Private Sub replaceCurrency()
Dim sld As Slide
Dim oSh As Shape
Dim last, start, i, X As Long
Dim trFoundText As TextRange, shpText As TextRange
Dim allMatches As Object, match As Object, RE As Object
Set sld = Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide
Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
On Error GoTo Replace_in_Shapes_Error
With RE
.Global = True
.Multiline = False
.ignorecase = True
.Pattern = "([$€£¥])([ ])+(?=\d)" 'Checks for currencies with one or more following space(s)
End With
For Each oSh In sld.Shapes
With oSh
If .HasTextFrame Then
Set shpText = oSh.TextFrame.TextRange
Set allMatches = RE.Execute(shpText)
For Each match In allMatches
Debug.Print "txtfr: " & match.submatches(0)
Debug.Print "txtfr: " & match.firstindex
Set trFoundText = oSh.TextFrame.TextRange.Find(match.submatches(0))
If Not (trFoundText Is Nothing) Then
start = match.firstindex
last = oSh.TextFrame.TextRange.Find(match.submatches(0)).Characters.Length
oSh.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(start, last + 3).Select
End If
ElseIf .Type = msoGroup Then
For X = 1 To .GroupItems.Count
If .GroupItems(X).HasTextFrame Then
If .GroupItems(X).TextFrame.HasText Then
Set shpText = .GroupItems(X).TextFrame.TextRange
Set allMatches = RE.Execute(shpText)
For Each match In allMatches
Debug.Print "txtfr+Grup: " & match.submatches(0)
Debug.Print "txtfr+Grup: " & match.firstindex
For i = 0 To (match.submatches.Count) - 1
Set trFoundText = oSh.TextFrame.TextRange.Find(match.submatches(i))
If Not (trFoundText Is Nothing) Then
start = match.firstindex
last = oSh.TextFrame.TextRange.Find(match.submatches(0)).Characters.Length
oSh.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(start, last + 3).Select
End If
Next i
Next match
End If
End If
Next X
End If
End With
Next oSh
Без потерь при форматировании при выполнении. Все хорошо. но за исключением выполнения сгруппированных элементов в строке кода ---> Set trFoundText = o Sh .TextFrame.TextRange.Find (match.submatches (i)) ---> пропустил его выполнение.
Нужна помощь, чтобы получить значение в приведенной выше строке кода для сгруппированных элементов