && wordRange.isSingleLine) {
itemType = doc.getText(wordRange);
highestTypeLength = itemType.length > highestTypeLength ? itemType.length : highestTypeLength;
newPos = newPos.with(newPos.line, newPos.character + itemType.length);
newPos = newPos.with(newPos.line, newPos.character + utils.countWhitespace(doc, newPos));
// Discover item Name
var itemNameRange = doc.getWordRangeAtPosition(newPos, REGEX_ITEM_NAME);
if (itemNameRange && itemNameRange.isSingleLine) {
itemName = doc.getText(itemNameRange);
highestNameLength = itemName.length > highestNameLength ? itemName.length : highestNameLength;
newPos = newPos.with(newPos.line, newPos.character + itemName.length);
newPos = newPos.with(newPos.line, newPos.character + utils.countWhitespace(doc, newPos));
// Must have a type and name to continue
if (itemType.length === 0 || itemName.length === 0) {
// Discover item Label
let itemLabelRange = doc.getWordRangeAtPosition(newPos, REGEX_ITEM_LABEL);
if (itemLabelRange && itemLabelRange.isSingleLine) {
itemLabel = doc.getText(itemLabelRange);
highestLabelLength = itemLabel.length > highestLabelLength ? itemLabel.length : highestLabelLength;
newPos = newPos.with(newPos.line, newPos.character + itemLabel.length);
newPos = newPos.with(newPos.line, newPos.character + utils.countWhitespace(doc, newPos));
// Discover item Icon
let itemIconRange = doc.getWordRangeAtPosition(newPos, REGEX_ITEM_ICON);
if (itemIconRange && itemIconRange.isSingleLine) {
itemIcon = doc.getText(itemIconRange);
highestIconLength = itemIcon.length > highestIconLength ? itemIcon.length : highestIconLength;
newPos = newPos.with(newPos.line, newPos.character + itemIcon.length);
newPos = newPos.with(newPos.line, newPos.character + utils.countWhitespace(doc, newPos));
// Discover item Group
let itemGroupRange = doc.getWordRangeAtPosition(newPos, REGEX_ITEM_GROUP);
if (itemGroupRange && itemGroupRange.isSingleLine) {
itemGroup = doc.getText(itemGroupRange);
highestGroupLength = itemGroup.length > highestGroupLength ? itemGroup.length : highestGroupLength;
newPos = newPos.with(newPos.line, newPos.character + itemGroup.length);
newPos = newPos.with(newPos.line, newPos.character + utils.countWhitespace(doc, newPos));
// Discover item Tag
let itemTagRange = doc.getWordRangeAtPosition(newPos, REGEX_ITEM_TAG);
if (itemTagRange && itemTagRange.isSingleLine) {
itemTag = doc.getText(itemTagRange);
highestTagLength = itemTag.length > highestTagLength ? itemTag.length : highestTagLength;
//console.log("Tag: " + itemTag);
newPos = newPos.with(newPos.line, newPos.character + itemTag.length);
newPos = newPos.with(newPos.line, newPos.character + utils.countWhitespace(doc, newPos));
// Discover item Channel
let itemChannelRange = doc.getWordRangeAtPosition(newPos, REGEX_ITEM_CHANNEL);
if (itemChannelRange && itemChannelRange.isSingleLine) {
itemChannel = doc.getText(itemChannelRange);
highestChannelLength = itemChannel.length > highestChannelLength ? itemChannel.length : highestChannelLength;
newPos = newPos.with(newPos.line, newPos.character + itemChannel.length);
newPos = newPos.with(newPos.line, newPos.character + utils.countWhitespace(doc, newPos));
// Discover comment at end of line
let itemCommentRange = doc.getWordRangeAtPosition(newPos, REGEX_EOL_COMMENT);
if (itemCommentRange && itemCommentRange.isSingleLine) {
itemComment = doc.getText(itemCommentRange);
newPos = newPos.with(newPos.line, newPos.character + itemComment.length);
newPos = newPos.with(newPos.line, newPos.character + utils.countWhitespace(doc, newPos));
// Add the new item to the itemArray
itemArray.push(new Item(index, leadingWhiteSpace, itemType, itemName, itemLabel, itemIcon, itemGroup, itemTag, itemChannel, itemComment));
// Convert the column lengths to tabs
highestTypeLength = utils.generateTabFromSpaces(highestTypeLength);
highestNameLength = utils.generateTabFromSpaces(highestNameLength);
highestLabelLength = utils.generateTabFromSpaces(highestLabelLength);
highestIconLength = utils.generateTabFromSpaces(highestIconLength);
highestGroupLength = utils.generateTabFromSpaces(highestGroupLength);
highestTagLength = utils.generateTabFromSpaces(highestTagLength);
highestChannelLength = utils.generateTabFromSpaces(highestChannelLength);
// Insert the newly formatted items
itemArray.forEach(function (item) {
newPos = currentPos.with(item.line, 0);
editor.selection = new vscode.Selection(newPos, newPos);
let reformattedItem = formatItem(item);
if (reformattedItem !== "") {
let selection = new vscode.Range(newPos, newPos.with(newPos.line, doc.lineAt(newPos.line).text.length));
result.push(new vscode.TextEdit(selection, reformattedItem));
// Apply all clean and formatting Edits
//textWorkEdit.set(doc.uri, textTextEdits);
//await vscode.workspace.applyEdit(textWorkEdit);
return result;