всегда ошибки
`16:3 error Property name `type_array` must match one of the following formats: camelCase, UPPER_CASE, PascalCase @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
16:3 error Identifier 'type_array' is not in camel case
16:3 error Property name `instument_view_id` must match one of the following formats: camelCase, UPPER_CASE, PascalCase`
пробую правила со страницы https://eslint.org/docs/2.0.0/rules/camelcase добавить в .eslintr c. js варианты, но у меня ничего не работает .. :(
`rules: {
camelcase: ['error', {properties: 'always'}],
rules: {
camelcase: ['error', {allow: ['aa_bb']}],,