SwiftUI - Как дополнить несколько аннотаций с помощью LandmarkData. json из Bundle без .plist в Bundle - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 12 июля 2020

Что я сделал: Карта с несколькими аннотациями Работает и выглядит очень хорошо, но

taken from my iPhone (Daniel Frank-Vetter 2020Juli12 Screen-Picture from Daniel Frank-Vetter

What I like to have ... I like to have the Geo-data in the json-file within the project-navigator (Bundle). I was able to make a clusterAnnotationView with the .plist. Please be so kind to give me a few lines of code, how to do it with SwiftUI and .json in bundle. I searched GitHub, stackoverflow and tried out several days without success.

1. This is the Code-Data for the Annotations

import Foundation
import MapKit
import SwiftUI

class **LandmarkAnnotation** : NSObject, MKAnnotation {
    let title: String?
    let subtitle: String?
    let coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D
                init(title:      String?,
                     subtitle:   String?,
                     coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D)
                     {self.title = title
                      self.subtitle = subtitle
                      self.coordinate = coordinate}
    static func requestMockData()-> [LandmarkAnnotation]{
           return [
              LandmarkAnnotation(title: "Aachen",
                                  subtitle: "Karls Dom",
                                  coordinate: .init(latitude: 50.774910, longitude: 6.083951)),
               LandmarkAnnotation(title: "Vaals",
                                  subtitle: "Aachens `kleine Schwerster` in den Niederlanden",
                                  coordinate: .init(latitude: 50.773437, longitude: 6.016159)),
               LandmarkAnnotation(title: "Köln",
                                  subtitle: "Dom",
                                  coordinate: .init(latitude: 50.941278, longitude: 6.958281))

2. This is the code in MapView

import SwiftUI
import MapKit

struct **MapView**: UIViewRepresentable {
    var coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D
    let landmarks = LandmarkAnnotation.requestMockData()
    func makeUIView(context: Context) -> MKMapView {
        MKMapView(frame: .zero)

    func updateUIView(_ view: MKMapView, context: Context) {
        let span = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.02, longitudeDelta: 0.02)
        let region = MKCoordinateRegion(center: coordinate, span: span)
        view.setRegion(region, animated: true)

3. This is the data.json File

        "name": "Dreiländer-Eck",
        "category": "A",
        "city": "Vaals, Kelmis, Aachen",
        "state": "NE, BE, D ",
        "id": 1001,
        "park": "Weltkulturerbe",
        "coordinates": {
            "longitude": 6.020776,
            "latitude": 50.754482
        "imageName": "dreilaenderpunkt"
        "name": "Dom zu Köln",
        "category": "B",
        "city": "Köln",
        "state": "NRW",
        "id": 1002,
        "park": "Weltkulturerbe",
        "coordinates": {
            "longitude": 6.95828,
            "latitude": 50.94145
        "imageName": "dom"

4. This is the Model

struct **Landmark**: Hashable, Codable, Identifiable {
    var id: Int
    var name: String
    fileprivate var imageName: String
    fileprivate var coordinates: Coordinates
    var state: String
    var park: String
    var category: Category
    var locationCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D {
            latitude: coordinates.latitude,
            longitude: coordinates.longitude)    
    enum Category: String, CaseIterable, Codable, Hashable {
        case featured = "A"
        case lakes = "B"
        case rivers = "C"

extension Landmark {
    var image: Image {
        ImageStore.shared.image(name: imageName)

struct Coordinates: Hashable, Codable {
    var latitude: Double
    var longitude: Double

5. Here the code for parsing landmarkData.json from Model

let landmarkData: [Landmark] = load("landmarkData.json")
func load(_ filename: String) -> T {
    let data: Data

Ссылка: Учебник Apple SwiftUI
