Я работаю с Symfony 4, PHP 7.2, выполняю обновление с Symfony 3 и PHP 7.1
One of the routines (call it XXYY) now fails to route. This occurs both on Windows using symfony server, and on apache on a Linux box. On other routines, routing works.
From Windows: > php bin/console debug:router | findstr "XXYY" yields
XXYY GET | POST https ANY / {_ locale} / XXYY
From Windows: > php bin/console route:match XXYY yields
[ОШИБКА] Ни один из маршрутов не соответствует пути «XXYY»
From Linux: # php bin/console debug:router | grep XXYY yields
XXYY GET | POST https ANY / {_ locale} / XXYY
From Linux: # php bin / console route: match XXYY возвращает [ERROR] Ни один из маршрутов не соответствует пути «XXYY».
Any help in understanding how to debug routing, when symfony's two tools disagree as to the status, greatly appreciated.